- Bike maintenance for BMX'ers

The Street => The Bike Shop => Topic started by: skateparkrider on October 08, 2014, 11:27:06 AM

Title: Mid school "collecting"
Post by: skateparkrider on October 08, 2014, 11:27:06 AM
I think it is safe to say that if you frequent the Blue you are a devout BMX nerd.  I know that some members on here currently "collect" old and midschool BMX bikes.  Not trying to turn Blue into TheMuseum or anything...  just curious how many people on here "collect" stuff from the mid school era of riding.  I guess mid school is a subjective term, but to me it would be around 1995/96-2003/04.  Basically to me, right when bikes started going to 1 1/8" threadless head tubes up to the point where everything started hitting the light weight phase. 

Do you collect stuff?  What do you collect?  I know some guys only try to collect actual compete bicycles while other guys like to collect a specific part from multiple brands.  One of my buddies is a big sprocket guy and I know of another guy who has a shit ton of bars. 

Just wanted to start a conversation on this to see other people's thoughts.  I myself wouldn't really consider myself a "collector" but when I think of all the random shit I have I guess I could totally get pegged as one.  I guess I would rather be called a collector than a hoarder...haha.  I have started to notice a few of my friends starting to get into building up old bikes from their youth the past few months.  We are all in our early 30's, which seems to be a point in life where people get nostalgic about things from their youth. 
Title: Re: Mid school "collecting"
Post by: Narcoleptic Insomniac on October 08, 2014, 11:49:47 AM
I have an s&m pbr that is yours if you pay shipping.
Title: Re: Mid school "collecting"
Post by: skateparkrider on October 08, 2014, 12:10:15 PM
Ha, I'm not looking to buy.  Just curious if other people are noticing the rise of popularity in collecting the mid-school stuff.  It seems like a lot of the hard core old school guys on The Museum are saying that it is a buyer's market on the old school shit right now.  A lot of people are getting out of it and selling off their old stuff.  Like, it seems like the new cool thing to try to snag up on craigslist/ebay/etc is from the midschool era and the old school stuff isn't hitting as hard as it once was.  Maybe the majority of the old school collectors have had enough time to search out all the shit they wanted.  Maybe not.  Who really knows....

Plus, I'm a Standard/T1 fan.  S&M stuff is cool.  But it was never really a big thing where I grew up at because of my close proximity to Standard.  You rode Strip bars, Trailboss/STA and Bash forks where I was at growing up.  That seems to be what all of my local buddies are trying to snag parts wise for their nostalgia builds. Unless somebody has a super bad ass Heavy As Fuck frame they would want to get rid of.... I'm good on the S&M frames. 
Title: Re: Mid school "collecting"
Post by: milhous on October 08, 2014, 12:14:16 PM
I enjoy old SBC stuff.

Title: Re: Mid school "collecting"
Post by: Alice Glass on October 08, 2014, 12:16:54 PM
I have some new condition FBM Old76 bars if anyone wants em PM me
Title: Re: Mid school "collecting"
Post by: skateparkrider on October 08, 2014, 12:21:18 PM
YOU MOTHER FUCKERS!!!!!  Quit trying to turn this into a for sale/want to buy thread.  There is a section for that located here:,14.0.html 

Please try to stick to the conversation requested.  I know we all want a quick $20 so we can go buy a fucking nugget of weed, but hell!  Don't thread jack to try and sell your shit unless you are breaking me off a piece of said nugget of weed for my commission percentage of creating a thread for you to get high off of.

Please and thank you. 
Title: Re: Mid school "collecting"
Post by: skateparkrider on October 08, 2014, 12:22:47 PM
Milhous, I'm going to send you a PM on the Museum about some shit I am working on for a BMX swap meet/show sort of deal.  I am curious your input on a lot of this stuff as I know you are a like minded individual. 
Title: Re: Mid school "collecting"
Post by: hugh. on October 08, 2014, 12:33:32 PM
I'm a bit of a weird case with this.

I never rode during the 'midschool' period but I just think most parts made these days look shit. It seems like during 1995-2005 you could tell what kind of frame someone was riding just by looking from a mile away. Now everything looks the same.

I also like how much tougher older parts can be. I fucked up a few 36h wheels before I moved to 48h.

I think I should start a collection now.
Title: Re: Mid school "collecting"
Post by: milhous on October 08, 2014, 12:44:42 PM
Milhous, I'm going to send you a PM on the Museum about some shit I am working on for a BMX swap meet/show sort of deal.  I am curious your input on a lot of this stuff as I know you are a like minded individual. 

Sounds good! Hit me up.

My original Trail Boss (my first Standard ever) that I purchased new from Trend in 1997 recently showed up at my LBS. It has been through a few owners since I sold it around 2000ish. It is super beat up, but I want to try and get it back to hang on the wall as a sentimental piece.
Title: Re: Mid school "collecting"
Post by: badlight on October 08, 2014, 01:39:35 PM
Ive got a collection of seats and stems. Not era specific, just shit I think is rad.
Title: Re: Mid school "collecting"
Post by: peggiesmalls on October 08, 2014, 01:42:42 PM
im very nostalgic about parts i didn't own like stuff i seen in magazine and catalogs.
Title: Re: Mid school "collecting"
Post by: Cole on October 08, 2014, 01:45:26 PM
What do you guys do with these collections? Just build bikes up to have?

Lately I've wanted to buy a couple frames I lusted over back in the day and hang them on a wall. But it seems silly to do that.
Title: Re: Mid school "collecting"
Post by: milhous on October 08, 2014, 01:56:17 PM
The old bikes just hang in the computer room.
Majority of my random old parts are on a shelf andwalls in the same room.
Title: Re: Mid school "collecting"
Post by: Stoked on October 08, 2014, 02:02:32 PM
I tend to collect random smaller parts but never get to use them.  RNC and FBM clamps I can't use because both my frames have integrated.  Larger sprockets and fullguards, small brake parts, Ti bits and other crap.
Title: Re: Mid school "collecting"
Post by: skateparkrider on October 08, 2014, 02:15:23 PM
What do you guys do with these collections? Just build bikes up to have?

Lately I've wanted to buy a couple frames I lusted over back in the day and hang them on a wall. But it seems silly to do that.

My end goal is to be able to build up bikes that can actually be ridden and enjoyed.  But I have way too many frames to actually build them all up. 

Depending on the setting, a frame on the wall is pretty cool.  It is for sure a conversation piece, that's for sure. 
Title: Re: Mid school "collecting"
Post by: JFax on October 08, 2014, 03:01:57 PM
I dont like mid-school stuff. I can understand why people would like to build them up as a hobby, but riding wise I feel like bikes were worse back then.

I change my bike up quite a lot now, but prefer stuff from or made like 5-7 years ago.
Title: Re: Mid school "collecting"
Post by: skateparkrider on October 08, 2014, 03:07:55 PM
I think the only stuff that throws me off when riding a new bike vs. a mid school one is the handlebar height.  Everything else I can jive with. 

I have a Kink Fiend Dave Young tribute build and it is fucking bad ass to ride around on.  Once I am on it for a good 10-15 minutes I get used to it pretty quick.   Speaking of that rig... I should go take some pictures of it.  It is a bad ass mamma jamma.
Title: Re: Mid school "collecting"
Post by: tecnic1 on October 08, 2014, 03:13:43 PM
I have my old WAL Riot, but I don't find old bikes interesting enough to want to collect them, in fact, I've thought about selling it a few times.

I didn't like mid school bikes when they were new.  They looked cool, but I thought they were really hard to ride compared to like a Sport.
Title: Re: Mid school "collecting"
Post by: Gary on October 08, 2014, 03:50:57 PM
I've pretty much sold off all my older stuff. I'm starting a second  part time job for some spending $$  . In a few months I might build up a 48 spoked 39T sprocket-ed beast
Title: Re: Mid school "collecting"
Post by: barcodebilly on October 08, 2014, 04:01:01 PM
I collect (used to) cool stems and seats.. used to be on a t1 kick snagging up any frame I saw for sale but got over that one.
Title: Re: Mid school "collecting"
Post by: montymitch on October 08, 2014, 06:54:53 PM
Back in the 90's I rode a Homeless Mack, and I picked up a used one cheap on eBay with the intention of building it as a nostalgia piece.

It now collects dust in the garage.
Title: Re: Mid school "collecting"
Post by: CMB on October 08, 2014, 07:38:23 PM
I have a few mid school parts that I've collected/held onto over the years.
Antifreeze green 36t Profile Imperial
Fit S2 Seat
OG Shadow Slim seat circa 2004
OG Fit s3 stem
S&M Redneck Lite
T1 Gower Power 39t
I also still have my Fit Series 1 from over 11 years ago.
Title: Re: Mid school "collecting"
Post by: faldfhkhfidhfid on October 08, 2014, 07:57:08 PM
I'm a bit of a weird case with this.

I never rode during the 'midschool' period but I just think most parts made these days look shit. It seems like during 1995-2005 you could tell what kind of frame someone was riding just by looking from a mile away. Now everything looks the same.

I also like how much tougher older parts can be. I fucked up a few 36h wheels before I moved to 48h.

I think I should start a collection now.

This. I've got a few old 48H rims and hubs laying around. Couple of old redline proline front loads that were basically a brick and a couple of frames somewhere with the old "oval" top tube which were pretty nice. Also rebuilding a few of my old redline bikes up from the late 90's but have to machine up some new parts for them because I can't be bothered finding them. Have a very large collection of old bars and some 8 piece bars. Love the older stuff
Title: Re: Mid school "collecting"
Post by: @ss4oLe on October 08, 2014, 10:16:23 PM
I don't collect shit. Maybe if I had more money and more space to store shit I might.

Honestly, I just need bikes that I can ride. Looking at old stuff doesn't do anything for me.

With that said, I do have some old parts that I probably will never get rid of. Not many though.

Taj said in an interview I read, something about old bikes sucked, why would he want to collect them.. I can get my old bikes fix  on the museum.

80's bmx = flexy, breakable bikes
90's bmx = heavy as fuck
modern bmx = fuck yes!*

* I've been saying "fuck yes" to bikes since '77

Title: Re: Mid school "collecting"
Post by: CHROME_RIMS_YO on October 08, 2014, 10:20:53 PM
mid school stuff is indeed more desirable these days. 10 years ago i won the ebay auctions for both a nos 21" 3/8" standard trls250 and a nos 21" 3/8" fbm angel of death and spent $125 total between the two. don't see deals like that anymore, plus i'm seeing things from that era go for more on the museum and ebay lately. and by lately i mean the last 3 years at most. my money's all tied up in a vinyl record collection that i no longer care about and am wanting to unload. if i had it sold i'd probably build up a squad of midschool bikes. i'm 31, and i bet it's all the dudes like me in that late 20s to early 40s range who are buying up all the midschool now that they're somewhat settled in life. i wish i would have spent more effort collecting during the era, i really only started stockpiling from my bikeshop job 10 years ago a few months before i quit. getting wholesale prices and employee discounts and shit made it easy and i never really took advantage of it. now i can relate to the bmxers from 15-20 years ago that had to scour local bike shops for old stock shimano dx pedals.
Title: Re: Mid school "collecting"
Post by: Prodigal Son on October 08, 2014, 11:47:05 PM
Bike crap? No. I've got an exceptional orchid collection though.
Title: Re: Mid school "collecting"
Post by: condrbkr on October 08, 2014, 11:53:30 PM
-Animal OG topload stem that I still rock it for my current build
-Animal Purple Jump Off 12-100
-Fit Edwin bars cut down to 22' with like a 10 layers of spray paint on them.
-I got a Kink OG peg lying around somewhere
-Not midschool at all but I just recently retired my Mutiny Loosefer V2, don't see myself parting from it.

So much good memories on all of them besides the OG Kink peg which I promptly took off for something that's not a pound a piece.
Title: Re: Mid school "collecting"
Post by: LeonLikesToRock on October 09, 2014, 02:14:39 AM
I got the bug by getting given a few things here and there by friends who stopped riding - the big one was a 2000 Condor with the badge graphics. I never had money for "proper" aftermarket completes until I finished uni. I'd have a good frame and stuff when I was in my late teens but there'd always be a bunch of bargain basement shit on it. Now it is kind of like "I always wanted a DK Legacy - and that is fuck all" so I jump on it. I really like T1 stuff and it was crazy expensive down here (if you could get it) so I've got a fair few T1 things. As we all get older the shit is getting more expensive. BMX Museum has kind of put me off it but kind of got me into it. It's  great way to find shit and a great way to go "I'm not getting the stage where I start convincing myself that my kid/wife/dog/neighbor really want me to build a BMX for them"

I can't get into doing things 100% period correct and all that shit. I mean, I still run a DK stem I got in high school. Who changes all their shit every season? I like mixing it up.
Title: Re: Mid school "collecting"
Post by: dude... on October 09, 2014, 04:21:25 AM
i used to have a warpig and sta from around 98 even though i didnt ride back then. i snagged em cheap, then sold them on, kind wish i didnt now but i wouldnt ride them, theyd only gather dust so not much point.

ive got loads of other old parts though, most arent that midschool. got a few good hubs and stuff though, profile ss 48 lefty, profile shelled nankai, homer and monkey front hubs, gsport nimrod stem, couple of haemorrhoids, and a pentagon seat.
not really all that midschool, i only used to buy stuff because it was interesting and really cheap (i had no money for decent bike parts for so long, only frame i ever bought new was my og sunday and that was half rrp because of padded cell distro going down).

i have my sunday built up as a spare but again, not really midschool, its more just the parts i used to ride that i kept as spares as i moved to more modern/shiney bits.

im stocking up on post-midschool era parts now though while theyre cheap, already got an rnc ti clamp, and picked up some odyssey 41thermal splined cranks the other week. looking for a gen 1 take ivy, nokon cable, shadow slim seat not really

Title: Re: Mid school "collecting"
Post by: KillSeth on October 09, 2014, 11:39:41 AM
I don't have a big interest in gathering a collection of midschool shit, but I think my bike is definitely more midschool-minded in build. I am always on the hunt for 33t sprockets and railed seats.

My white whale currently is a 33t DK Iron Cross or Iron Cross Light Sprocket. Someone help me out.
Title: Re: Mid school "collecting"
Post by: Tony Harrison on October 09, 2014, 12:14:56 PM
I have ben's old warpig, a standard STA ox plat, an 04/05 barcode and loads of other shit.

The market is definitely looking up. I sold some late series Hoffman Love Handles on ebay for $225 Canadian dollars over the summer.
Title: Re: Mid school "collecting"
Post by: Cole on October 09, 2014, 02:38:35 PM
I don't have a big interest in gathering a collection of midschool shit, but I think my bike is definitely more midschool-minded in build. I am always on the hunt for 33t sprockets and railed seats.

My white whale currently is a 33t DK Iron Cross or Iron Cross Light Sprocket. Someone help me out.

May be able to help you out there.
Title: Re: Mid school "collecting"
Post by: jaymeatsack on October 09, 2014, 03:29:25 PM
I'm building a bike shop in my basement, in a odd, narrow room that wasn't really good for anything else, obviously still pretty rough. I'll have more time to work on it this winter.
( (
Title: Re: Mid school "collecting"
Post by: BKFBM on October 09, 2014, 04:25:19 PM
i've bought & sold many bikes over the years. had a few hoffmans, including a flash that was going to be remodeled into a dave young tribute (still have the haro grind disc), but i've moved a bunch over the last 5 years and sold all of them.  i still have my first taj & AOD, and a couple random old sprockets but i guess i just don't have the room or care to collect much. i'd love a US-made orange general lee, and i'm always looking for old fbm/T1 clothing & stickers, as far as bikes/parts i fall into the "if i'm not gonna ride it regularly, sell it" crowd.
Title: Re: Mid school "collecting"
Post by: hugh. on October 09, 2014, 05:14:26 PM
Someone sell me a 39t S&M Motoman
Title: Re: Mid school "collecting"
Post by: KillSeth on October 09, 2014, 05:38:17 PM
I don't have a big interest in gathering a collection of midschool shit, but I think my bike is definitely more midschool-minded in build. I am always on the hunt for 33t sprockets and railed seats.

My white whale currently is a 33t DK Iron Cross or Iron Cross Light Sprocket. Someone help me out.

May be able to help you out there.

Title: Re: Mid school "collecting"
Post by: paranoidmexican on October 09, 2014, 09:30:03 PM
I just have my 03 wtp primate. I'll build it up soon.
Title: Re: Mid school "collecting"
Post by: weedbix on October 09, 2014, 11:36:12 PM
I still had my flame-sticker Condor in Dad's garage until it joined all the other cobwebbed things at the scrap yard. Kneesaver II's, one inch Superforks, OG Tenderizers on one piece cranks, Grind Disc with the guard modded from full guard to quarter guard

I had a Volume Destroyer when I started up again in '06 but I donated it to a charity figuring a BMX kid with a broken frame could use it

The only thing I have left from my 90's riding is my GT Mallet and memories
Title: Re: Mid school "collecting"
Post by: Boomhauer on October 10, 2014, 10:36:31 AM
I had to stop, I have like 6 frames and no space.. I would still buy. All of (Nitromors?) T1 stuff if I could though.. I also regret selling my OG T1 Byrnes on here.. I made about 50 bucks after shipping costs and it kills me to this day..

Its new owner did a fucking killer job with it though..

Also, Bobby.. If somebody wants to buy my Elf I'll send you nug, booze and candy haha.
Title: Re: Mid school "collecting"
Post by: MSBNL on October 10, 2014, 10:48:32 AM
I don't really collect but I recently rebuild my 2004 S&M blackbike and it feels awesome riding a 10 year old frame. Best part is the ''new generation'' all drool over the high standover height and love it, that is, until they try to do a manual with the rear wheel at 14,25''.
Title: Re: Mid school "collecting"
Post by: skateparkrider on October 10, 2014, 11:08:37 AM
Jay-  You  have some kick ass bikes, there is no doubt about that. 

Boomhauer- I will hold you to said nug acquisition.
Title: Re: Mid school "collecting"
Post by: paranoidmexican on October 10, 2014, 11:18:48 AM
Shop in town still had nos mid school stuff. Bobby knows.
Title: Re: Mid school "collecting"
Post by: barcodebilly on October 10, 2014, 12:23:29 PM
Still bummed I sold my 21.25 07 t1 sfa that was in great shape.
Title: Re: Mid school "collecting"
Post by: tsage1 on October 10, 2014, 01:45:59 PM
I'm guilty of this for sure.  The one thing that bugs me about the museum crowd is the lack of riding the actual bikes.  I have the bikes I thought were cool when I was younger.  I have had fun riding all of them.  Granted I ride some more than others, but they still get ridden and used.  FWIW I posted a pic of me riding the monocoque on BMX Museum and got a serious hate message about it.  (That I was abusing a "classic")

( ( ( by tim_w_sage (, on Flickr

I have a few other treasures, but this is the bulk of it.

T1 Progression V2
T1 Barcode (Spooky made first batch) Bobby P. has shredded its majestic fury
Standard Trail Boss
Haro Monocoque
Title: Re: Mid school "collecting"
Post by: Tall Opinion on October 10, 2014, 02:03:51 PM
I don't collect, but I generally like the parts from 04-06 better than current stuff. I've got 3 of the good old school Tioga Comp III's in my basement and a 1999 Standard trls250 with custom 14mm drops and a 21.25 top tube.

I really want to get my hands on a good condition all black Primo hemorrhoid seat or maybe a coalition seat.
Title: Re: Mid school "collecting"
Post by: skateparkrider on October 10, 2014, 03:05:51 PM
Bobby P wishes he would have stolen that bike when you were eating.  I could be shredding it right now  ;D

The goal with all of my mid school builds is because I want to ride them.  I have a few specific pictures that are iconic or stand out in my mind with the specific builds that would be fun to try to replicate.  I get that some dudes enjoy collecting shit and keeping it super nice and pristine.  And that is totally cool with me.  But I fully plan on riding the bikes I build up.  There could potentially be some bikes that I see that are so nice/bad ass that I wouldn't want to ride it.  But I have het to meet that bike. 
Title: Re: Mid school "collecting"
Post by: stevefromtexas on October 10, 2014, 09:50:49 PM
I don't collect but I got some things around like xs parts MacNeil ruben frame primo rod post primo seat og s&m fat seat I also found a og kink peg a while back some other random things.
Title: Re: Mid school "collecting"
Post by: RighteousBMX on October 11, 2014, 09:55:09 AM
I have a Primo Pentagon seat and a Poverty post in the garage if anyone wants me to make a video of me burning it.
Title: Re: Mid school "collecting"
Post by: CMB on October 11, 2014, 11:22:25 AM
I'd love to find a 36t Profile Blackjack sprocket.
Title: Re: Mid school "collecting"
Post by: LeonLikesToRock on October 12, 2014, 02:49:15 AM
maybe a coalition seat.

I hear you with that one. I sold mine on a bike to a friend about 3 years and had been looking for one since. Found one on the bay a few weeks ago and promptly snapped it up.
Title: Re: Mid school "collecting"
Post by: dude... on October 12, 2014, 04:05:27 AM
i wonder whether the recent reissues of classic frames has increased interest in "mid school" parts and bikes, or whether its the other way around with increased interest creating a viable market for reissues.

im pretty stoked either way, i like to ride my bikes and though i still really want to own another 2000ish STA, i think id be a bit dissapointed when i built it up because now im used to and prefer more modern geometry (steeper ht and shorter back end), hence why im stoked about the AOD
Title: Re: Mid school "collecting"
Post by: sparadrap on October 12, 2014, 01:58:53 PM
Long time lurker first time poster here (prompted by this thread somehow).

I got the ball rolling when I got my 2002 Dragonfly DFX back from storage. Been building it up slowly for the past year and a half, scooping up parts here and there. I got a Pentagon when the Hemmorhoid stock at ChainReaction sold out, a Primo Rod from a unicycle webstore.

Still need a couple 48H rims (Alex or Haz Lites), a new BB for my 15 year-old Profile set and a pair of Tenderizers since I donated my 1664/Wellgos to my commuter.

I enjoy reminiscing about the good old days but I doubt I'll ride it as much as my new school BMX.

(PS: Hello everyone)

Title: Re: Mid school "collecting"
Post by: skateparkrider on October 13, 2014, 09:20:02 AM
"with increased interest creating a viable market for reissues."  I think it is 100% due to this.   

Not so long ago, there were some T1 Team Issue sticker packs that went up on Ebay and the dude sold multiple sets for way too much money.  I think some of the first ones he sold were over $100 a sticker pack.  It was pretty insane.  But then, all of the sudden there were all of these different auctions of various T1 stickers from other people, trying to cash in on the dumbasses who pay $80 for a T1 Team Issue pack (this dumbass is guilty of being one of the buyers). 

PS-  if you are that person and you post on this site, I salute your sticker hustling abilities. 
Title: Re: Mid school "collecting"
Post by: dude... on October 14, 2014, 04:29:33 AM
i guess as certain things become more desirable it bumps prices up-some of that oldschool stuff goes for stupid prices (especially as everyone ive spoke to who actually rode in the 80s reminisces fondly about how shit bikes and parts were back then). with midschool stuff being dirt cheap until recently i guess people decided to start buying that up instead cos it was better value. also maybe the age of people collecting this stuff, i could imagine people getting into building up old bikes, filling their house with them then thinking "now what"? they cost too much and are too hard to get hold of to be worth actually riding for most people

im a bit bummed tbh, been trying to pick up an old STA on the cheap for a while now (its a lot harder in australia than in the US), but now theyre gonna be priced well beyond what i wanna pay
Title: Re: Mid school "collecting"
Post by: LeonLikesToRock on October 14, 2014, 05:24:56 AM
im a bit bummed tbh, been trying to pick up an old STA on the cheap for a while now (its a lot harder in australia than in the US), but now theyre gonna be priced well beyond what i wanna pay

STAs were north of 1k here from memory. Good luck finding one and even more luck finding one cheap in Australia. Keep an eye out for one in the States and then use myus to ship it over. they come up pretty often and aren't pricey.
Title: Re: Mid school "collecting"
Post by: skateparkrider on October 14, 2014, 01:35:20 PM
dude, what is your email?  I will holler at you about some STA stuff.  I live in Iowa and they are pretty easy to come by if you aren't looking for a specific year or something like that. 
Title: Re: Mid school "collecting"
Post by: red_spectre on October 14, 2014, 02:08:16 PM
I have a mint set of Macneil Ruben Bars, a first run Macneil Ruben Stem in excellent condition (that I have used recently and likely will use again), and a mint pair of original Terrible One Ruben bars. I also have a Maas built Terrible One Barcode that I plan to eventually paint and hang on a wall. Everything else I sold or gave away. I held on to the items listed purely for sentimental reasons...

Title: Re: Mid school "collecting"
Post by: dude... on October 15, 2014, 06:56:21 AM
im a bit bummed tbh, been trying to pick up an old STA on the cheap for a while now (its a lot harder in australia than in the US), but now theyre gonna be priced well beyond what i wanna pay

STAs were north of 1k here from memory. Good luck finding one and even more luck finding one cheap in Australia. Keep an eye out for one in the States and then use myus to ship it over. they come up pretty often and aren't pricey.
yeah they were 500 quid in the uk (for the ox plat ones), but there were quite a lot going around at one point, and plenty of old slightly thrashed ones for like 50 quid.

skatepark rider-pm send, cheers
Title: Re: Mid school "collecting"
Post by: kevinvalot on October 15, 2014, 06:17:00 PM
i have an og s&m redneck that was red until i painted it black unfortunately, i was 14 or so, i have a pair of glam v2 bars that i have hanging on the wall, i know its from a bit later of an era but glam v2's are classics in my book. especially with what randy taylor did for mutiny, one of the best riders to ever exist.  RIP randy
Title: Re: Mid school "collecting"
Post by: vandalsucks on October 15, 2014, 11:06:36 PM
Jay-  You  have some kick ass bikes, there is no doubt about that. 

Boomhauer- I will hold you to said nug acquisition.
I see you were looking for a dk sob on the .Com a bit so I have one for you.
Title: Re: Mid school "collecting"
Post by: ss1980 on October 16, 2014, 04:20:38 PM
i went through a 3 year 'collecting' stint from 2010-2013.  collected all the parts/frames i couldn't afford and wanted at one time or another.  the shit i drooled over in the catalogs. era would be '98 to 2004ish.

i came to my senses and sold mostly everything that i collected and put the money back into my riders.  i do swap frames quite a bit still, but have a 1 in, 1 out rule. i kept some of the cool smaller parts though... barends, stems, seats.

i do have a barcode i rebuilt exactly the way it was in 2002.  mainly for beer drinking nostalgia reasons...  it sits and collect dust in the basement which is fine with me. 

Title: Re: Mid school "collecting"
Post by: lifeloveregret on October 17, 2014, 03:41:48 AM
I have amassed a collection of mid-school Primo seats. I must have ten or so. 
Title: Re: Mid school "collecting"
Post by: mattywatty on October 19, 2014, 09:57:15 PM
I wouldn't call myself a collector, but I had a couple of cool gems at one point. Unfortunately they were all at my mom's house and she threw them out years ago. The two highlights were my old Angel of Death frame that I rode when I was 14, and one of Bob Scerbo's old Animal OG sprockets that was actually given to me by Grimaldo Duran in 2004 when I was 13. In hindsight, I wish I'd saved more of my old parts, especially my gray Primo Pentagon seat, original aluminum railed Primo Balance seat, original metal Cielincki pedals, and a few others that I can't think of right now.
Title: Re: Mid school "collecting"
Post by: skateparkrider on October 20, 2014, 10:41:24 AM
So bad ass that a green box is in order.  But since those rights have been stripped from us....  This will be your green box:

Title: Re: Mid school "collecting"
Post by: condrbkr on October 20, 2014, 12:24:16 PM
Found a Hoffman Super fork with peg bosses from my first bike.
Title: Re: Mid school "collecting"
Post by: ralph wiggum on October 20, 2014, 06:10:35 PM
Got a box of stems and sprockets, old Standard pegs, Kastan-built Mosh cranks, complete Kink Fiend, S&M Holmes, my S&M Challenger XL with 990s that was my street/park bike in the early 2000s, Rob Wise's Mirraco and some frames kicking around. I had a bit more stuff but sold a lot a while back. Ideally I would like to do a "bike shop" in the basement to actually display the stuff. That should be happening in the not so distant future.
Title: Re: Mid school "collecting"
Post by: cmc4130 on October 21, 2014, 04:47:15 PM
. . .  I guess mid school is a subjective term, but to me it would be around 1995/96-2003/04.  Basically to me, right when bikes started going to 1 1/8" threadless head tubes up to the point where everything started hitting the light weight phase. 
 . . . .

I would backdate mid-school to 1992, with the criterion being thick dropouts made to withstand street riding, and STANDARD's development of an axle that could withstand street use of pegs.

There were definitely "mid school" bikes with 1" head tubes--the Standard Shorty & Lengthy, Hoffman Condor and Big Daddy, etc.   Even with S&M, early Dirt Bike and Holmes just had two dropouts tacked together--but when S&M switched to a serious thick dropout for the OG Dirt Bike and Holmes, I'd call that mid-school.
: )

The mid-school bikes I still have are an S&M Widowmaker 24", Homeless Macks '92 and '95, and a 1" headtube HB Taj.
Title: Re: Mid school "collecting"
Post by: NWO_FJK on December 10, 2014, 10:32:38 AM
I'm currently in the process of building my sta that I rode a decade ago with an og redneck stem, a Suzue hub with a ti axle, og scerbo bars, a hemorrhoid seat with a rod post w/Marvin's guts. I have been keeping my ears to the ground looking for the old chromoly demolition cranks so hopefully I can get my gritty hands on those.
Title: Re: Mid school "collecting"
Post by: montymitch on December 12, 2014, 08:30:31 AM
This thread is pretty useless without pics, but I guess that's what bmxmuseum is for.
Title: Re: Mid school "collecting"
Post by: skateparkrider on December 12, 2014, 11:09:47 AM

There you go. 
Title: Re: Mid school "collecting"
Post by: montymitch on December 12, 2014, 11:28:04 AM
Title: Re: Mid school "collecting"
Post by: badlight on December 12, 2014, 03:46:29 PM
Looking at that Barcode makes my back hurt.
Title: Re: Mid school "collecting"
Post by: peggiesmalls on December 12, 2014, 05:47:09 PM
Looking at that Barcode makes my back hurt.
it makes my dick hurt
Title: Re: Mid school "collecting"
Post by: milhous on December 12, 2014, 08:38:17 PM

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Title: Re: Mid school "collecting"
Post by: dude... on December 12, 2014, 10:57:42 PM
now im hard
Title: Re: Mid school "collecting"
Post by: LeonLikesToRock on December 12, 2014, 11:03:35 PM
Dear Milhous,

I would fuck the shit out of that Shorty.


Title: Re: Mid school "collecting"
Post by: O.G. David on December 13, 2014, 03:20:01 AM
I love the look of those standard og top load stems.
Title: Re: Mid school "collecting"
Post by: jaymeatsack on December 13, 2014, 04:19:14 PM
In the basement today.

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Title: Re: Mid school "collecting"
Post by: jaymeatsack on December 13, 2014, 04:20:52 PM
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Title: Re: Mid school "collecting"
Post by: jaymeatsack on December 13, 2014, 04:22:56 PM
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Title: Re: Mid school "collecting"
Post by: hugh. on December 13, 2014, 05:04:27 PM
Ugh Chrome Trailboss
Title: Re: Mid school "collecting"
Post by: Bunky on December 15, 2014, 08:41:30 AM
F me, that chrome Trailboss!

Seriously, that thing either needs to be mounted up in a glass case and hung on the wall somewhere nice, or sent to me so I can ride it.
Title: Re: Mid school "collecting"
Post by: skateparkrider on December 15, 2014, 10:22:14 PM
( (

This is my boner jamzz.  Don't get me wrong, love some old Standards as well.  But the Kink stuff rules.
Looking at that Barcode makes my back hurt.

It is actually pretty awesome to ride.  You would think it would be a lot heavier than it really is.  I will have to try to weigh it again to get exact numbers, but I felt like it was around 35lbs.  Also, the only thing I felt weird about when riding it was the bar height.  But after a little bit of cruising around on it I started to notice less and less.  She ramps like a champion.  Can't wait for it to get warm again so I can take it to more skateparks.  This was at my local right after it was built:

Title: Re: Mid school "collecting"
Post by: cmc4130 on January 21, 2015, 11:47:17 PM

It is actually pretty awesome to ride.  You would think it would be a lot heavier than it really is.  I will have to try to weigh it again to get exact numbers, but I felt like it was around 35lbs.  Also, the only thing I felt weird about when riding it was the bar height.  But after a little bit of cruising around on it I started to notice less and less.  She ramps like a champion.  Can't wait for it to get warm again so I can take it to more skateparks.  This was at my local right after it was built:

That bike had slammed 13.5" cs, if I remember right, before other a lot of other frames were going that short....
Title: Re: Mid school "collecting"
Post by: skateparkrider on January 22, 2015, 04:23:53 PM
You crazy girl, you crazy.  That rear end on that bike is currently sitting at 14.625".  And my axle is fairly centered.  No way it can be 13.5" with a wishbone that big coming out of the BB. 
Title: Re: Mid school "collecting"
Post by: meathead on January 22, 2015, 05:08:18 PM
currecntlly have : federal 9dlite/ abikeco piff bars (not sure anymore), macnile  frame , fbm bottle neck somewhgere ..

soon ill have a dk ironcross sprocket at long fucking last! and an fbm sprocket as well :D
Title: Re: Mid school "collecting"
Post by: cmc4130 on February 24, 2015, 04:49:59 PM
You crazy girl, you crazy.  That rear end on that bike is currently sitting at 14.625".  And my axle is fairly centered.  No way it can be 13.5" with a wishbone that big coming out of the BB.

Well, it was claimed as 13.5"--15".  But, you're the one with the actual frame, so I defer.  8) (

Frame Check: Kink Empire Revision B
May 01, 2000//
. . . .
Jimmy Buchans: Feeble in Escondido, CA.

Price: $350 frame only, add $80 for forks
Colors: Gray, maroon, and black
Top tube length: 20.5″
Chainstay length: 13.5″-15″
Top tube O.D.: 1.5″
Down tube O.D.: 1.75″
Head tube angle: 74.5°
Seat tube angle: 71°
Misc.: The Revision B is made in America wiith 100% .049″ chromoly tubing. The frame carries a warrantee, which covers anything that the manufacturer could have prevented, such as cracked welds. For more information contact Kink Bicycles, 1115 East Main St. Box 59, Rochester, NY 14609.
Title: Re: Mid school "collecting"
Post by: meathead on February 24, 2015, 05:09:24 PM
the kid wanted 3 pound! yes  pound with postage!

had to give him more , felt as if i was robbing him blind! (
Title: Re: Mid school "collecting"
Post by: hugh. on February 24, 2015, 05:16:13 PM
the kid wanted 3 pound! yes  pound with postage!

had to give him more , felt as if i was robbing him blind!


Fixed the link for you.
Title: Re: Mid school "collecting"
Post by: peggiesmalls on February 24, 2015, 05:35:26 PM
At first i thought he had got a revision for £3
Title: Re: Mid school "collecting"
Post by: dude... on February 24, 2015, 06:59:54 PM
You crazy girl, you crazy.  That rear end on that bike is currently sitting at 14.625".  And my axle is fairly centered.  No way it can be 13.5" with a wishbone that big coming out of the BB.

Well, it was claimed as 13.5"--15".  But, you're the one with the actual frame, so I defer.  8) (

Frame Check: Kink Empire Revision B
May 01, 2000//
. . . .
Jimmy Buchans: Feeble in Escondido, CA.

Price: $350 frame only, add $80 for forks
Colors: Gray, maroon, and black
Top tube length: 20.5″
Chainstay length: 13.5″-15″
Top tube O.D.: 1.5″
Down tube O.D.: 1.75″
Head tube angle: 74.5°
Seat tube angle: 71°
Misc.: The Revision B is made in America wiith 100% .049″ chromoly tubing. The frame carries a warrantee, which covers anything that the manufacturer could have prevented, such as cracked welds. For more information contact Kink Bicycles, 1115 East Main St. Box 59, Rochester, NY 14609.

youre getting mixed up, hes talking about his barcode being good to ride, not the rev b. love how its a 13.5-15" backend, you just dont get that kind of adjustability these days

it is funny how some people are starting to pine for longer back ends again, for years i remember everyone taking grinders to their dropouts to get the backend as short as possible