The Street > The Lounge

The Make China video

(1/2) > >>

Was going to dip in and out of this but held my attention for the whole ten minutes, Ratkid's clips were immense, get involved

Prodigal Son:
Nicky Croft isn't involved with them anymore is he?

Narcoleptic Insomniac:
DVX footage fuck yeah! Sick video. They manage to capture the vibe of the places they visited and the riding was great. My kind of film.


--- Quote from: Prodigal Son on August 05, 2016, 07:40:44 PM ---Nicky Croft isn't involved with them anymore is he?

--- End quote ---

I think he had a major head injury a while back and has cut back or stopped riding all together.

Must've watched this about 15 times already. The spots, the lineup, the editing, everything is perfect.

Narcoleptic Insomniac:
A few good videos have come out this week: first the Make video, then Dig posted the Jeff Kocsis part on the new United video and now I've come across this gem


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