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BikerJake805, LittleBlue, and LazelDazel are ALL excelent to deal with.
Yeah, f**k that. Grind everything.
The gussets are awesome. My wife has been needing my name carved into her for about a decade.
yea elegan m is a piece of shit... i sent him a premium frame and a profile casette hub with ti axle and 9t driver with NO payment spend 30 dollars in shipping to him and he was supopsed to send me a headset the same day i sent my shit out... 1 week later still no headset and when he gets the parts i sent them hes not happy with them at all... he says the dent in the tt that i TOLD him about was unacceptable and that there is pawl missing the the casette hub... but truthfuly it can;t even matter cuase i ran it for a month or so like that with no problems... hes a shaddy bitch and all i got out of it was 90 dollars AFTER he got the parts. it was originally supposed to be 150 plus the headset and a seat and lever that i wanted from him.. so when i ask him about the parts he goes oh sorry man i sold the lever.... wtf? and now hes asking me to send his buddies some of my parts that was a part of the deal but i still have seen none of the parts that i wanted... hes a ass fuck he only will do the deal one way and thats his way... sorry elegan m but untill i see some parts im not sending any out to you cause you did the same shit to me... i told you i absoultey needed a headset to ride and you promised to send it same day i sent the frame and hub. and i never saw anything bu 90 dollars after you got the shit which dosen;t even cover half of what those parts are worth. technically i only got 60 becasue that 30 for shiping came out of my pocket.call me shaddy but im not doin deals with you if you only want shit done your way. id idn;t rip you off but now that your not happy with the parts i sent you you pull a hissy fit and try to make me sound like the bad guy cause there was a dent in the frame and a fucking pawl missing
Ok, THE FRAME IS FUCKED!!!! THE DENT WAS SO BAD THE TUBING WAS BULGING OUT ON THE SIDE!!! im not paying money for something ruined!The pawl missing? You never mentioned .... so you said youd give profile a call and get a new one..Ask greg mcmillan and live2ride2live (or sometrhing like that, the mini ramp dude/nick! on here..) they both saw it and its a pos dude... seriously common) and it was 100! Talk to me on aim...
im not sure...ELGAN..how is he .... has he NOT fucked u guys over EVER...would he ever ship first?
Hes a dick, don't buy shit from him, scroll up a bit and read my rant about him.
i was just talking to lazeldazel and he says he has tons of goon refs tho :eek: :cool: :rolleyes:
the city of ontario is prefferred