The Street > The Lounge

i smashed my face

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Did the fork break too or just the frame? what parts?



--- Quote from: Louis on July 27, 2017, 11:54:47 PM ---Did the fork break too or just the frame? what parts?


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Frame only, it seemed pretty clear that the frame had cracked around the top tube before this and I hadn't noticed.. The frame broke as soon as I got on the rail and I had almost no control so I basically just plummeted into the ground,  the frame was like 5th hand and well abused but I cracked my BTM frame the month before at the LA Convention Center ledge so I made a deal for an Aitken s3.5 that I had for less than a week..  It was my fault for not paying attention to old abused lightweight parts though.

laz, still bikeguides number one internet hard man

i cracked my angel of death, surely i get some points for that?

Laz is fucking rad
He goes higher than Hoffman
Fifty two inch hops


--- Quote from: dude... on August 03, 2017, 06:09:06 AM ---laz, still bikeguides number one internet hard man

i cracked my angel of death, surely i get some points for that?

--- End quote ---

What are you even talking about? Internet hard man is the title I get for posting a video? Fuck it, guess I'm hard.


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