The Street > The Lounge



Hoping this is okay to post here. My daughter has Multiple Sclerosis and I'm doing a ride in Utah to help raise money for the National MS Society. If you want to donate, I'll be super grateful.
Here is the link to my page if you want to donate.

Prodigal Son:
Will donate in a little while. I'm sorry about the diagnosis. I've been having frequent muscle fasciculation and my physician is worried about ALS. FUCK NEURODEGENERATIVE DISEASES.


--- Quote from: Prodigal Son on April 30, 2017, 05:23:01 PM ---Will donate in a little while. I'm sorry about the diagnosis. I've been having frequent muscle fasciculation and my physician is worried about ALS. FUCK NEURODEGENERATIVE DISEASES.

--- End quote ---
Thanks man. She's on good medication right now, though it's ridiculously expensive. Hopefully you don't have ALS and they can figure out a treatment for you that works. One thing I've learned through all this is that medicine is not a one size fits all science. It took​ us a couple years to diagnose it daughter and then it was like...Yeah???
At least she handles it better than I do.


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