The Street > The Lounge

Besides the T1 dudes, what riders are you guys stoked on lately?

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Matt Roe, Lima, Bas Keep, Greg Illingworth, Brad Simms, Animal crew

Narcoleptic Insomniac:
FBM have a pretty solid crew these days: Kenny Horton, Dillon Leper, Seamus Mckeon, Eric Holladay and some other dudes i can't remember.

Even though the company is looked down on here, the shadow/subrosa guys really throw down. I got to ride with Jono hopping for a minute before he left AZ and dude is just monstrous. Kyle hart is a treat to watch as well, I like his fast plant variations.

I hardly follow BMX regularly any more, so I don't really have a clue who's been making moves. I'm going to say Lance Armstrong; I hear that dude is totally legit.

Matt Cordova, dude rips!

All the Backbone BMX videos kill too!


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