Others > Bike Gallery

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--- Quote from: fromfirsttolast ---why cant we post freinds/ pros bikes?
--- End quote ---

honestly you dont need to post them they will most likly find it out soon or later from friends or if you want just put a link up on lounge  and start a pole or somthing if its ok to the complainers
Web shows


--- Quote from: fromfirsttolast ---why cant we post freinds/ pros bikes?
--- End quote ---

What do I care about what someone I do not even know rides?

As for pros, most people are just copying them from another source.

Either way it seems like post whoring.


--- Quote from: sheepdog ---What do I care about what someone I do not even know rides?

As for pros, most people are just copying them from another source.

Either way it seems like post whoring.
--- End quote ---

i dont think anyone cares what do i ride initialy nor knows me, but i post my bikecheck anyway. so does like 90% of people on this site. Its not like someone says "i want to see what xxxblablaxxx's bike looks like.." but you dont mind seeing his bikecheck when he puts it up. i hope you get my point...

Christopher V.:

--- Quote from: sheepdog ---What do I care about what someone I do not even know rides?

As for pros, most people are just copying them from another source.

Either way it seems like post whoring.
--- End quote ---

My friends are better than I am!

What if it's a 3 in one bike check or something?

If people tell me to cut my steertube will they be shot?


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