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you know what stop fucking crying becuase the deal wasn;t even finalized i didn;t even have your address and you told me you had another guy wanted the forks badly. i didn;t even need forks i told you that but i was willing to take them. i needed cash a lot more and i told you the reasons why and you just told me to let you know today if i was going to do it or not. i said no because i needed cash and i figured the other guy needed the forks more than me so stop fucking bitching you'll sell the forks... you like totally changed shit around becuase before you said that you just needed to know and it was ok if i backed out cuase someone else wanted them and now that i did you go and post on every fucking board and thread of mine that im shady. stop being a fucking cry baby
the city of ontario is prefferred
oh well people can deal with me if they want you should have been a little more clearer when you told me you had another kid interested. usually when people say that they don;t care if one deal falls though cuase they have another lined up.
bmexxer1122 backed out of two deals after i went the extra mile to get every thing reADY for him
Hey we worked it out and im sending tommarow so hey I didnt go south on you.
stevieB is a good person to deal with. i would deal with him again.