The Street > The Lounge

Make Bikeguide Great Again...

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Prodigal Son:
Turns out kids don't want dinosaurs.

so what's up with the secret Santa?


--- Quote from: human on December 04, 2017, 02:57:46 PM ---Can someone give met he TL:DR from everything that has happened over the last few years?

--- End quote ---

There is probably something I'm missing, and this may be a bit out of order, but over the last few years:

Server crash with no backup
Forum software crash
Forum software change
Sold to Kurt@bmxunion
Another forum software crash?
No more nudity or questionable content because Google advertising

Each issue caused a pretty significant loss of traffic.

Much of this could have been prevented. Kurt has been hands-off since he bought the site. And most importantly, Sheep has been 99% MIA and only rarely popping in to fuck up things more each time. Yes I'm a bit bitter. Lol

OMG guys this still working...Damn!  :D good old days. :'(

Aesop Rock:
Pretty accurate TL:DR. Remember when they said the new forum would prevent spam bots, and in turn just locked out roughly half of the active/veteran members while still allowing spam bots in? Good times.


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