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S A N D L E // V I S I O N // A Music Travelogue

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A friend of mine mentioned that she likes to see is more inclined to view things if the person who made it explains things a bit more. I'm awful with talking about myself being a pretty private individual but filming is something I really like to do, plus Omar and his music are both da jam.


Part 1:

I was moving back to the East Coast from the West and I hit up Omar to come back with me. We're both people who do creative stuff a bit so a project naturally kind of sprung from it.

The canyon in the beginning is the Grand Canyon. Pictures and video don't really do the place justice at all.

The cave towards the end was something we found while we made a detour from the highway to this dirt road. We just kept going just to see where it ends I think Omar had to take a poop or something but it ended up at this cave. We went kind of deep, deep enough to scare us cause we were convinced there was some be all sorts weirdness deeper into it. Then that movie 'The Descent' came into my head and saying that we were already in the middle of the desert probably miles away from any other people, we both noped out of there.

The last beach is Galveston, TX. We didn't stay there real long but the beginning 'abstract' sequence and the last ferris wheel are the same thing. I sometimes like to add a bit of thematic easter egg type stuff and with this one at the end, I cut it off when the ferris wheel turned red. Which I feel like sets it up for the next video...

Part 2:
This one was made out of extra footage that didn't really fit anywhere else. It was a really weird trip at times, sometimes downright spooky and I wanted to present that part of the trip too. I'm kind of proud of this a bit more than the rest. For it to have the feel it did, I busted my balls editing footage that didn't remotely look like any of the stuff presented. I messed around a lot with colors and effects to give it a certain feel that it didn't originally have.

The ending credit sequence is this famous thing in Austin where all the bats leave this bridge at night time. At first I was kind of disappointed cause they weren't that big and I was a dumb for expecting something like in Batman but looking back at the footage it turned out real cool and fit real good. Also this is the only one where Omar didn't make the music.

Part 3:
I really had fun editing this one. We stopped by Roswell, New Mexico which is famous for that supposed UFO coverup in the 60's. You can tell the town ate it up and was completely about it. We visited the official UFO museum/'research' center and couldn't stop geeking out over how ridiculous all this stuff was. It's kind of presented in a serious way but most definitely was not when we were there.

Part 4:
The first part of the edit kind of sums what the trip was really like. Omar kept joking he was gonna make a BMX edit(doesn't ride) and got on my bike and messed around when we took a break from being in the car. I liked how the footage ended up looking and kept it. Plus transitioning from the third to this one, I felt like this was sort of a good escape the desert that is Roswell and moving on kind of thing.

The second half is a bit more personal towards Omar. He's a big science guy whose into all that space technology and exploration stuff. A lot of the trip was devoted to stuff like that with Roswell and the clips in here coming from the Los Angeles Observatory and being in the desert to see the night sky. Something we can't really do living in the East with all that congestion and weather. It ends with a night skyline of Los Angeles. I added the cat cause sometimes all this stuff can start art stuff can get pretty serious and I have to break it with something fun to remind myself.

Narcoleptic Insomniac:
What have I just watched?

I want those seconds of my life back.

condrbkr: 1/4 2/4

--- Quote from: Narcoleptic Insomniac on February 14, 2016, 06:42:19 PM ---What have I just watched?

--- End quote ---

Just a retarded mysterious trailer for this small music video series me and my friend Omar worked on. The first two parts are in the link above.

When I was moving back to the East Coast from the West, Omar accompanied me and we just went out and saw a lot of stuff  and filmed everything. He thought it would be cool to make a video out of the whole thing using his music and I was down with the idea. There's two more after this but Vimeo has set limit you can upload in a week so that goes up next week. Hope someone enjoys it! It was fun making it.



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