- Bike maintenance for BMX'ers

The Street => The Bike Shop => Topic started by: stevefromtexas on November 06, 2014, 10:55:04 AM

Title: Keychain help
Post by: stevefromtexas on November 06, 2014, 10:55:04 AM
So just got the keychain got it on when I tightened my wheel it makes a cracking noise has this happened to anyone that has this chain or I put it on wrong please help.
Title: Re: Keychain help
Post by: KillSeth on November 06, 2014, 11:10:55 AM
I feel like this can sometimes happen when installing new chains on old drivers/sprockets. There is usually a bedding-in period.
Title: Re: Keychain help
Post by: badlight on November 06, 2014, 11:11:26 AM
I have one with an Antigram and it is the loudest thing this side of a Spinal Tap concert.
Title: Re: Keychain help
Post by: Zoidberg on November 06, 2014, 11:35:11 AM
Is the chain long enough and are the sprocket and driver new or old?

Mine's on an antigram and Sunday sabre tooth (so both square bits) and it's super sweet.
Title: Re: Keychain help
Post by: stevefromtexas on November 06, 2014, 12:39:10 PM
Ye I got a tree og and profile elite had the speoket for a year I hope I can run this chain
Title: Re: Keychain help
Post by: Danno on November 06, 2014, 12:54:39 PM
Best to try and change your whole drivetrain together if you can. I'm holding out for my driver to shit the bed before I fit one.
Title: Re: Keychain help
Post by: G on November 06, 2014, 06:01:54 PM
As mentioned already, drivetrains wear together, if it is well worn, then replacing any one part can cause problems. This has always been true of all bikes, but it is particularly bad with half link chains because they really do stretch as well as wear (normal "chain stretch" is actually wear, but half link chain stretch can be both). Any good bike shop should have a chain "stretch" measuring tool for you to check your old/current chain.

Typically any half link chain will come up as needing replacement if you check it with this tool after just a few weeks of riding, that's how bad it is.

Title: Re: Keychain help
Post by: Prodigal Son on November 06, 2014, 08:26:19 PM
So, you're saying... User error?
Title: Re: Keychain help
Post by: stevefromtexas on November 06, 2014, 08:45:41 PM
I just got the chain yesterday so haven't rode it yet just rode it out front of my house for a min or to and makes this crazy noise. When I got my shadow chain in May did not make any noise and the speoket and driver where older just don't understand why it is doing that.
Title: Re: Keychain help
Post by: skateparkrider on November 06, 2014, 09:07:15 PM
I heard another dude just had some issues with his actually JRA-ing.  His broke at the half link.  And it isn't his first rodeo working on bikes. 

Sucks your having problems.  Hopefully you can figure out how to get it sorted. 
Title: Re: Keychain help
Post by: hboost83 on November 06, 2014, 09:45:06 PM
Mine wouldn't even fit right on a Ratchet 10t driver. I had to narrow down the teeth a bit on the driver for the chain to fit properly.
Title: Re: Keychain help
Post by: stevefromtexas on November 06, 2014, 10:12:00 PM
Yea it sucks I'm 31 years old I've used the kmc 510 for years then I tried the half link thing broke every chain then I get the keychain and more problems sucks. I sent odyssey a email just waiting to see what they say.
Title: Re: Keychain help
Post by: Brooklynrider on November 06, 2014, 10:41:45 PM
Ride it a day or two and see if it goes away. My chains are always super loud the first day then quiet down shortly after.
Title: Re: Keychain help
Post by: amishrob on November 06, 2014, 11:26:30 PM
mate, you've just been told by a few people that drivetrains wear and replacing just one part can be a bad idea, yet you email odyssey anyway.
Title: Re: Keychain help
Post by: stevefromtexas on November 06, 2014, 11:31:41 PM
I have used old spokes and drivers befor and put a new chain on them and it was fine same thing I did here but this chain is making a crazy noise never had this happen befor I know what your saying I get that
Title: Re: Keychain help
Post by: Danno on November 07, 2014, 01:34:46 AM
I might be wrong, but isn't the key chain a bit larger than other chains? It could be making more noise than usual because the previous chains were very similar so bedded in quickly, whereas this might take a bit longer. It's just one of those things.
Title: Re: Keychain help
Post by: RighteousBMX on November 07, 2014, 07:01:07 AM
Wish I had an offset teeth sprocket, I think my Keychain is loud because of the chain alignment being slightly off. It does quiet down after a few hours of riding, though.
Title: Re: Keychain help
Post by: stevefromtexas on November 07, 2014, 11:20:47 AM
Wish I had an offset teeth sprocket, I think my Keychain is loud because of the chain alignment being slightly off. It does quiet down after a few hours of riding, though.

Yea Ben messing wit it all morning I think that is the problem I'm having. I have a tree speoket they say that is has offset teeth I think I'm going to try the l7 I got the profile spline drive cranks so there are only a few sprockets I can choose from.
Title: Re: Keychain help
Post by: Thomas031 on November 07, 2014, 12:52:26 PM
Typically any half link chain will come up as needing replacement if you check it with this tool after just a few weeks of riding, that's how bad it is.

I just got the chain yesterday so haven't rode it yet just rode it out front of my house for a min or to and makes this crazy noise. When I got my shadow chain in May did not make any noise and the speoket and driver where older just don't understand why it is doing that.

There's your answer.

Give a Shadow chain half a summer to wear in and it'll eat your sprocket.
Back when i was pretty fanatic, i had a setup with a wayy overbuilt KHE chain and a new sprocket. Didn't stretch.

Sprockets that have had strechy chains can be easily spotted; compare them to a new sprocket, and look at the angle and the outer profile of the teeth and the parts inbetween. They will likely have become pretty wide.

I have never trusted halflink chains after my first one kept breaking at the plate bend.

Like G so magnificently said, halflink chains stretch in two ways. The plates stretch like a bitch, and when they're done, the pins start coming loose (which i've seen happen more than i think is funny).
I nearly wanted to post G's statement on FB, just for the amount of fools that keep buying these shit products.

Go e-mail Shadow instead.
Title: Re: Keychain help
Post by: stevefromtexas on November 07, 2014, 02:29:39 PM
Typically any half link chain will come up as needing replacement if you check it with this tool after just a few weeks of riding, that's how bad it is.

I just got the chain yesterday so haven't rode it yet just rode it out front of my house for a min or to and makes this crazy noise. When I got my shadow chain in May did not make any noise and the speoket and driver where older just don't understand why it is doing that.

There's your answer.

Give a Shadow chain half a summer to wear in and it'll eat your sprocket.
Back when i was pretty fanatic, i had a setup with a wayy overbuilt KHE chain and a new sprocket. Didn't stretch.

Sprockets that have had strechy chains can be easily spotted; compare them to a new sprocket, and look at the angle and the outer profile of the teeth and the parts inbetween. They will likely have become pretty wide.

I have never trusted halflink chains after my first one kept breaking at the plate bend.

Like G so magnificently said, halflink chains stretch in two ways. The plates stretch like a bitch, and when they're done, the pins start coming loose (which i've seen happen more than i think is funny).
I nearly wanted to post G's statement on FB, just for the amount of fools that keep buying these shit products.

Go e-mail Shadow instead.

Yea I did that a while ago told them there chain sucks never heard back from them haha I had the cult chain to it also sucks but better than the shadow chain. I got the keychain working good now I had to re space my cranks a bit works good now probley  one of the best chain out there.
Title: Re: Keychain help
Post by: KillSeth on November 07, 2014, 02:40:11 PM
So much punctuation needed in this thread.
Title: Re: Keychain help
Post by: stevefromtexas on November 07, 2014, 02:57:50 PM
Yea good ol iPhone sorry about that.
Title: Re: Keychain help
Post by: skateparkrider on November 07, 2014, 07:11:08 PM
So much punctuation needed in this thread.

Shut it and go be a social studies teacher.  We have plenty of english majors in this bitch. 
Title: Re: Keychain help
Post by: barcodebilly on November 07, 2014, 09:21:11 PM
I hate the kids who buy shadow chains
Title: Re: Keychain help
Post by: Prodigal Son on November 08, 2014, 12:41:33 AM
I've never been happier than the relationship I'm in with my shadow chain.
Title: Re: Keychain help
Post by: tecnic1 on November 08, 2014, 10:43:04 AM
My observations on the keychain:

They are crazy sensitive to being too tight, and make a ton of noise if they are.  I run mine just barely tight enough to not slap.

They need to be lubed straight out the box.  I use that wax like chain lube you get at Walmart.

They creak if the master links are too tight.  I back mine off about a quarter turn from fully snug.  But I also check it pretty regularly to make sure its not loose.

I have one of the first batch and I love it.
Title: Re: Keychain help
Post by: stevefromtexas on November 08, 2014, 05:05:15 PM
I got mine working pretty good now rode it for the first time today mine was lubed up nice when I got it. got the master link had tight I think I also have the new bach I just got it 3 days ago.
Title: Re: Keychain help
Post by: metalbmxer on November 08, 2014, 05:29:32 PM
I have a first batch hollow keychain and it is fucken legit. I run it super tight and use loads of pedal pressure. Also, it is rusted to hell. And you know what? It runs like a champ! No odd sounds or roughness at all!
Title: Re: Keychain help
Post by: Bunky on November 08, 2014, 06:24:44 PM
Why's it rusted up already?  Did you leave it outside in the rain or something?

I'm about to purchase a keychain for one of my bikes to test it out and see how it works I think. 
Title: Re: Keychain help
Post by: peggiesmalls on November 08, 2014, 07:57:29 PM
Im waiting for my new build to get one:(
Title: Re: Keychain help
Post by: metalbmxer on November 08, 2014, 09:42:22 PM
Why's it rusted up already?  Did you leave it outside in the rain or something?

I'm about to purchase a keychain for one of my bikes to test it out and see how it works I think.

Traveling for shows I have my bike on the bikerack outside my car. Sucks getting rained on but eh, a little water never hurt anything
Title: Re: Keychain help
Post by: Thomas031 on November 08, 2014, 09:55:05 PM
Still, be wary of rust though.

Parts can still fail when allowed to rust.

Remember that forks cranks frames can rust from the inside out as well :)
Title: Re: Keychain help
Post by: metalbmxer on November 08, 2014, 11:00:37 PM
Still, be wary of rust though.

Parts can still fail when allowed to rust.

Remember that forks cranks frames can rust from the inside out as well :)

Right on bro, that makes good sense. Thanks!
Title: Re: Keychain help
Post by: I <3 Gore. on November 13, 2014, 04:42:08 PM
Because I am lazy and don't want to make a duplicate thread. The link next to the half master-link exploded, sending my master-link, half-link and several rollers flying. The chain is maybe a month old and gets ridden mostly to and from class and the grocery store. Why does it cost 10 dollars plus shipping every time you break the chain? WHY?
Title: Re: Keychain help
Post by: Alice Glass on November 13, 2014, 07:55:12 PM
So, you're saying... User error?

Never in hell have I ever had problems using my old hub/sprocket combo after getting a new chain, whether its a kmc/shadow/cult/sram. This whole "user error, our customers are retarded" way of thinking G has is getting ridiculous.
Title: Re: Keychain help
Post by: Thomas031 on November 13, 2014, 08:39:57 PM
Still, be wary of rust though.

Parts can still fail when allowed to rust.

Remember that forks cranks frames can rust from the inside out as well :)

Right on bro, that makes good sense. Thanks!

Thought i'd mention, seeing as you said you ride shows. Parts generally get a good beating in those settings, hence being careful.

I always thought about teflon spraying my frames before assembling, but never did so. Never actually had something break that suggested i'd do so, but it's not a bad idea if you're afraid water/moisture might build up.

Sucks to pay 10 bucks for a new link.
Exactly the sort of stuff that keeps me from buying 1st gen products.

User errors are something companies have to defend themselves with by using good manuals.
Think of shadow and their 1st gen halflink chain direction mystery.

IF it's product failure, Odyssey is supposed to have good warranty, and i reckon that in the first phase of a product hitting the market, they might be prepared to listen and might offer you something that may have been improved- if you're lucky.
Title: Re: Keychain help
Post by: G on November 14, 2014, 09:28:16 AM
So, you're saying... User error?

Never in hell have I ever had problems using my old hub/sprocket combo after getting a new chain, whether its a kmc/shadow/cult/sram. This whole "user error, our customers are retarded" way of thinking G has is getting ridiculous.

You are attributing these comments to me, even though I never said anything of the sort? Dont you think that's somewhat unreasonable?

Title: Re: Keychain help
Post by: G on November 14, 2014, 09:39:57 AM
Because I am lazy and don't want to make a duplicate thread. The link next to the half master-link exploded, sending my master-link, half-link and several rollers flying. The chain is maybe a month old and gets ridden mostly to and from class and the grocery store. Why does it cost 10 dollars plus shipping every time you break the chain? WHY?

I am sorry if you are having problems, how many times have you had this happen? If you in any way think that your chain may be faulty then please contact warranty and we will be very happy to look at it. If you have previously ordered a masterlink kit then I would have thought we could sort something out or cut you a deal on the next one.

The new masterlink kit should be just under $9 and that's on our own store where we cant discount without annoying shops, hopefully shops will start carrying these when the chain is more established and you will be able to pick one up a little more cheaply and without shipping costs.

The keychain has been in development for a very very long time, and generally speaking we have seen very very few JRA type incidents, there are no modifications or V2's in the works. (though we are looking at doing slightly longer ones for non-BMX use). 

I hope this sounds reasonable.

Title: Re: Keychain help
Post by: I <3 Gore. on November 15, 2014, 02:31:01 PM
I am sorry if you are having problems, how many times have you had this happen? If you in any way think that your chain may be faulty then please contact warranty and we will be very happy to look at it. If you have previously ordered a masterlink kit then I would have thought we could sort something out or cut you a deal on the next one.

The keychain has been in development for a very very long time, and generally speaking we have seen very very few JRA type incidents, there are no modifications or V2's in the works. (though we are looking at doing slightly longer ones for non-BMX use). 

I hope this sounds reasonable.


Honestly, I had no problems with it up until now. I don't ride pegs, and ride a full guard sprocket. It was literally out of the blue and I can't exactly pinpoint which failed, the master-link or the link next to it.


the threads on the master-link pin completely sheared off
Title: Re: Keychain help
Post by: I <3 Gore. on November 17, 2014, 02:11:25 AM
I'd also like to add that your "proprietary" chain breaker does not work correctly with the hollow pin chain. The plate stop has too small of a hole and does not allow the pin through, pretty suck because the breaker BROKE without it.
Title: Re: Keychain help
Post by: G on November 17, 2014, 06:00:16 AM
I'd also like to add that your "proprietary" chain breaker does not work correctly with the hollow pin chain. The plate stop has too small of a hole and does not allow the pin through, pretty suck because the breaker BROKE without it.

Sorry to hear that. We did have some faulty ones in the last batch with this problem, we will be happy to warranty it for you.

Title: Re: Keychain help
Post by: G on November 17, 2014, 06:03:37 AM
I am sorry if you are having problems, how many times have you had this happen? If you in any way think that your chain may be faulty then please contact warranty and we will be very happy to look at it. If you have previously ordered a masterlink kit then I would have thought we could sort something out or cut you a deal on the next one.

The keychain has been in development for a very very long time, and generally speaking we have seen very very few JRA type incidents, there are no modifications or V2's in the works. (though we are looking at doing slightly longer ones for non-BMX use). 

I hope this sounds reasonable.


Honestly, I had no problems with it up until now. I don't ride pegs, and ride a full guard sprocket. It was literally out of the blue and I can't exactly pinpoint which failed, the master-link or the link next to it.


the threads on the master-link pin completely sheared off

Sorry to hear that. Obviously a blurry photo isn't going to tell the full story here but if you think there was any kind of design or manufacturing fault then please send it back for warranty. If it has a huge donk in it from hitting something then that is likely the cause (and obviously the threaded pin cant pull out like a normal rivet so some sort of break is expected) but if not then it would be good to have it back and try to work out the cause.

I hope this makes sense and seems reasonable.

Title: Re: Keychain help
Post by: metalbmxer on November 17, 2014, 07:52:05 AM
I seem to have lost one of the rollers from the master link. Will a roller from a normal chain fit in there? Or should I order a master pin from Empire?
Title: Re: Keychain help
Post by: I <3 Gore. on November 17, 2014, 07:30:43 PM

Sorry to hear that. Obviously a blurry photo isn't going to tell the full story here but if you think there was any kind of design or manufacturing fault then please send it back for warranty. If it has a huge donk in it from hitting something then that is likely the cause (and obviously the threaded pin cant pull out like a normal rivet so some sort of break is expected) but if not then it would be good to have it back and try to work out the cause.

I hope this makes sense and seems reasonable.


I'll send it and the breaker back to you guys, from what I can gather-ie looking at the bits that broke-it seems like the threads broke on the 1/2 link, which wrenched on the adjacent riveted link breaking said link. I'll try to take a better pic later.
Title: Re: Keychain help
Post by: G on November 18, 2014, 06:23:32 AM
I seem to have lost one of the rollers from the master link. Will a roller from a normal chain fit in there? Or should I order a master pin from Empire?

Standard rollers work fine.

Title: Re: Keychain help
Post by: stevefromtexas on November 18, 2014, 12:53:43 PM
I also got the keychain breaker tool it bent the breaker when I broke the chain not a good chain breaker at all.
Title: Re: Keychain help
Post by: LukeTom on November 18, 2014, 01:10:00 PM
I am sorry if you are having problems, how many times have you had this happen? If you in any way think that your chain may be faulty then please contact warranty and we will be very happy to look at it. If you have previously ordered a masterlink kit then I would have thought we could sort something out or cut you a deal on the next one.

The keychain has been in development for a very very long time, and generally speaking we have seen very very few JRA type incidents, there are no modifications or V2's in the works. (though we are looking at doing slightly longer ones for non-BMX use). 

I hope this sounds reasonable.


Honestly, I had no problems with it up until now. I don't ride pegs, and ride a full guard sprocket. It was literally out of the blue and I can't exactly pinpoint which failed, the master-link or the link next to it. ..... the threads on the master-link pin completely sheared off

Exactly the same thing happened to mine, on the half-link as well. Never ride pegs, and broke out of the blue. The thread on the master link has completely sheared off as well. This hasn't happened to the full link though which I have been running since then with no issues.
Title: Re: Keychain help
Post by: Cellmember on November 18, 2014, 08:35:57 PM
Check your chain alignment, try to get it as straight as possible.
Title: Re: Keychain help
Post by: I <3 Gore. on November 19, 2014, 02:22:40 AM
Check your chain alignment, try to get it as straight as possible.

This is what I hate about frames these days, I have to risk scraping the teeth of my sprocket on the chainstay to get proper alignment.
Title: Re: Keychain help
Post by: Bunky on November 19, 2014, 08:16:19 AM
I hate that too.  All the frames have ridiculously short back ends now days.  So glad I picked up my Animist when I did and can run a 14 inch backend and not have to worry so much about chainline problems.

I don't see how you folks can bunnyhop with a 13.125 rear end?
Title: Re: Keychain help
Post by: streetStreet on November 19, 2014, 09:48:35 AM
riding backwards is all squirrely too
Title: Re: Keychain help
Post by: Cellmember on November 19, 2014, 02:54:11 PM
Check your chain alignment, try to get it as straight as possible.

This is what I hate about frames these days, I have to risk scraping the teeth of my sprocket on the chainstay to get proper alignment.

Yeah I hear ya, crazy ass 2.4 - 2.5" rear ends nowadays
Title: Re: Keychain help
Post by: I <3 Gore. on November 19, 2014, 08:36:54 PM

better pic of both failed plate and pin thread. Question is, which went first since the were on separate links.