The Street > The Lounge

Pokemon Go

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Probably half the people I work with play it.  They're all above the age of 25.

I was tempted to download it while riding street this weekend as it would be a perfect alibi for if the cops rolled up asking what I'm doing.   


--- Quote from: Bunky on July 18, 2016, 12:47:56 PM ---
a perfect alibi

--- End quote ---

Behold! Forsaken am I, as my cynicism hath made me blind, The Lord works in mysterious ways it is said. I shall go forth and claim to be hunting Pokemonses. 

I got three but I hjave to use incense all the time since I live north of the 60 degree parallel in a very small town. I've found a scyther though, at level 2.

I cannot contemplate getting into this. As with Bunky, near enough all my studio have it, they're all 25 and over.

I don't see the need for it, I am much happier roaming around the streets at night, catching cats in garbage bags, then letting them out only to fight.

me and the missus know NOTHING about the pokemon franchise, but everyone has heard about pokemon GO for sure. i don't plan to get into it, but it looks fun as fuck. she downloaded the game and started this afternoon.

just spent the night slowly driving around the city so the missus can catch pokemons in the comfort of a car with unlimited battery, air conditioning and zero walking, i haven't seen her this happy since


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