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I think the important thing to touch on here is not what others think nor what society defines as 'alcoholism', it seems that despite what you may play off as your friends giving you shit for is that you also notice a problem. If you notice an issue, fix it. Will it be hard? Absolutely. It will be easier to replace with another habit than just keeping the exact same life minus drinking.

If you want my personal advice - coming a similar situation - replace drinking with the gym. A real gym not weights in your room. Go full blast into it like the early days of discovering riding, shape up your eating habits if they are not very good, and replace all fluid intake with simple water. This does not mean go be paleo or a bodybuilder or some crazy IG fan crazed fitness guru. Just be healthy man. It will be pure shit for the first 2-4 weeks, there is no getting around it. But I promise you that you will A) start to actually look forward to going, B) you will feel better on a day to day basis among other life improvements, and C) you won't really want to drink after a month, I mean I still have a night out at the bar once in a bluemate moon with colleagues but I am by no means getting smashed those infrequent times. There are long term detriments to what you are doing drinking this much and there is no better time than now to halt it.


Occasionally think this but then think actually, I drink no more than most mid-twenties people working in an office in London. I guess with most client facing roles there is an ingrained drinking culture - schmoozing clients, networking etc. Not saying you couldn't be teetotal and do it but when a large portion of your time is taken up with long boozy lunches or dinners, it would be pretty tiresome if you weren't at least half cut.

That said, it's no where near as bad as my friends that work in hedge funds or private equity, that shit is relentless.

I try to balance it out by going to the gym three-four times a week before work, which has helped stave off some off the belly weight.

Why be another alcohol fueled person, treat yourself another type of hobbies and activities. Jiujitsu worked for me, got me thinking the right way about how i want to treat my body.

While trying to quit i would always resource to my natural hobbies, MTB and BMX, but it would always be a pain couse you can't always be the best at everything you do and that brings you down sometimes. Like not riding like you used to or being a little overweight our out of shape. I can't even feeble oppo 180 but i can oppo feeble 180 but that doesn't get me down couse i have other shit to look out for. Like photography, videoing my friends, martial arts, a job, saving money and other shitload of things that i can treat myself into. Alcohol just makes your life boring and stale and eventually you end up spending your money in family and kids. 


--- Quote from: jeffro on April 28, 2016, 07:44:35 AM ---That said, it's no where near as bad as my friends that work in hedge funds or private equity, that shit is relentless.

--- End quote ---

I think I'd be dead in a year if I worked in investment banking.

I usually only drink on the days that I work. If your going to have a shitty time at work you may as well be hungover for it  and enjoy your days off sober. Granted I'm surrounded by party animals in my workplace and hitting the sauce is usually encouraged.


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