The Street > The Lounge

G interview

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Prodigal Son:
Always imagined him more stuffy. Glad to see it's mostly light hearted with all the shit he's endured just on this site.

i always thought it was cool to tell my friends at the skatepark that i talk to G. online. RIP G.

Cat Daddy V.2.0:
So is G Sport defunct?

knurled stainless pegs? claimed faster  :o

G Spot Productions 'Giant Nuts' & 'Donger Pegs' 

...'Barnsley Working Mens Clubs', 'Full Frontal Fork System', 'Fat Shaft Hubs', 'Stainless Ring Piece', & don't forget the G SPOrT 'Nipple Clamps'..

little known fact, trampolines were originally known as jumpolines until G's mum went on one


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