So I bought MySlamsAreOlder King wheels nearly 2 months ago, like usual what seemed like a good deal turned into a nightmare. Wheels arrived quickly enough, not in the time he said but only a few days after, no problem. Upon further inspection the front wheel was missing over half the spokes(I knew it was missing some) and the nipples on both wheels were seized, he ma not have known this so no problem. Then I find a cracked adjustment cone, this is what basically holds the rear hub together. I test ride the wheel and find it loosens after only a few seconds of riding. So I swap the front and rear cones and take the wheel into work. Further inspecting it while trying to fit a 12t cog I find the flange is cracked, completely sideways through 2 spokes. I e-mail him and let him know my find, of course he said he had no idea. I call Chris King and talk to them about warranty, get an estimate for a new shell, $60 plus I add on a new cone to replace the cracked one he sent, $75 total for parts and labor plus $7 shipping back, since I run a shop they cut me a deal and we settle at $60. I PM MySlamsAreOlder and ask him to split the cost and paypal me $30, he tells me how he's super broke and would like to help but can't at the time. The following day I see he's made a WTB post for some parts, PM him again and of course they aren't for him, they're for a friend he's still broke.
Well 2 months have went by and he's yet to paypal me a single cent and i've already came out of pocket to completely fix the wheels.