The Street > The Lounge

Riders app trick list

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got bike?:
Good to be here again and see this. Only thing is tricks need to be easy to find by video or  something, because people who will search will have it in imagination and not in words. I hope that helped.

re: I have no idea why i thought he was a RFF, he's LFF and it is not a switch bar. i fixed that, sorry! i must get some rest haha.


--- Quote from: got bike? on April 20, 2016, 05:23:41 PM ---Only thing is tricks need to be easy to find by video or  something, because people who will search will have it in imagination and not in words. I hope that helped.

--- End quote ---

Thanks man!
Actually, It's something, we didn't know. We are going to think, how to improve it.

P.S. We are going to finish a new cool improvement soon! It's awesome. I will write you here, when we publish it!

Thanks & Enjoy!

This is gay.

got bike?:

--- Quote from: Riders on May 13, 2016, 09:09:13 AM ---
Thanks man!
Actually, It's something, we didn't know. We are going to think, how to improve it.

P.S. We are going to finish a new cool improvement soon! It's awesome. I will write you here, when we publish it!

Thanks & Enjoy!

--- End quote ---

Maybe a photo from the middle of the trick or a brief gif on the tumbnail.

--- Quote from: Patty on May 13, 2016, 10:25:23 AM ---This is gay.

--- End quote ---

Well, I know people who are in need of that app. Think about newbie kids. and guys not speaking english around the world. I've heard too much weird names from people trying to name tricks.

I need an app to list all the tricks that I've forgotten.


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