The Street > The Lounge


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Just got done with a bender weekend back in my hometown. Killed it, now just drinking until I pass out in preparation for the Monday grind.

Alco-boy, what's ya snapchat? Time to share adventures.


--- Quote from: ginger on May 01, 2016, 05:00:04 AM ---Alco-boy, what's ya snapchat? Time to share adventures.

--- End quote ---


Usually a shit show. Who else do I have on there? I know I have Billy, there's an Australian guy on here that goes by Hugh that snaps me all the time haven't seen him post in a while, though.. Oh and prestoisbesto! Let me know what yours is and I'll add ya'.

Alex' snaps are funny because I don't know when he's serious or not.

This is a good thread. I have restricted my drinking because I HATE being hungover.

Going cold turkey would be very challenging though. As Jeffro mentioned above, the hedonism of London is difficult to avoid.

Alex called me a hipster.


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