The Street > The Lounge

Debt/Credit Score/Budgeting

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Prodigal Son:
Being tired after work and being a lazy turd isn't as nice as not making a payment for interest alone is it?

I second the slow cooker comment, so fucking good. You can also use really cheap cuts of meat...a shit piece of meat cooked for 8 hours becomes an average piece of meat at the very worst. Pulled pork burgers, lamb shanks, chilli beef, the list goes on.

If you want recipes, follow pages like Tasty on Facebook. There is a lot of crap ones, but some are really good, cheap and easy.

Prodigal Son:
I refuse to believe you're Mexican and don't know how to make cheap burritos.

Where do I select an index fund? I spent a half hour googling about and sorta understand.


--- Quote from: Prodigal Son on August 03, 2016, 09:02:30 PM ---I refuse to believe you're Mexican and don't know how to make cheap burritos.

Where do I select an index fund? I spent a half hour googling about and sorta understand.

--- End quote ---

Burritos are more tex-mex and I'm not a big tex-mex fan. Sorry.

My mom literally just gave me a slow cooker. Stoked.

Also, beans and rice. Fucking love beans and rice and you can feed 4 people for about $3.


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