The Street > The Lounge

Who are you guys voting for?

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Aesop Rock:

--- Quote from: paranoidmexican on November 09, 2016, 07:52:06 AM ---
--- Quote from: Aesop Rock on November 09, 2016, 04:00:11 AM ---For fucking serious? Both you jackasses that voted 3rd party can literally eat my fucking cock right now.

--- End quote ---

the two party system is broken

--- End quote ---

No shit, but what does voting third party ACTUALLY accomplish? In this scenario, literally Hitler. Thanks for the next 4 years.


But seriously, you all are fucked. Stay the hell away from Canada.

I'm really hoping that with another terrible president Chris Rock will be able to do another special. It's been too long.

Ya done fucked up cunts, good work.

Luckily I have a death wish so this is perfect news to me.


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