The Street > The Lounge

i smashed my face

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i was drinking tequila at the skateark

i was death training this vertwall with some skaters and the guy in front kept doing some fucking spinnything where he would lose all his speed in front of us. fucker
and then i start hauling ass at it without pedaling, pushing at it like a fucking skateboard.
and then i went helllla high on the wall and came down a little short. i rode into the edge of that archway, tires hit the coping and i died onto my face
i wonder if i was sober would i have been able to ride it out

Prodigal Son:
No fave pictures? Mexico looks promising.

#nailedit ?

last year i split my groin open the day after i got back from mexico
this year i split my smile open the day i got back from mexico
a couple sketchy things happened down there

Worse than this?


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