- Bike maintenance for BMX'ers
The Street => The Lounge => Topic started by: brian itzaina on January 04, 2011, 11:12:11 PM
Knives, Swords, Chef Blades...
You get the idea.
These are the daily used:
-ZT300 Knock Off
-Leatherman Wave
I collect but I'm definatly not picky. I know I don't really have anything good but to me its how I got them.

2006 leatherman juice s2(Retired)


Edge mark

no marking

bucklite 422.

Frost cutlery


patent no. 2,297,855

I just use a mastercraft utility knife around the house/shop... I want a real blade tho. they're always nice to have, and I hate being stuck without something sharp when I need one.
Will post pictures soon..
Lots of old K-Bars
Benchmade AFOII and a few other random blades. Gonna pick something up when I go back to school.
P f l
I have alot of these useful tools and carry different ones depending on what i'm doing. Lately it's been a fully serrated Spyderco. I'm not sure of the model, possibly a delica. I got it at a yard sale beat to hell for 5 dollars, after alot of sharpening, oil, and rust remover, it's an awesome utility blade.
got some of these babies
cut food ok, but not very good for spreading butter
I got some nice sculpted edges:
Misses the wine-opener.
No its just not folded out^^ it's on the bottom side, closest to the camera.
I have a set of Victorinox kitchen knives. Sharp and nice :)
This is about a 1/4 of what I really own, but these are all I have here. I have others at my apartment and in a few vehicles.
One does not simply walk into my kitchen
Daily Carry

Not so Daily Carry lately.
Is that neck knife easy to carry? I never tried one but it seems cumbersome and having to mess around under your shirt to take it out sounds dangerous.
I'll post my (large) collection when I'm back home if the thread still exists.
Is that neck knife easy to carry? I never tried one but it seems cumbersome and having to mess around under your shirt to take it out sounds dangerous.
I'll post my (large) collection when I'm back home if the thread still exists.
I can't legally carry it under my shirt, or concealed anywhere for that matter in California. I've carried it as a neck knife outside of CA and it is a bit heavy for that. Wouldn't be bad if I was dressed in warm clothes but it is easily spotted when only wearing a tshirt. Not ideal by any means. Max concealed blade length is under 2" so I carry it on my belt, in the open. Ideally it would be around the ankle if I could conceal it.
You lot are mad. Ever stabbed someone?
You lot are mad. Ever stabbed someone?
accidentally a couple of times, not in the way you'd think though,
weird feeling, that initial resistance and sudden "giving"
Is it like when you stand on an icy puddle and it suddenly breaks through? I like that, if so I think stabbing could be for me.
thats it!
, like popping bubble wrap
haha i dig the comparisons
You lot are mad. Ever stabbed someone?
I haven't and hope I never have to. Doesn't mean I never use them for cutting things. I use my JYDII every day.
accidentally a couple of times, not in the way you'd think though,
weird feeling, that initial resistance and sudden "giving"
I hear it often makes a bit of a "pop" sound. (page 2 beat me to it)
Have you ever had to threaten anyone with one? Ever killed an animal with them? What do you cut with them? I barely cut anything day to day and if I need to I just get some scissors out of the draw!
Have you ever had to threaten anyone with one? Ever killed an animal with them? What do you cut with them? I barely cut anything day to day and if I need to I just get some scissors out of the draw!
Don't ruin this thread Danno.
Nothing special. I would like to own more.
Have you ever had to threaten anyone with one? Ever killed an animal with them? What do you cut with them? I barely cut anything day to day and if I need to I just get some scissors out of the draw!
i kill and gut fish fairly often. i dont have a desk so i carry a knife
Don't ruin this thread Danno.
I'm not actually trying to be a dick, it's not the norm over here so I'm genuinely interested.
Danno doesn't even have to try to be a dick :p
I sometimes have this victorinox with me:
But usually only when I'm having oranges with me I need to peel or when I'm on holidays. It's like my little portable kitchen tool for when camping. Peel oranges, cut bread, open cans, open bottles of beers.
i have a flail... although now im wondering where the hell it is
I like fixed blades, mostly military and old shit.
Starting top right and going clockwise.
-USMC Chatillion Bolo knife and sheath, circa WWII. Quarter inch think blade.
-Standard buck knife
-USN Mk II circa WWII
-Great Smoky Mountains Tiger head shitty knife that I got when on vacation a long time ago.
-Another great buck knife
-Schrade Old timer
-Russian AK47 bayonet/knife
Some close ups of my favorites:
Folders, mostly shitty:
i hope this thread is still around when i get my SOG Fusion throwing knives. i have a Glock survival knife that is surprisingly good for throwing.
Anyone know anything about legit Katanas/Samurai Swords? I want to get one forged, not a factory made one. I'm preparing for the Zombie Apocalypse.
I've wanted a Kershaw JYDII since they came out, but the pocket clip is so damn huge and ugly I can't do it. All companies need to offer a slim low ride clip.
I've wanted a Kershaw JYDII since they came out, but the pocket clip is so damn huge and ugly I can't do it. All companies need to offer a slim low ride clip.
This is my only dislike about it. I've been meaning to change the clip out, just haven't bothered yet.
tools of the trade
General day to day cutting of chicken/vegetables/cheese and that
Don't ruin this thread Danno.
he asked a legitimate question, don't get mad because of it.
he asked a legitimate question, don't get mad because of it.
how does it taste?
You have fun finding those gifs yea?
i kill and gut fish fairly often. i dont have a desk so i carry a knife
No ones going to have an issue with taking a knife fishing, you need it. Its more carrying one every single day...
I'm not actually trying to be a dick, it's not the norm over here so I'm genuinely interested.
And you won't get a response because he can't justify it. Guaranteed every time he uses his knife a pair of scissors or a bottle opener would do the job better. Its not like he lives in the country either...
You have fun finding those gifs yea?
They are bookmarked. Makes it easy.
But thanks for caring.
he asked a legitimate question, don't get mad because of it.
And you won't get a response because he can't justify it. Guaranteed every time he uses his knife a pair of scissors or a bottle opener would do the job better. Its not like he lives in the country either...
Nowhere have I gotten mad in this thread. You two have been on here long enough to know how threads like this go. We post our knives, you cry like bitches and say we're dumb rednecks, we stand our ground, you shit your diapers and ask us "but why?", we give you the reasons AGAIN, B complains about the repetition, you ask "but why?" again and the thread is ruined/locked.
See how that works? Never fails so I won't play into it. I carry a knife because I use a knife daily. You don't need anymore reason than that. End of.
I carry a knife because I use a knife daily.
You don't need to though do you?
I own knifes, I'm not inherently against them. I don't need to carry one on my person, you don't either. What do you do open letters with a bowie? Do your cooking with a flick knife?
Im just struggling to see how a knife fits into peoples day to day lives...
You don't need to though do you?
I own knifes, I'm not inherently against them. I don't need to carry one on my person, you don't either. What do you do open letters with a bowie? Do your cooking with a flick knife?
Im just struggling to see how a knife fits into peoples day to day lives...
It's not really a question of needing to or not. You don't need to carry anything, you carry various things around with you because they offer you some sort of convenience. It's the same with knives, I carry one because I find it handy to have around, not because I feel inherently threatened by my everyday surroundings or because I plan on stabbing someone. Truth be told I wouldn't be pulling my knife in a dangerous situation anyhow. It's far too small to do any real damage and chances are I would be the one who ended up getting stabbed. At least in my situation, my knife is strictly for utility and not for protection.
and to stay on topic, here's a picture of my everyday knife:
WTF are you struggling with?
People need to cut shit throughout the day so they carry a cutting tool on them for convenience.
Oh yeah, here is my Benchmade I use to carry all the time.
I know have a SOG that I use everyday that was given to me as a gift. I need to get my blade fixed up on the Benchmade though so I can rotate them out.
I'd (honestly) love to know what you lot do with your knifes? Unless you live in the country or work outdoors I can't see the point.
You don't need to though do you?
I own knifes, I'm not inherently against them. I don't need to carry one on my person, you don't either. What do you do open letters with a bowie? Do your cooking with a flick knife?
Im just struggling to see how a knife fits into peoples day to day lives...
Same could be said by those that don't use/have shoes, a car, a hat, a cell phone, a computer... makes just as much sense as your question. No, it is not absolutely necessary, yes it is a useful tool that I use often enough to keep it on my person.
Asking silly questions like if I open letters with a bowie doesn't help your arguement. I posted my knives and clearly showed what I carry.
Comparing shoes to knives? Really?
They serve an essential purpose, knives do too but only in certain situations.
Its hardly a silly question, what exactly are you doing day to day that requires a knife? I can't think of a single situation where using something else wouldn't work better. The only time I'd use a knife daily would be to cook...
I can just picture you walking around going about your day to day business with a belt with torches knives and guns, so jokes you think thats normal.
I'd (honestly) love to know what you lot do with your knifes? Unless you live in the country or work outdoors I can't see the point.
If you don't know what someone would use a knife for in day to day use, then it's a good thing that you don't carry one. I'd like to know what problems you have with people who do carry a knife because they find practical uses for it on the daily. There's a lot of things others carry around that I don't see the point in carrying, but I wouldn't give them a hard time about it.
half of these knives posted could hardly be considered 100% practical for daily carrying and cutting needs if you're arguing that. i propose that a small retractable knife or a swiss would be easier to carry due to smaller size/weight and work just as well for anything you could possibly need to cut out and about (unless i'm forgetting some essential daily task which calls for a fairly lengthy blade and larger handle?), therefore surpassing your knifes in terms of practicality.
oh but that wouldn't look cool, would it? never mind.
oh but that wouldn't look cool, would it? never mind.
Correct. It is all about being cool.
Comparing shoes to knives? Really?
They serve an essential purpose, knives do too but only in certain situations.
Its hardly a silly question, what exactly are you doing day to day that requires a knife? I can't think of a single situation where using something else wouldn't work better. The only time I'd use a knife daily would be to cook...
I can just picture you walking around going about your day to day business with a belt with torches knives and guns, so jokes you think thats normal.
Shoes are not necessary in day to day lives. You can walk without them, can you not?
I don't actually keep anything on my belt aside from when I carry my BK11, which is rare. I never said what I carry is normal and everyone should carry the same. I keep on me what I find myself needing often, and nothing I don't.
I think it is a reasonable question actually. What do you do with them? For instance, I carry a phone so I can call people/people can call me, a wallet for money, baccy and a lighter so I can smoke, and keys so I can open doors. At no point do I need to cut stuff outside of the kitchen.
I am actually genuinely interested as to what you cut.
Boxes that are taped up. Loose hanging threads off my clothes. Strapping on the paper boxes here at work. Product packaging. I use it to cut my steak if I'm eating somewhere the utensils suck. I'll use the knife as a screwdriver. As a lever to pry shit. So on and so forth. Different shit all the time.
I work in the automotive industry, and Im always doing some form of electrical work. A knife as come in handy quite often doing that.
I opened up a separate thread for the debate, so could we kindly keep this thread on track?
I think it is a reasonable question actually. What do you do with them? For instance, I carry a phone so I can call people/people can call me, a wallet for money, baccy and a lighter so I can smoke, and keys so I can open doors. At no point do I need to cut stuff outside of the kitchen.
I am actually genuinely interested as to what you cut.
Surely you could rub two sticks together to light something on fire, no? A lighter is convenient though, I understand.
I use my knife for various cutting throughout my day. I don't need to give you specifics.
Your being pedantic. I asked a genuine question, because as I don't have any use for a knife I thought someone could tell me what they use theirs for. Wheelr gave a decent response which answered my question, and, as you would see in the knife debate thread, I took that in. You, however, couldn't manage that.
Your being pedantic. I asked a genuine question, because as I don't have any use for a knife I thought someone could tell me what they use theirs for. Wheelr gave a decent response which answered my question, and, as you would see in the knife debate thread, I took that in. You, however, couldn't manage that.
I posted in here before there. If you are that interested, honestly, I will answer your question.
I have so far today used mine to open a bag of dog food, cut a bagel in half, cut up some boxes here at work, sectioned a plastic cushion here at work for inspection, cut the wire tie off of a product I am working on, cut another bagel in half, stirred my coffee and cut open another package.
Imo a knife could be compared to a watch, you don't need one but It's nice to have day to day, and was an essential object a couple decades ago.
A lot of craftsmanship goes into both.
As for carrying one everyday, remember that 50 years ago almost every man had a pocket knife on him, they're not for defense or to intimidate people, they are tools. Man's oldest tool.
I use mine to sharpen pencils, cut food on the go, open caulking cartridges at work etc... I can honestly say that I use mine everyday, they're just practical.
I might sound cliché when I say it's better to have one and not need it than needing one and not having it (Cutting a jammed seat belt comes to mind).
I can see why carrying a gun shocks some of you but a knife? Come on, most of the guys who posted in this thread also have guns, they must have other reasons than defense or intimidation to carry one since the gun can serve that purpose.
Sorry for the long rant but It just seems that some of you are arguing for the sake of it.
edit : didn't see another thread was opened while I was typing this.
Imo a knife could be compared to a watch, you don't need one but It's nice to have day to day, and was an essential object a couple decades ago.
A lot of craftsmanship goes into both.
As for carrying one everyday, remember that 50 years ago almost every man had a pocket knife on him, they're not for defense or to intimidate people, they are tools. Man's oldest tool.
I use mine to sharpen pencils, cut food on the go, open caulking cartridges at work etc... I can honestly say that I use mine everyday, they're just practical.
I might sound cliché when I say it's better to have one and not need it than needing one and not having it (Cutting a jammed seat belt comes to mind).
I can see why carrying a gun shocks some of you but a knife? Come on, most of the guys who posted in this thread also have guns, they must have other reasons than defense or intimidation to carry one since the gun can serve that purpose.
Sorry for the long rant but It just seems that some of you are arguing for the sake of it.
edit : didn't see another thread was opened while I was typing this.
I just wanted to quote this because I really like how you put everything.
Only time carrying a knife has ever been useful is when it's on a multitool and I brought it out specificly for something. Mostly it's been for the pliers though.
The majoirty of people that try to use a knife for self defense have it turned against them.
The majoirty of people that try to use a knife for self defense have it turned against them.
Where did you hear this? sounds like bullshit
Where did you hear this? sounds like bullshit
In the paper at some point over the last few years.
join in the fun.
( the leatherman is absurdly sharp.
nope, just stirring the shit pot because it keeps things moving here. i have a gerber, it's functional and practical but not an everyday carry
The majoirty of people that try to use a knife for self defense have it turned against them.
I don't think anyone here has claimed they carry a knife for self defence yet.
I posted in here before there. If you are that interested, honestly, I will answer your question.
I have so far today used mine to open a bag of dog food, cut a bagel in half, cut up some boxes here at work, sectioned a plastic cushion here at work for inspection, cut the wire tie off of a product I am working on, cut another bagel in half, stirred my coffee and cut open another package.
Do you carry knife cleaner around with you as well? Cus surely that's just fucking horrible if not?
yet the thread title itself uses the term weapon and therefore posting your edged object in this thread should mean you consider your object a weapon.
'A weapon is an instrument used with the aim of causing harm or death to human beings or other living creatures'
Do you carry knife cleaner around with you as well? Cus surely that's just fucking horrible if not?
If I'm cutting some food I'll just give the blade a quick wipe with my shirt or something.
yet the thread title itself uses the term weapon and therefore posting your edged object in this thread should mean you consider your object a weapon.
'A weapon is an instrument used with the aim of causing harm or death to human beings or other living creatures'
Just because someone wanted to be clever in the title and avoid the word "knife" doesn't mean we're all out shanking people with ours.
I have one fixed blade knife and one folder..i guess you can only stab so many people at a time.
I posted in here before there. If you are that interested, honestly, I will answer your question.
I have so far today used mine to open a bag of dog food, cut a bagel in half, cut up some boxes here at work, sectioned a plastic cushion here at work for inspection, cut the wire tie off of a product I am working on, cut another bagel in half, stirred my coffee and cut open another package.
so you're full of shit AND disgusting?
not that i'm surprised what with you being a yank and all.
so you're full of shit AND disgusting?
not that i'm surprised what with you being a yank and all.
Never said I didn't clean it before/after use.
oh yall kids are arguing cause its fun.the topic could be the size of someones balls and the same 4 or so british dipshits will be at it with the same 3 or 4 overly tactful nerd motherfuckers from the usa.its like a crappy television show
i am an electrician by trade , i cut enough stuff throughout my day to call for me to put my pocket knife in my is a knife that was given to me by my dad who got it from my grandad.for over 65 yrs this knife has been in one of our pockets and been used everyday of its existence.i dont carry it to stab people or to eat with(but will), i carry it because it is a necessity for the type of work i do.i open boxes ,stir bowls of weed, open those fucking potato chips that just dont want to open.pry shit,hell i have used it atleast 5 or 6 times today for non knifing needs but it sure was sweet to not have to look anywhere other than my pocket to get to it
ha I found this one that my Grandad made years ago, still in perfect nick. Yes it has some kind of animals foot for a handle.
oh yall kids are arguing cause its fun.the topic could be the size of someones balls and the same 4 or so british dipshits will be at it with the same 3 or 4 overly tactful nerd motherfuckers from the usa.its like a crappy television show
I try to stay out of these threads because of the lack of intelligence that the majority of the posts possess, obviously this thread is no different. Same scenario different thread... Subject a presents said "controversial" item, and subject b says "what the fuck is that for". But it seems as if these stupid arguments are getting out of control and people are posting in them just to start bullshit.
I completely understand that some may not see carrying a knife useful, and thats fine, but if no one is pressuring you to carry a knife then where is your contention stemming from? No pressure, No direct contact, No seen effect should not equal heated argument unless your overly confrontational... and then if your this vocal about things that will never affect you maybe you should become a politician or lobbyist.
It is blatantly obvious that none of you have been stabbed by the "crazy knife wielding lunatics" that the majority of you are depicting us DKC (daily knife carriers) as (and therefore never directly effected by a knife)... and if you think about it logically then if you had been confronted by someone with a knife maybe it would have been in your best interest to have had a tool with you that you could also utilize to save your ass.
Carry a knife everyday and then tell me that you don't use it.
if you stab someone with that it will look like they have grown an animal foot, disguising the crime i like it, see you on road.
Never thought about it like that before. Nice.
Gerber Paraframe as my daily carrier
Kabar fixed knife that I love
And my US army foldable spade and bayonet
Have more but no pictures
top to bottom
Benchmade Torrent (backup edc)
Benchmade Nimravus Cub II
Sog Flash II Tanto (edc)
Case Sod Buster (edc)
thats not even a quarter of them
I find it funny that the "yanks" are being judged for using knives as tools.
Last time I checked, London had a huge problem with teenage gangs running around stabbing people. At least we use ours responsibly!
knives i own.
'weapons' to most of you i suppose
I find it funny that the "yanks" are being judged for using knives as tools.
Last time I checked, London had a huge problem with teenage gangs running around stabbing people. At least we use ours responsibly!
Nope, I don't use them as tools. I run around stabbing.
join in the fun.
( the leatherman is absurdly sharp.
Is the one at the top left a Skeletool?
Found both of these knifes.
I ordered two of these STR Titanium Lowrider Clips ( for my JYDII yesterday. Steve replied to my Emails immediately and was very nice. Had one in stock and said he would finish a second before morning. Should have them on Monday.
He makes them for pretty much any folder.
Couch, i've been a member at Bladeforums for probably 5+ years and always liked STR's clips and rebuilds. I never could justify a 40 dollar clip for a sub 50 dollar knife though.
Couch, i've been a member at Bladeforums for probably 5+ years and always liked STR's clips and rebuilds. I never could justify a 40 dollar clip for a sub 50 dollar knife though.
All of his clips are $30 flat + $4 shipping. Considering its a titanium plate and the JYDII has such wide screw location it is a fairly large plate, all hand made in low quantity I can justify it. I appreciate what he does and what goes into each clip. Seems like a solid guy and I'm into supporting that. I see what you're saying though about it being nearly the same as the knife.
My knife of choice
I also have a much smaller knife that I carry on me most of the time but it's in my car at the moment.
Found both of these knifes.
buck omni hunter, i got one with a guthook in camo.
i carry a kershaw skyline for everyday use, have loads of other knives sitting around for various other purposes.
damnit i bought another one. damn you MFBS
Carry the one on the left whenever I am working, also have a rescue knife for working.
The one on the right is a handmade job I like to look after, I sharpen pencils and shit with it, and use it out and about some times.
I carry a knife fairly often I guess, just to poke trees with and for when I get excited by mushrooms.
"In any contest between power and patience, bet on patience." - W.B. Prescott "Anyone who considers arithmetical methods of producing random digits is, of course, in a state of sin." - John von Neumann (1903-1957)
yeast infection no more (
"The covers of this book are too far apart." - Ambrose Bierce (1842-1914)
sports betting champ (
Gerber Gator - This is my hunting knife; I have had it since I was 10. It has held up awesome, but eventually I think I will break down and get a super nice hunting folder, one that will last forever (Gerbers handle is starting to tear in places, has a bit of wobble now, etc).
Cheap Gerber - Daily carry, cost around $10, but is worth its weight in gold. Anyone that doesn't carry a knife would be amazed at how often one would come in handy, whether you have a hangnail, need to open a box, need to dig a metal chip out of your boot, etc. I use it a ton.
Yesterday I had a needle stuck in the sole of my shoe and leatherman saved the day, and may have protected me from getting aids.
Is the one at the top left a Skeletool?
yeah, the carbon fibre one.
To be fair, I would totally own a gun and knives if they were legal but no way would I want to re legalise guns in the UK or change the current knife laws.
Cheap Gerber - Daily carry, cost around $10, but is worth its weight in gold. Anyone that doesn't carry a knife would be amazed at how often one would come in handy, whether you have a hangnail, need to open a box, need to dig a metal chip out of your boot, etc. I use it a ton.
I have the exact same one, grip and everything from at least 14 years ago. It's helped me like no other tool I've ever had.
To be fair, I would totally own a gun and knives if they were legal but no way would I want to re legalise guns in the UK or change the current knife laws.
What are the knife laws like where you are?
I know this thread is irrelevant to this question but I think most of the knife guys know something about flashlights as well.
Would you recommend the SureFire G2X Pro as a basic entry level LED flashlight? I need a something to keep in my car.
+to add to this thread I recently acquired a gerber ultralight lst
(not my personal picture, best show of size)
I know this thread is irrelevant to this question but I think most of the knife guys know something about flashlights as well.
Would you recommend the SureFire G2X Pro as a basic entry level LED flashlight? I need a something to keep in my car.
+to add to this thread I recently acquired a gerber ultralight lst
(not my personal picture, best show of size)
if you can afford surefire stuff go for it.
also look into fenix lights.. check out candle power forums
Another Kbar with a fiber glass handle my dad made because the leather one rotted away. (
i am still too lazy to take pics of what i own
Last time I checked, London had a huge problem with teenage gangs running around stabbing people. At least we use ours responsibly!
must of been a few years ago, knife crime has been on the decline recently. plus kids get stabby cos they can't get shooty.
last time i checked the usa had a problem with teenage gangs running around shooting people. at least we use our guns responsibly!:cheers:
when i worked as a studio assistant i carried a leatherman, hardly ever used it... in a bikeshop i carried a park tools allen key set, no need to carry a blade. in a warehouse, if i needed a blade, i'd get one. no one with half a fucking braincell would use a knife to open a box, too easy to damage the goods. all you need to do is use your hands. working on a building site (construction to the americans) i never needed a blade. power tools, hods, barrows, yeah. knives? nope. as a kp (kitchen porter) i never needed a knife. same for working in a pub, shoe shop, paper boy, cycle messenger and all the other bollocks jobs i had to do as a kid. never needed a knife.
but if you need one, fair play. i never have. i've never lived in suburbia, i've always had the convenience of living in a city or on a farm. i guess it is different for you lot.
What are the knife laws like where you are?
Under 3" blade, no lock.
Edit- Speaking for the UK, though I'm in the us.
Over here you're not allowed to carry a locking or fixed blade without a motive (i.e hunting, fishing, hiking...), but there is no limitation to blade size.
Over here you're not allowed to carry a locking or fixed blade without a motive (i.e hunting, fishing, hiking...), but there is no limitation to blade size.
I like this idea
Out fishing. Be right back!
Also, for the not natives; image-googling "guy with huge sword" yields a different kind of results than one might think of beforehand.
I like this idea
I don't. What you are using the knife for is subjective. Blade length is not.
I'd rather a cop have to break out a tape measure than make a judgment call on me.
I just got a Kershaw Scallion folder.
when i worked as a studio assistant i carried a leatherman, hardly ever used it... in a bikeshop i carried a park tools allen key set, no need to carry a blade. in a warehouse, if i needed a blade, i'd get one. no one with half a fucking braincell would use a knife to open a box, too easy to damage the goods. all you need to do is use your hands. working on a building site (construction to the americans) i never needed a blade. power tools, hods, barrows, yeah. knives? nope. as a kp (kitchen porter) i never needed a knife. same for working in a pub, shoe shop, paper boy, cycle messenger and all the other bollocks jobs i had to do as a kid. never needed a knife.
but if you need one, fair play. i never have. i've never lived in suburbia, i've always had the convenience of living in a city or on a farm. i guess it is different for you lot.
you may have never felt you needed a knife,every job up there you have had i had one similar and used a knife on everyone of them atleast once a day.
and the last sentence of that last paragraph explains it is 2 different countries and the population of those countries have differing opinions on personal protection,hobbies,and other reasons to have a weapon.what is the hard part of grasping this deal are you missing
spyderco UKPK (United Kingdom PenKnife) foliage green,cpms30v blade,
designed by sal glesser in conjunction with UK knife forums for Uk legal carry,
non locking slip-joint, under legal limit blade.
S&W Special Ops Spring assist
I've got a few others but dont have pics ATM.
I dont own a digital camera anymore so here's a random google picture of the knife I own. Gun's not mine.
CRKT M16 13M
Is the one at the top left a Skeletool?
I think its the CX or whatever they call it, which is just the name for the skeletool in black, and I think its lighter or something.
I have a skeletool as my daily carry and I love it. Its a nice slim and lightweight multitool that feels good in your pocket. Its stripped down to the basics and great for everyday use.
spyderco UKPK (United Kingdom PenKnife) foliage green,cpms30v blade,
designed by sal glesser in conjunction with UK knife forums for Uk legal carry,
non locking slip-joint, under legal limit blade.
How well does the wave work with the strong half stop?
damnit i bought another one. damn you MFBS
Kershaw JYDII w/SRT Lowrider Titanium Clip
ti clip looks fucking mint with the g10 scales,
this might be of interest...
zip tie works well tom,i took it off though tbh, seemed to foul the blade too much, waiting for a ukpk wave.
Clip looks so sexy on there!
Kershaw JYDII w/SRT Lowrider Titanium Clip
Because of these pics I also ordered this clip, and I must say he is a good guy very fast response and service, I've got the JYD 2 without the carbon blade but will likely upgrade sometime.
always liked the jyd, clever idea, much the same as a modern practical katana blade, a pliable outer surrounding an inner harder core,clip is cool, custom edc...
never carried, b.o.b kit,
crkt, not too costly to dump,
fixed and assisted,
I'm also a big fan of the CRKT knives, that top fixed looks really nice.
Because of these pics I also ordered this clip, and I must say he is a good guy very fast response and service, I've got the JYD 2 without the carbon blade but will likely upgrade sometime.
Very fast responses from him. Nice work and great customer service. I couldn't be happier.
All of his clips are $30 flat + $4 shipping. Considering its a titanium plate and the JYDII has such wide screw location it is a fairly large plate, all hand made in low quantity I can justify it. I appreciate what he does and what goes into each clip. Seems like a solid guy and I'm into supporting that. I see what you're saying though about it being nearly the same as the knife.
just picked up a jyd2 i will be picking one of those clips up as soon as possible the stock one is fucking huge.
just picked up a jyd2 i will be picking one of those clips up as soon as possible the stock one is fucking huge.
Did you ever end up ordering one of these?
a few years back me and a group of buddies all ordered cold steel pocket bushman folding hunting blades one drunken evening. for many reasons; knives equate to coolness, lynn c thompson is an avid bicycle commuter, but probably most of all we had been watching cold steel promo dvds all night and it was the cheapest knife they sold at the time. the same time next week there were four obnoxiously large knives in my social circle. one was lost at a party (the ladies loved these knives, weird i know.) the second had it's locking mech demolished in a rouse of knife throwing. third had it's tip broken from shop use. the forth... no clue. i guess the point i'm trying to make is... don't buy one of those, poor quality.
but if it weren't for those knives we would have never found the wonderful game of knife boxing. that would be dangerous, if it involved physical exertion in the slightest.
p.s. my new kitchen knife. it cuts great! i'd post my kershaw leek, but i think it's in the laundry.
Spyderco D2 para military, carry this every day.
Looking for something thinner though.
Did you ever end up ordering one of these?
no i keep forgeting to order one.
My GF bought me this sweet little Kershaw Baby Boa. It's a nice little knife, always clipped in my pocket. I like their opening system.
This is my first nice knife, I really like it.
Thinking about doing away with the red and black. I think it would look nice if I polished it. Opinions?
Looks pretty clean. I'm not a fan of the red though. Polished would be clean, just depends on if you want anyone else to notice it easily. I personally like to be low key about that stuff.
what's a good beginner knife that I can purchase at a decent price?
Just lost my favorite spring-loader 2 days ago, huge disappointment. Think I took it out of my back pocket at a spot and forgot it when I left. No doubt some hoodrat has picked it up by now. I loved that thing...
Here's my current that I bought yesterday.. not as satisfying as the delight a spring-loaded blade brings me but it works.
Alice, what is your budget?
Would say around $100, I want something deece, what are some good knifes in that range?
I spent around $70 for my JYD-II and $30 for the SRT clip, so something like mine is in your budget. Check out I buy a lot of mine from them. If you have a local spot buy from them first but you can at least see a good range if knives on AG.
I'll check out the website, are they knives they sell at army surplus stores any good? They have a big selection but I'd rather have something nice that will last
I'll check out the website, are they knives they sell at army surplus stores any good? They have a big selection but I'd rather have something nice that will last
Surplus stores usually sell off brand crap knives. Get something from a respected brand: kershaw, gerber, SOG, spyderco, benchmade...
Just get a KaBar.
Str in future.
I can't my my Baby Boa!!!!!!!! Last I remember it I was opening up a pesky Slim Jim in a hotel room. I'm heart broken.
im after a 2 handed long sword any tips for finding the right one
I have been reunited!
Throwing my clothes into the washing machine. A pair of my shorts make a loud bang, when they hit the bottom. I Check to see what it was, My Baby Boa!
I then check all my pockets in all my shorts, and found a total of 6 one dollar bills. I found my knife, and I'm rich now!
Im really contemplating picking up a strider sng.
I've wanted one forever, but still not sure if its worth it.
Handed down to me by my great grandfather, from the Mizo hill tribe in India (mums side of the family). It's chopped a few heads in its time!
Fuck yea, do it justice.
Tempted to get it refurbished and cleaned up but at the same time I quite like its well used appearence.
Who as a system like Gerber's FAST system. I have not been impressed with gerber as of late and want to make the switch.
Tempted to get it refurbished and cleaned up but at the same time I quite like its well used appearence.
Sharpen it and leave it, looks badass.
Tempted to get it refurbished and cleaned up but at the same time I quite like its well used appearence.
If they clean up the blade, it loses a lot of it's value. Old swords like that stay valuable when they're untouched. Don't clean it!!
Leatherman Micra (

Replaced the Nail File/Cleaner with my car key. Swapping out the Tweezers and Key Ring Attachment with my house key.

Leatherman Micra (

Replaced the Nail File/Cleaner with my car key. Swapping out the Tweezers and Key Ring Attachment with my house key.

badass! must not have a micro chipped ignition key
Leatherman Micra (

Replaced the Nail File/Cleaner with my car key. Swapping out the Tweezers and Key Ring Attachment with my house key.

What would you charge to do this with my leather man and put a nice sharp blade on her

goddamn that is cool
What would you charge to do this with my leather man and put a nice sharp blade on her
I need to play around with it more. I had a bunch of copies made just in case. I can do it better. This one works but I want to make it a bit nicer, especially before I start messing with someone else's.
Pabst, which Leatherman do you have?
Im rocking the Fuse Right now. I got a cheaper one cause I didn't know how much I would you it. Im looking to upgrade to something beefer and I really dig the key idea.
Cuttin' up and eatin' strawberries.
Strawberry switchblade? (
have you guise seen my spear hands?
I found this guy in my car last week. I assume one of my mates left it as a gift for my driving them around. Its my first pocket knife and I am very pleased with how good it is at cutting holes in peoples drinks when they are not looking.
Office carry
Will post more awesome shit tonight.
Not an impressive picture..(
recently traded a bike for this....
SOG seal pup.
A bike...?
Office carry
I've got this but mainly just take it fishing. It's great because I've wanted a leatherman with a pocket clip forever. So it's got needlenose pliers, screwdriver with 2 flat and 2 philips head bits, carabiner/bottle opener, and a small locking blade. I'd definitely get another if I ever lost this one.
Current edc -kabar + phone
whats with the rope on the keys and car clicker thingy? not talking shit, just wondering.
On the keys it keeps things from jingling, and i put my car key in my change pocket and it makes getting it out easier... Plus i like the way it looks
My Kershaw Scallion....
My GFs Christmas present.
I used to you use knives a bunch when I lived in the country, mostly for shooting. Blow a roos head off, pick it up and cut all its dangly bits off. Now I live in the city I have no need for them.
I have a few of those multi-knife things with screwdrivers, pliers, etc hanging off them at my mums place. Might find them next time I visit her.
Just my daily used box cutter. Handy little thing.
Heres my modest collection.
Estwing hatchet that I use for camping and such.
My CRKT hole-in-one side opener. Its got a spring clip that doubles as a bottle open. It even catches the caps! I'll hang it on a belt loop or bag. Cuts fruit well.
I gift shop special from the skin drum store in New Mexico
My earliest knife, I actually took my brothers cause I lost my Lone Ranger one.
My favorite workhorse. The BUCK Hunter 110. So solid.
Sorry for the pics.
One does not simply walk into my kitchen
this always makes me laugh
these both are on my PC... maybe ill use em one day
early xmas present from my baby-mama stoked!
bought Evo Jr.
replaced it with another Evo Jr.
replaced it with Evo.
Cold Steel Recon 1 Tanto pt.
No idea if this is a good knife or not, I just got it for free from a friend who didn't want it anymore. It's ugly and beat up but it's also well used and still going strong.
Edit - Now that this thread inspired me to look into it, I guess it is supposed to be a pretty good knife
hey guise, I don't know a lot about knives, but I once had a nice Spyder pocket knife and lost it. i have a $20 gift card from REI and I was hoping to spend $20-30 on a new one. I just need something that clips in my pocket and can be used for everyday stuff like opening packages and slicing fruit. any suggestions?
Dajo Ascent (
Gerber Evo Jr Serrated (
Columbia River Pazoda (with awesome spork thing!) (
Gerber Remix (
etc (
so REI has a lot of knives under $30. what's going to be most useful for me?
I have the big version of this in my pocket right now, Its a pretty good knife. Been using it for about a year... easy one hand deployment, pretty solid construction and the blade keeps an edge alright. (
daily carry: missing a screw toward the blunt end and before i knew what i was doing i stripped the bolts that hold on the clip. soooo i cant tighten it and its real loose but its a great knife size wise.
got this one for christmas from the old lady, havent used it much. anything over 3 inch blade is a little excessive and bulky for my daily carry
i use my knife all the time for shit. especially at work, opening shit, cutting foot, acquiring things, etc.
hey guise, I don't know a lot about knives, but I once had a nice Spyder pocket knife and lost it. i have a $20 gift card from REI and I was hoping to spend $20-30 on a new one. I just need something that clips in my pocket and can be used for everyday stuff like opening packages and slicing fruit. any suggestions?
Dajo Ascent (
Gerber Evo Jr Serrated (
Columbia River Pazoda (with awesome spork thing!) (
Gerber Remix (
etc (
so REI has a lot of knives under $30. what's going to be most useful for me?
i've had 2 evo juniors and get the serrated blade version. great knife very solid, but not exactly a speedy draw knife but great for everything, not bulky, and pretty good price. the clip is a bitch to get on your pocket if its not broken in, but that means its tight and wont fall off i guess.
we have this sick one hand operation leatherman in the shop at the moment that id have no use for whatsoever but just looks and feels sick.
on a slightly related note some guy came into the shop a week or so ago and started venting at me about how outrageous it was that we were selling this bear grylls knife(its the largest in the range, the blade’s about 4-5 inches long) and how kids look up to bear grylls and theres nothing it would be useful for except putting holes in people etc. i told him that it’s not going to do anything your standard kitchen chopping knife couldnt do and to email the company. should have told him about the delivery of the big fuck off bear grylls machetes we're waiting on.
I have been considering buying a machete for clearing trails while mountain biking for a while. they are certainly very useful for other things than cutting holes in people! I just don't know how to carry it while riding. I think a folding saw would be more helpful.
we get a lot of goobers in.
sort of on topic, picked up one of these bad boys and got it in the mail today. i'm sure i will use the shit out of it, and now i have a handy little knife all the time. i'll probably end up using the screwdrivers and bottle openers more than anything considering i have a knife on me 99% of the time unless i'm in a suit or something.
Anybody got any opinions on the Leatherman Skeletool? Cx or regular.
Anybody got any opinions on the Leatherman Skeletool? Cx or regular.
They are good quality, something like a wave is way better though in my opinion, less fiddly and more tools.
Define stanley.
I need a knife that can do the job of a scalpel AND stanley, in one blade, does such a thing exist?
A fillet knife?
Anybody got any opinions on the Leatherman Skeletool? Cx or regular.
I like it. I usually have it in my backpack. I use it more than I realize. It was another gift I got from my girl.
I have an old Leatherman multitool that I would like to modify but I can't get the damn thing apart. any tips on getting those little bolts loose to open it up and liberate one of the screwdrivers to make room for something else? I have been grabbing the ends of those discs with pliers and slipping and pinching my fingers for the past 30 minutes, no results.
Lost my green Kershaw Scallion Snap-On edition a few weeks ago. It was my favorite knive I have owned. I was heart broken. GF was sharpening her knife earlier today, I made a comment along the lines of wanting another one. She decided she wold get me another one. Here is my new Scallion, I like this shade of green a lot better than my old Snap-On one, it's a lot darker even though they look the same in the pictures.
Old knife, RIP.
Both of our knives.
I can probably get you another snap on one if you want, pm me if you do.
I have been considering buying a machete for clearing trails while mountain biking for a while. they are certainly very useful for other things than cutting holes in people! I just don't know how to carry it while riding. I think a folding saw would be more helpful.
They are pretty useful for cutting holes in people. Here is what I did to my leg when cutting brush with my machete. Deflected off a tree branch I didn't see.
Probably NSFW.
All stitched up
just grabbed one of these, awesome.
That thing is awesome!
cheap too was like 30 bucks came with a decent little kydex sheath
simple and effective.
I've been carrying a CRKT Crawford Kasper daily since last September and it's been awesome. The law here in Washington has recently been changed so assisted opening knives will be legal by June. After it goes into effect i'm thinking about picking up a Gerber 06 or a SOG Trident.
I've been carrying a CRKT Crawford Kasper daily since last September and it's been awesome. The law here in Washington has recently been changed so assisted opening knives will be legal by June. After it goes into effect i'm thinking about picking up a Gerber 06 or a SOG Trident.
sog flash II graphite handle version is a work of art imo,
ghetto as you like. sharp as fuck though.
simple and effective.
I LOVE these knives, but not too psyched on the swelling when wet bit.
I've been carrying a CRKT Crawford Kasper daily since last September and it's been awesome. The law here in Washington has recently been changed so assisted opening knives will be legal by June. After it goes into effect i'm thinking about picking up a Gerber 06 or a SOG Trident.
Love my gerber 06 usually carrying my kershaw skyline but i throw the 06 in the mix here and there.
Anyone know of a good place to get cases for multi-tools? I got a Leatherman Juice XE6, and the specified case for it only has a clip for attaching to your belt. I am looking to get one with a closed loop so it will not fall off my belt, also I would like it to run parallel to my belt.
MY edged weapons are usually pretty sharp. the golden edges on ym weapons are usally siginificant
Anyone know of a good place to get cases for multi-tools? I got a Leatherman Juice XE6, and the specified case for it only has a clip for attaching to your belt. I am looking to get one with a closed loop so it will not fall off my belt, also I would like it to run parallel to my belt.
Probably a bit much for what you are after but he also does custom stuff.
I had one of these when i was younger. Long story short i left it in my back pack and took a flight to philly, got through security and all.Had my Aunt mail it back to me i think? and lost it. Mine had a normal colored blade and an aqua greenish color handle. Bummed.
I've been carrying a CRKT Crawford Kasper daily since last September and it's been awesome. The law here in Washington has recently been changed so assisted opening knives will be legal by June. After it goes into effect i'm thinking about picking up a Gerber 06 or a SOG Trident.
I remember wondering about this... glad I didnt get in trouble with my Kershaw Leek
picked up this lil pocket knife last summer at a garage sale for $2.
looked it up online and it's $40.[/IMG]]( (http://[IMG)
this knife has been chillin in the lost and found at work for a week or so so I just took it haha, is it a decent blade?
Not bad for a free blade, some of gerbers stuff is pretty good but they like using shitty metals on a lot of their knives.
used to have a bunch of knives but i think most of them are at my parent's. all of them are just pocket blades though. i don't carry them daily, i just like obscure knives..
top is a columbia river knife and tool fulcrum. it's kind've ugly but it opens awesomely, idk just google it. unlike any knife i've seen. i carry this 4 days a week at work.
bottom is a kershaw chive that went through the snowblower this winter. kinda sucks. picture is with the blade flipped out [it's missing]. the clip is bent to shit as well too. didn't want to replace it with another for whatever reason so i went with the fulcrum. i like knives.
Benchmade Mini-Griptillian, the sharpest and smoothest knife I've ever held, let alone had.
I had one of these when i was younger. Long story short i left it in my back pack and took a flight to philly, got through security and all.Had my Aunt mail it back to me i think? and lost it. Mine had a normal colored blade and an aqua greenish color handle. Bummed.
So today my dad found it! It was behind a whole bunch of wood and stuff on the floor next to my water heater in the garage. It's not the color I remember but whatever, it smells like dog piss. I cleaned it with bleach and it still smells:dunno:
picked up a kershaw rake. I like it a lot more thna my old jyd so far.(
Got a Spyderco Delica 4 FFG, picking up a Paramilitary 2 soon I hope.
picked up a kershaw rake. I like it a lot more thna my old jyd so far.(
almost picked one of those up the other day shop had them for a decent price.
this knife has been chillin in the lost and found at work for a week or so so I just took it haha, is it a decent blade?
That is a Gerber Profile. Walmart sells them for 20 bucks. I had one 7 years or so ago. It's pretty decent for what it is.
used to have a bunch of knives but i think most of them are at my parent's. all of them are just pocket blades though. i don't carry them daily, i just like obscure knives..
top is a columbia river knife and tool fulcrum. it's kind've ugly but it opens awesomely, idk just google it. unlike any knife i've seen. i carry this 4 days a week at work.
bottom is a kershaw chive that went through the snowblower this winter. kinda sucks. picture is with the blade flipped out [it's missing]. the clip is bent to shit as well too. didn't want to replace it with another for whatever reason so i went with the fulcrum. i like knives.
Send your Chive to Kershaw and they will repair or replace it for free.
I bought a Blade-Tech Mouselite yesterday that I'm very impressed with.
almost picked one of those up the other day shop had them for a decent price.
It's a really nice knife. speed safe is a definite plus.
I ordered this bad boy yesterday :
completely useless but oh so cool, should be here next week!
My ka-bar zombie stick.
since this just got bumped,
Benchmade Griptilian vs Spyderco Paramilitary2?
Which one should I choose and why.
I was using a Kershaw Scallion as my job knife but the plastic (stupid) safety on it has broken twice.
Paramilitary is what i'd go with spiderco makes nice knives, military in green might be my next purchase.
Paramilitary is what i'd go with spiderco makes nice knives, military in green might be my next purchase.
I love my Spyderco's.
bumping old thread with a question.
what's the best out the front knife for the money? preferably less than $200. been wanting another one for a while now, and the cheap one i used to have was pretty shitty. looking into Microtech ones, are they a good brand?
Microtech makes some of the best automatics around.
You can also have a look at the Benchmade infidel and the Protech dark angel which are both great knives as well .
bumping old thread with a question.
what's the best out the front knife for the money? preferably less than $200. been wanting another one for a while now, and the cheap one i used to have was pretty shitty. looking into Microtech ones, are they a good brand?
Microtech makes one of the best otfs, only brand better would be a desert knife works.
They are out of your price range though, most/all good otfs are out of your range.
OTFs aren't my first choice when it comes to knives though.
They aren't really made for normal utility tasks, especially spear point ones.
Why is that you need an otf? If you really want an auto I would say go with
a Protech TR3.
i just want one cause they're sweet haha. no real purpose but to just have carry around knife. i want a dual action one too, the one i had before you had to slide/pull the blade back in every time and it sucked
That works for me, I think they're badass I just wouldn't carry one.
Not that I could anyways california sucks..
Well if you can afford one then get a microtech, they're generally 300-400.
Unless you don't mind getting a fairly small one, then I would say get this (
i was just going to order a normal sized ultratech on a site for like $250 but they sold out :( i'll probably just wait till they get more of those in, i wasn't aware the utx85 and 75's were so tiny haha
instagramed for maximum ghey
i was just going to order a normal sized ultratech on a site for like $250 but they sold out :( i'll probably just wait till they get more of those in, i wasn't aware the utx85 and 75's were so tiny haha
Ah yeah the ultratech will be perfect, go for it!
Yeah the 75 is a tiny little knife, nice though.
instagramed for maximum ghey
Tridents are good little knives, good edc.
Little guy
'Yalor' Japanese steel stabber
(can't remember where it came from)
Machete in need of some serious TLC
(picked it up on vacation as a kid because I thought it was badass and it actually came it handy when camping as a teenager)
Tridents are good little knives, good edc.
Seriously, one of the best purchases I have ever made. I never realized how useful it is to always have a good blade until now. I don't leave home without it.
Gave my Leek to my brother because he lost his, gave my Opinel to my buddy as a housewarming gift. Not sure what to get now. Thinking about another Opinel, this time in carbon steel. Sweet little knives, even if they can be a bit clunky for a daily carry. Opinions?
Gave my Leek to my brother because he lost his, gave my Opinel to my buddy as a housewarming gift. Not sure what to get now. Thinking about another Opinel, this time in carbon steel. Sweet little knives, even if they can be a bit clunky for a daily carry. Opinions?
Carbon steel opinels are very nice, awesome little cutters.
Like you said though, too chunky in the pocket for me.
How about a spyderco delica?
Here is my old user,
and here is my new one,
just finished this up for the most part. still need to get around to polishing it and will also be attempting a kydex sheath
50mm blade, legal conceal carry
d2 steel, g10 handles, aluminum chainring bolts
I'll be making my own blade sometime soon here.
Where did you get it heat treated?
thanks, haven't sourced someone to HT it yet.
may not even bother on this one being my first go at a blade. likely make a v2 with couple small alterations that i'll HT.
thanks, haven't sourced someone to HT it yet.
may not even bother on this one being my first go at a blade. likely make a v2 with couple small alterations that i'll HT.
Ah that works.
I have heard good things about texasknife, though its not local.
If you find a local place let me know.
I might get a new every day carry knife for my birthday next month, been hesitating between a Spyderco Para 2 or a Zero Tolerance 0350 got any opinions / advice?
Aesop , check out the Kershaw Cryo if you're still looking for a good cheap knife.
not familiar with SpyderCo. have been eyeing the Manix2
ZT350 is def my next purchase tho. they are just about to offer a stone wash too if you're keen to a natural finish blade.
keep in mind weight, zt350 is a tank. i daily a Junkyard Dog II tho so i've become accustomed to it
I might go with the ZT, the Spyderco is lighter and slimmer but I love a good hefty knife, I carry a ESEE 5 when I'm out in the woods, plus the 350 has a flipper which I really like.
Here is my old user,
Dang those are nice! Great first flipper release from Spyderco.
I was looking at that or the Ti Military, went with the military for simplicity sake.
Edit: for content sake, I really want one of these but their impossible to source at this point..
Thanks haha.
I miss my military I really should have kept it.
It was the orange g10, they're stupid priced now.
I would really like a fluted ti millie.
How's the grip on yours, they look slippery.
Thats a nice knife
It's a weapon, it has an edge. I was going to post a picture of a penis, but unfortunately it is a violation of the rules (despite being far less NSFW than a load of massive fucking knives).
finished the sheath and stainless belt clip. touched it off with some paracord and a custom Titanium bead featuring chainring bolt wrench flats by couch
job well done.
not familiar with SpyderCo. have been eyeing the Manix2
ZT350 is def my next purchase tho. they are just about to offer a stone wash too if you're keen to a natural finish blade.
keep in mind weight, zt350 is a tank. i daily a Junkyard Dog II tho so i've become accustomed to it
i switch between the jyd and the skyline for my daily, need an str clip if they're still obtainable.
STR is still making clips.
STR are so nice, have one on my JYDII that couch grabbed me
Nice guy to deal with too.
Looking at this :
so nice..
looks nice. just wish the blade didn't look so oversized on that handle.
Here's what I have. Assisted Kershaw, and my 20 inch Gerber machete.
ZT0350SW & Boker Nano with acid etch and tumbled blade. Scaled did in a boiling pot of water with Rit. Both knives sitting on top of EERF Grinder skeletons.
I realize this thread hasn't been front page in awhile, but I thought some of you may appreciate this. As a little preface, I carry a knife every day of the year and use it for everything around my job, around the house, cutting up an apple at lunch, etc. My knives get some abuse but I also keep them sharp and bolts tight as long as I catch them before they fall out (rare occurrence but has happened).
I had both of these knives - the Evo Jr and the other one (I forget what it's called at the moment) sitting in a drawer until about two weeks ago. the Evo Jr had play in the blade pretty much the entire year used it (bought in 2010/11ish), with the exception being the first month or two (not side by side play, close/open play) so I gave up on it. I called it a loss and purchase the second knife. Had that knife for a solid 1.5-2 years and really like it, good size, low profile clip, serrated blade. I considered it a step up from my Evo Jr - but it too also had play in the blade nearly the entire time I owned it. At that point I said fuck it because I was pissed with all of these shitty Gerber knives but continued to carry it because I didn't want to spend anymore money. Well I used it for anything and everything and it finally reached its deathbed after the winter I used it selling christmas trees. between cutting garland, twine, and once a couple small branches for a delivery tree, that knife was used every 20-30 minutes on busy days. It got a lot of use and one day toward the end of the season I noticed the clip was loose, I had lost two bolts holding the sides together, and of course the blade still had play. I threw it in the drawer with the Evo Jr and forgot about them.
Fast forward to two weeks ago. I have since purchased two Kershaw open assists that I enjoy very much (each has their own purpose in regards to where I am working on a given day) and I was impressed with the lifetime warranty (including the convenience of mailing you the spare parts you need no questions asked - except for blades, understandably) as well. I have sent in one of the Kershaws on the same day I sent in these two knives and for the same reason, has play in the blade. I may sound picky but I spend double on that Kershaw that I did for both Gerbers and I see no reason why they can't seem to handle daily use (I haven't sold christmas trees since that Gerber got destroyed! And I don't use my knives for prying, stupid shit, etc).
Anyways - I remembered my old Gerber knives in the drawer, looked online/saw they had a lifetime warranty as well, and decided to fill out the warranty form for each knife and send them to Gerber. On monday (about 10 days later) I received two packages in the mail - one with a brand new Evo Jr (in package) and the other with a brand new knife (same model as the one I sent in that was in really rough shape). I honestly expected a phone call saying it would cost me a couple bucks, or even for my knives to be sent back (especially the really rough one) but instead I received 2 brand new knives!
Despite my initial distaste with every Gerber I have ever owned (because they all have play in the blade after little to no time) I was very impressed and honestly have nothing but praise for Gerber. No questions asked they supplied me with two brand new knives when I honestly wasn't expecting much more than my own knives shipped back to me. If anyone has any questions on buying a lower-mid range knife I wouldn't hesitate to recommend a Gerber product at all, especially with their (timely) warranty department. Only downside is that they aren't made in the United States. As for now we will see how long it takes for Kershaw to either get back to me, or mod my knife (I suggested it to prevent play in the blade if it was easier) and ship it back.
Sorry for the book, but I felt a backstory needed rather than: TL;DR i had two shitty knives and i got 2 new ones for free
I love my spyderco tenacious. Fiending for a domino
I just lost my swiss army style victorinox because I forgot to take it out my handluggage when flying. Stupid mistake of course, but still a bit bummed.
Mine didn't have that ring though...
Picked up a leatherman supertool 300 today.
I'm looking for a KaBar any suggestions? I think I want the smaller one for the practicality purposes.
Boker Plus Ridgeback designed by Bill Coye. Bill's books are nearly always closed so when the Boker version became available I jumped on one as quick as I could. Not as nice as an original Coye but still a great fixed blade. Perfect for horizontal belt carry.
This is a manly thread, does not feel like im on bikeguide right now.
Boker Plus Ridgeback designed by Bill Coye. Bill's books are nearly always closed so when the Boker version became available I jumped on one as quick as I could. Not as nice as an original Coye but still a great fixed blade. Perfect for horizontal belt carry.
His stuff is so good, I've wanted a wiskey 2 for so long now, just can't justify that much, though if I could it would be an RJ martin.
I do want to pick up a les george vecp sometime in the future, especially over a sebenza or strider for the same price.
Im in the market for a good knife. Not sure if I want a fixed blade or a foldable. Ive always dug fixed but this is something I would be wearing to work and probably just around when I'm not riding. Nothing China made of from that area at all actually, thank you : D
Im in the market for a good knife. Not sure if I want a fixed blade or a foldable. Ive always dug fixed but this is something I would be wearing to work and probably just around when I'm not riding. Nothing China made of from that area at all actually, thank you : D
ZT 0350
Nioce, I'm actually really picky about knives so could you guys recommend a good website to just browse 100's of types of knives?
Im kind of after something with traditional values/character. Like something with a burled mahogany with a cherry border. Or perhaps maybe a burnished pine with an apple wood border/hint of ash.
Thanks guys!
Nioce, I'm actually really picky about knives so could you guys recommend a good website to just browse 100's of types of knives?
Im kind of after something with traditional values/character. Like something with a burled mahogany with a cherry border. Or perhaps maybe a burnished pine with an apple wood border/hint of ash.
Thanks guys!
Blade HQ
Thinking aboot this pair
how do i know that the sheath will fit snug? I hate ordering online…
I'm so excited for the new Kershaw/Emerson knives to come out.
I need a good suggest for a fixed blade knife with a leather sheath I can wear on my belt while on the motorcycle any suggestions?
Lol my friends want to buy kabars so they can be jax teller off SOA hah..
Lol my friends want to buy kabars so they can be jax teller off SOA hah..
the full sized it way too big. My hands are too big for the small ones grip
Ran a batch of these not too long ago for a customer. CTS-XHP blades, 6Al/4V frame and pocket clip. 1/4" pivot on caged bearings.
How do I buy one?
I was lucky enough to grab this Coye Forerunner from one of his flash sales. Blown away by the fit and finish
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Selling this like new cond Benchmade 755 mpr and used Boker plus albatros
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Forerunner is bitchin! All of his stuff is super dialed. How much you want for the Albatros?
Forerunner is bitchin! All of his stuff is super dialed. How much you want for the Albatros?
I have it up on blade_exchange insta but would give you the bg deal. It has slight lock rock which is common with the model. Good shape for a user 60 shipped
I love this thing
Just got this in
J. Woytaz knife
Heat treated D2 steel
6 3/8" overall
Canvas micarta scales
Stainless pin
Ti lanyard tube
He makes really cool pocket tools, knives, jewelery. A couple of his bandicoot's are in my carry rotation @jw_knives
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Ordered another Kershaw/Emerson last night. A CQC6-K this time.
Kind of on a knife kick right now.. Probably going to pick up a kershaw jyd2.2 (changed my mind, want a rake for speedsafe)with ceramic edge so i can be in with the cool kids on here. Then eventually save up for a cool ZT300. I like the wide blade.
Just bought a boker bulldog and cheap chinese katana thing since I was bored.
Actually trying to cancel that order^ reviews say that's a dookie knife.
boker does some decent collabs with custom knife makers like burchtree. spyderco has a collab with them too (chubby)
My knife came and the detent is weak. Sending it back.
Anyone going to the Kershaw warehouse sale next month?
My knife came and the detent is weak. Sending it back.
Anyone going to the Kershaw warehouse sale next month?
what! I would be game for that
I ended up buying the elite tactical ZT300 knockoff. It showed up today (I♡Amazon) and it's fuckin huge.