The Street > The Lounge

Make Bikeguide Great Again...

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I would really love to hear what has become of people over the last several years. From th posts if read, there are a lot of children involve. Who knew that you were all so fertile? I blame slammed seatposts.

Prodigal Son:
I got a vasectomy. I couldn't be more disappointed in humanity. I have my dream job managing the greenhouses for Sacramento State. I'm surrounded by people with so much plant genetic expertise. I was riding a lot and felt at the top of my game. Still going to hardcore shows. Still dependable Daniel.

Remember when that hippy lady tried to shut down BG because we were calling her a cunt for destroying some dirt jumps in PNW somewhat recently? lol

I remember sitting in Africa on dial up Internet in 2004 learning how to fix my bike from bikeguide.

Who remembers georgiabmxer? He was a character.


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