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BG Interbike report is up.

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Damn, no picture of the Hamilton Pedals...


--- Quote from: Louis ---Damn, no picture of the Hamilton Pedals...
--- End quote ---

I have some.  I'll try to get all my pictures up somewhere soon.


--- Quote from: redface ---i apologize if i said anything stupid, i had been drinking for 14 hours by the time i saw ya (damn you Etnies and Tip booths and your damn free beers)

good to meet you and Cory, and i hope my scar was impressive!

tom @ empire
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I thought you seemed a bit weary at that point was all, and your scar was quite impressive.  That thing covers a lot of distance!


--- Quote from: Cory ---I thought you seemed a bit weary at that point was all, and your scar was quite impressive.  That thing covers a lot of distance!
--- End quote ---

yeah, i had taken a 6 am flight out of Austin that morning, which required me to wake up at 4 am, so i had been up for almost 24 hours (14 of them were spent with at least one drink in my hand)

next year, i'm taking a later flight...



--- Quote from: paulie ---i'd get munted, make a tit out of meself and get a free rim....
--- End quote ---


I'll get me coat


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