my bike, which i haven't ridden for a few years, has literally melted thanks to being left under a glass roof. The tires melted and stuck to the ground, grips are a mess, i'll have to take it apart one day to salvage some parts just for keepsake e.g. RNC 30t full titanium sprocket, gsport monkey front hub, elementary stem, JCPC pedals. I completely forgot where i got the frame from, i only remember having to ask the girl i was seeing at the time to get it for me from the US.
professional career wise, i've started a firm with two others to provide financial risk consulting for institutions and other investment banks. we've done surprisingly well over the past couple years, even during the heaviest COVID hits. The tax man has dragged out a legal dispute against us for 14 months now, they're literally trying to claim payable tax on parts of our profits that are under no local jurisdiction and without double taxation policies. i can't go further into it but it's very annoying. It does make you wonder if your own lawyers are also dragging their feet
politically, where i live is getting completely wrecked. day by day, laws are being 'amended' to quash democracy, there is literally no way out. I've been wanting to migrate to a scandanavian country for a while but more realistically, i'll probably end up in canada/new york/ ausatralia/ aus/ new zealand in a few years.