The Street > The Lounge

Make Bikeguide Great Again...

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Oh, shit!  Some OG's coming out in this thread.

I should have chimed in sooner.  I watch the forum a lot as there's still Russian spam that pops up here pretty often and I kill it.  I've slacked on posting for a long time, but might start trying to shit talk on here again.

Now that the numbers are so low, I wonder if we can turn this back into a place where we can swear and stuff more often?  Who's got contact info for Sheep?  Would love to see if we can get away with hot chick threads and the like again.

Prodigal Son:
Russia. Babes. Fuck.


--- Quote from: Bunky on December 01, 2017, 04:34:39 PM ---Oh, shit!  Some OG's coming out in this thread.

I should have chimed in sooner.  I watch the forum a lot as there's still Russian spam that pops up here pretty often and I kill it.  I've slacked on posting for a long time, but might start trying to shit talk on here again.

Now that the numbers are so low, I wonder if we can turn this back into a place where we can swear and stuff more often?  Who's got contact info for Sheep?  Would love to see if we can get away with hot chick threads and the like again.

--- End quote ---

Kurt owns it 100% IIRC, but left Sheep still in charge of running the asylum.

To be honest we would need to regain control of the site and let Kurt designate new admins. Or, like Alex once mentioned, make our own and tell Google advertising to fuck off so we can post whatever we want again.

Tailwhip Mike:
I came here to see if the domain was still up. This is a surprise for sure.

Can someone give met he TL:DR from everything that has happened over the last few years?


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