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I drank heavily between 18 and 26, at least once a week, sometimes 3 nights in a row plus all day in between. Drugs as well for most of it.

Now I'm a functioning adult with a house and kid, drink a beer or two some nights but rarely as heavy as before. I just decided it wasn't for me, but no point changing until that point. I still managed to ride my bike and develop my career in the midst of all that.

Narcoleptic Insomniac:
Read books, there's no better way to expand your mind and broaden your perspective. I've never been much of a drinker and these days I barely touch booze but I was a pretty heavy pot smoker. I've always loved books but over time it became difficult to read while while being high and I was high all the time I wasn't working. I realized I was no longer getting any joy from smoking so I stopped. It was refreshing to have a clear mind for an extended period of time and now I can enjoy books again and working on little creative projects. The money I used to spend on weed I now spend on traveling every few months. I still enjoy the occasional joint but don't see it ever becoming a habit again. Oh, and obviously ride bikes as much as possible.

I wasn't really in the same boat, but I was getting hammered once every two or three weekends. I'd grab a beer with food if I went out to eat. The occasional beer after work. A social drink or two if I was chillin' at a friend's house. Also, being that I'm constantly playing gigs during the week, it was always super easy to have a beer or two in the run of a set.

I started doing strength and conditioning classes at a local gym back on March 21 which kind of gave me added motivation to avoid drinking. I haven't had a drop of liquor since March 19, and I feel fantastic. I've lost some weight, tightened up and gotten less doughy, and I have a lot more energy. I'm not off booze for good, and I'll definitely be getting shitty next weekend when I head to Toronto, but cutting it out for the past month has definitely been easy with the extra motivation of putting in work at the gym - a sort of "don't make the work you're putting in pointless by drinking" notion.

Plus, the gym hurts so goddam bad, and drinking a ton of water helps.

Thanks for all the replies.

I agree with all the points being made. It's not hurting anything by drinking when I do, but most Sunday's are a complete waste because I'll be super hungover. I'm not fat but I definitely have a bit extra beer weight that'd be nice to shave off.

I think the biggest thing is, is that when I drink and go out, I'm not nearly as anxious or shy/boring. Not saying I'm a complete nut job or cringe factory when I'm sober, just way more relaxed and introverted. Liquid courage has really helped me in many ways and I think in some ways I almost feel as I have to continue to be that guy to the people I've met and became friends with while under the influence.

It's like self medication, with booze. Hahaha, not healthy but fuck if it doesn't make shit easier.


--- Quote from: Merry on April 23, 2016, 02:18:00 PM ---I wasn't really in the same boat, but I was getting hammered once every two or three weekends. I'd grab a beer with food if I went out to eat. The occasional beer after work. A social drink or two if I was chillin' at a friend's house. Also, being that I'm constantly playing gigs during the week, it was always super easy to have a beer or two in the run of a set.

I started doing strength and conditioning classes at a local gym back on March 21 which kind of gave me added motivation to avoid drinking. I haven't had a drop of liquor since March 19, and I feel fantastic. I've lost some weight, tightened up and gotten less doughy, and I have a lot more energy. I'm not off booze for good, and I'll definitely be getting shitty next weekend when I head to Toronto, but cutting it out for the past month has definitely been easy with the extra motivation of putting in work at the gym - a sort of "don't make the work you're putting in pointless by drinking" notion.

Plus, the gym hurts so goddam bad, and drinking a ton of water helps.

--- End quote ---

Weren't you edge?


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