Ive had this bike for about 5 years, bought it off a buddy who use to race it but I never got around to racing it only park riding. The time has come where I need some space due to having 6 other bicycles. This is a fun classic bike with some nice parts. 600 shipped obo. If you would like more pictures feel free to text me @ 386-299-9006. Thanks, Cameron! Also i can throw in some black Fiend forks and some rusty Fly Montana bars if needed
Frame: Standard 125 3/8ths drop outs 21tt spanish bb
Fork: Standard i believe
Bars:standard 8,25
Grips: odi
Stem: DK american made top load
Seat: new S&M railed seat
Post: polished railed post profile seat clamp
Cranks: profile 175mm
Pedals: fly Reuben metal
Sprocket: mosh 44t
Chain: kmc
Tires: primo rear kink front
Front Wheel: profile laced to a sun rim
Rear Wheel: 3/8th 16t profile laced to a sun rim
brakes: junk