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lots of free time and I'm surrounded by drinkers. my old roommate kept our fridge stocked with beer :/ morning mimosas have ruined so many days for me

I don't get stupid drunk very often but constant drinking throughout the day everyday sucks

another thing I've noticed is that outside of California a trip to the skatepark doesn't mean three runs then sitting on a ledge with a bunch of tall cans and a bunch  of weed

I'll show up to a new park with a 12pack n everyone's like "no ty" wtf?


--- Quote from: blueee on April 27, 2016, 01:52:23 PM ---I'll show up to a new park with a 12pack n everyone's like "no ty" wtf?

--- End quote ---

Very strange when I encounter people like.


--- Quote from: blueee on April 27, 2016, 01:52:23 PM ---lots of free time and I'm surrounded by drinkers. my old roommate kept our fridge stocked with beer :/ morning mimosas have ruined so many days for me

I don't get stupid drunk very often but constant drinking throughout the day everyday sucks

another thing I've noticed is that outside of California a trip to the skatepark doesn't mean three runs then sitting on a ledge with a bunch of tall cans and a bunch  of weed

I'll show up to a new park with a 12pack n everyone's like "no ty" wtf?

--- End quote ---

youd like west aus, someones always got beers and bongs when we go out riding

West Aus? Try just about every crew in the country haha.


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