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BG Interbike report is up.

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tree bars-when???
sam should update his site

Thanks for the report-  looks like there was a lot of cool stuff to think about from that show.    I like Jim Cielencki's idea of varying the back-end length with the top-tube, and the idea of a normal headset that accepts integrated bearings.    Kinda bummed about the new trail-kings though, they look far too thin, and IMO did not need to be changed at all.

sam daniel:
the sunday and fly stuff looks awsome.

super report by the way sheep, thankyou.

awesome report, thank you sheep!
pretty exciting look through the crystal ball

Glad you guys liked it.

I had a lot of fun. I hope the article sounds that way. I tried to convey that it was fun, but tiring, and portray more of what Interbike is, rather than what people think it is.

My thanks to all the companies who put up with me. It was great meeting everyone. While I did not mention it in the report, I did miss someone, and I did look for him..

Kerry (syrbmx, Last Call), I did look for you. Not sure if you were there, but I did look.

Otherwise I think I met everyone who showed that I looked for.


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