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--- Quote from: frumpy ---so is this what you do all day ay work?
--- End quote ---

pretty much.

apart from the work which i can multi-task with.

does anyone use this anymore?

i want to but i am on efnet server all the time and i use mirc so i cant be on two servers all the time


--- Quote from: bmxer00 ---i want to but i am on efnet server all the time and i use mirc so i cant be on two servers all the time
--- End quote ---

Yes you can, connect using a new server window, it's a checkbox option under the connect button.


--- Quote from: bmxer00 ---i want to but i am on efnet server all the time and i use mirc so i cant be on two servers all the time
--- End quote ---

Or just use The Bg page. Which will not effect Mirc.

I think we need a certain day or 2 and a specific time. I rarely see anyone in there, not that I go in often.


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