The Street > The Lounge

EU Referendum

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Basically what Liam said.

People are absolutely insane if they think Europe will be nice to us if we leave, our trading will go down the pan, migration will remain the same (except France may stop giving a fuck patrolling our borders), Scotland will leave (or somehow rejoin the EU), and we will end up having to pal up with the USA even more (i.e. suck up to them).

We aren't the superpower some people seem to think we are, we don't have as much clout as we used to, and cannot compete with other developing nations for producing goods. And we need to wind our necks in and stop acting like we are still in the colonial era.

In. Can't really see any reason why it'd would be helpful for the UK and Europe either to end their partnership.
The EU itself should be reformed and going back to their basic intention: simplifying life within Europe and sharing common values instead of stupid economical decisions.

Britain ain't shit anymore, back in your box lads and do as you're told.



Leaving would be stupid. Cant be arsed to go into chapter and verse...

I'd rather have the laws backstopped by the rest of europe, I quite like the idea of human rights.



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