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Question about weddings

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Narcoleptic Insomniac:
I could google this but I figured it'd be more fun to ask here.

I've been invited to two weddings this summer. Both of them are old friends from college. I've never attended a legit formal wedding so I'm unsure about what are the social conventions for these things. One of them is a Muslim wedding if that matters.

Should I bring a gift? if so, how the fuck do I know what to get them? Can I just give cash? how much should I aim to spend?

Also, share your wedding stories, preferably tales of debauchery and excess.

I usually just give enough cash to cover what I think the food costs. I'm not compensating for the alcohol, if you want me to come to your shitty wedding then you can at least get me drunk.

Basically dress up like you're a million dollar man and leave the venue looking like a total piece of shit with 50% of attendees wishing they had never met you. If you achieve anything less than that, you may as well have stayed at home. Extra points if you fuck a bridesmaid.

Narcoleptic Insomniac:
Yeah, I'm definitely shooting for those bridesmaid points. There won't be booze at the Muslim wedding but I think I might do the classy thing and bring my own in a flask.

Decent shirt, tie, slacks. You should be good.

Get drunk.

Don't make jokes about how the grooms life is over now, gets old real quick. Actually, it was old before the wedding started.

Check if they have a registry and where, and get the cheapest gift. If they were dicks and registered only expensive shit, get them a card with some cash. I sure appreciated that. Give them what you can reasonably afford. Doesn't matter.

Be careful If you decide to bring a flask to a dry wedding, our venue was real fucking serious about shutting it down if they found unsanctioned booze. Keep it low key if you decide to risk it. Respect people's boring ass special day.


--- Quote from: Narcoleptic Insomniac on June 01, 2016, 08:02:35 PM ---Yeah, I'm definitely shooting for those bridesmaid points. There won't be booze at the Muslim wedding but I think I might do the classy thing and bring my own in a flask.

--- End quote ---



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