The Street > The Lounge

Growing up

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Thank god for alcohol right?!

Reacting to difficult news/situations in such violent manners is the opposite of growing up if you ask me. Very childish reaction w/ adult consequences is all.

And we were all in such a hurry to get to adulthood...

That's not adulthood. That's someone struggling to cope with adult situations who's obviously got massive issues, who now will deal with adult punishment for the rest of their natural life.

Prodigal Son:
Is there a finite detail on the notion of growing up? I'm pretty sure I placed one on it. That when I reach a certain set of responsibility and social standings that I might be a grown up. Then manhood or something. Fuck both of those things. If you've done growing a person, stay the fuck away.

Sorry, being of a certain age dictates you have to deal with all the horrible shit that you say "it won't happen to me." That's probably all being an adult is is reacting and dealing with the fallout of all this shit. Going to work the next day after your friend violently murdered someone and quietly resigning from the position of your lives.


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