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I sent mine first time I read this thread. I haven't seen them up but whatever, it's probobly not a priority.
<a href="http://bikeguide.org/forums/">forums</a>
I have not added them, it takes some work, so I am waiting for a good group to do.
<?$content = "<div align=\"center\">";$content .= "<img src=\"";## Change this line. Change YourPhotoDirectory/ to whatever folder your pics are in.$content .= getRandomImage('YourPhotoDirectory/');$content .= "\"><br />";$content .= "</div>";function getRandomImage($dir,$type='random'){ global $errors; if (is_dir($dir)) { $fd = opendir($dir); $images = array(); while (($part = @readdir($fd)) == true) { clearstatcache();if ( eregi("(gif|jpg|png|jpeg)$",$part) ) {$images[] = $part; } } srand ((double) microtime() * 1000000); $key = rand (0,sizeof($images)-1); return $dir . $images[$key]; } else { $errors[] = $dir.' is not a directory'; return false; } } echo "$content";?>
so that means the ones we sent you arnt going up??
Sheep how about fixing the urls so they don't force the links to open in new pages. For example the forums link isCode: [Select]<a href="http://bikeguide.org/forums/">forums</a> instead useCode: [Select]forums
Hey Sheep. Just paste this in and then upload all the photos into a folder on the server. Then just point it at the right folder. The script will count the photos in the folder and then will just randomly show one of them when the page is loaded.