- Bike maintenance for BMX'ers

The Street => The Bike Shop => Topic started by: Cellmember on November 20, 2014, 07:03:53 PM

Title: Oil Slick / "jet fuel", really ?
Post by: Cellmember on November 20, 2014, 07:03:53 PM
I know this trend happened a tad ago but just the other day I was browsing through my local bmx stores online site and came across a frame which had an oil slick option as the colour, now the frame in it's standard colours is $400 then I saw the oil slick option and I had a fair idea that it would be slightly higher but it came up as $700, yeah only a little rise in price. $300 extra sounds good to me. I don't know what kind of process is used to create that look but I can't see many "kids" buying a frame marked at an extra $300 well maybe I can because kids these days right, this is in AU by the way, just crazy, what do you good fellow's think of this ?
Title: Re: Oil Slick / "jet fuel", really ?
Post by: barcodebilly on November 20, 2014, 07:22:49 PM
The AU thing makes complete sense. Mad gear brooo
Title: Re: Oil Slick / "jet fuel", really ?
Post by: Cellmember on November 20, 2014, 07:52:17 PM
The AU thing makes complete sense. Mad gear brooo

Yeah everything is expensive it farken sucks, are you talking about the distro / scooter MGP company because if you are they suck to.
Title: Re: Oil Slick / "jet fuel", really ?
Post by: Prodigal Son on November 20, 2014, 07:53:45 PM
There's a kid at my park with that certain Au oil slick frame. He's got a handful of their other parts too. Which makes me further hang my head in thinking he could have bought a used car for what he paid for his fruity rainbow bike.
Title: Re: Oil Slick / "jet fuel", really ?
Post by: Cellmember on November 20, 2014, 08:04:21 PM
There's a kid at my park with that certain Au oil slick frame. He's got a handful of their other parts too. Which makes me further hang my head in thinking he could have bought a used car for what he paid for his fruity rainbow bike.

I'd most likely think  mummy and daddy bought it for him ? But yeah I hear ya.
Title: Re: Oil Slick / "jet fuel", really ?
Post by: barcodebilly on November 20, 2014, 10:14:48 PM
The AU thing makes complete sense. Mad gear brooo

Yeah everything is expensive it farken sucks, are you talking about the distro / scooter MGP company because if you are they suck to.
It all sucks.
Title: Re: Oil Slick / "jet fuel", really ?
Post by: montymitch on November 20, 2014, 10:25:08 PM
The AU thing makes complete sense. Mad gear brooo
Yeah, if it's made out of Au, $300 extra is a bargain, but it's probably too heavy to really ride.
Title: Re: Oil Slick / "jet fuel", really ?
Post by: Spev on November 20, 2014, 10:25:54 PM
I guess eventually the price of the oil slick/rainbow/jetfuel may come down but at the moment it is a fairly exclusive process, especially on frames. There are an abundance of places that will powder and spray frames, but the electroplating process for slick/rainbow/jetfuel can only be done in a certain places, added to the fact that it has to be chromed first.
For an old school bmx exhibition earlier this year we had a limited edition Colony/Prody frame along with some forks, bars and cranks sent back to taiwan to have a rainbow finish applied to it. As it was a one off it cost $850aud just for the finish.

The AU thing makes complete sense. Mad gear brooo
Yeah, if it's made out of Au, $300 extra is a bargain, but it's probably too heavy to really ride.
This made me lel. ;D
Title: Re: Oil Slick / "jet fuel", really ?
Post by: Cellmember on November 20, 2014, 10:59:32 PM
Seems like way to much work just to have that affect plus the added cost on it isn't really worth it in my opinion.
Title: Re: Oil Slick / "jet fuel", really ?
Post by: LeonLikesToRock on November 21, 2014, 12:55:34 AM
Seems like way to much work just to have that affect plus the added cost on it isn't really worth it in my opinion.

I agree but it doesn't mean it shouldn't be offered. Plenty of dudes are stoked on it.
Title: Re: Oil Slick / "jet fuel", really ?
Post by: Cellmember on November 21, 2014, 02:27:39 AM
Seems like way to much work just to have that affect plus the added cost on it isn't really worth it in my opinion.

I agree but it doesn't mean it shouldn't be offered. Plenty of dudes are stoked on it.

I mean if you don't mind the added $300 on top of the $400 frame and I'm just talking about the frame here, I have no idea what the cost is for parts, then yeah go for it, but it is ridiculous at the moment and I agree it does look "cool" and like Spev said once more and more companies use it and time goes on it will eventually drop down in price just like everything else.
Title: Re: Oil Slick / "jet fuel", really ?
Post by: LeonLikesToRock on November 21, 2014, 03:47:57 AM
Yeah, I personally think it is mad to spend that kind of money on a finish. I just want to clear that I don't think anybody is being ripped off or anything. It is just a choice for those that want it. Although there is a price difference, it is the same idea as paying more for a chrome finish.

The finish certainly turns heads. If you see one in person it is pretty dope.
Title: Re: Oil Slick / "jet fuel", really ?
Post by: G on November 21, 2014, 04:06:41 AM
It is done on a kind of carousel, like a big vertical cylinder with a shaft up the middle, that rotates. You can fit a fuck load of stems or hubs or whatever in there, but probably only something like three frames at a time maximum. So it ends up being too expensive to be practical on frames unless you ramp the price up like this...

Title: Re: Oil Slick / "jet fuel", really ?
Post by: I <3 Gore. on November 21, 2014, 07:14:54 PM
Yeah, if it's made out of Au, $300 extra is a bargain, but it's probably too heavy to really ride.

2-Hip Pork what?
Title: Re: Oil Slick / "jet fuel", really ?
Post by: Prodigal Son on November 21, 2014, 07:45:38 PM
Au is gold dude.
Title: Re: Oil Slick / "jet fuel", really ?
Post by: peggiesmalls on November 21, 2014, 08:19:48 PM
It was cool when odyssey did it,black or raw frame and oil slick hubs+stem looked sweet.
but £150 colony rims and £500 frames are not cool and horribley overpriced.   
Title: Re: Oil Slick / "jet fuel", really ?
Post by: Cellmember on November 22, 2014, 12:36:44 AM
I wonder if a similar process could be achieved by HD ? Surely the cost and time it took would be considerably less.
Title: Re: Oil Slick / "jet fuel", really ?
Post by: Spev on November 22, 2014, 02:07:31 AM
I wonder if a similar process could be achieved by HD ? Surely the cost and time it took would be considerably less.

HD? as in hydro dipping/hydrographics? I doubt it as oil slick/rainbow finishes require chroming.
Title: Re: Oil Slick / "jet fuel", really ?
Post by: barcodebilly on November 22, 2014, 04:09:08 AM
Au is gold dude.
Title: Re: Oil Slick / "jet fuel", really ?
Post by: Prodigal Son on November 22, 2014, 09:19:09 AM
The 2hip pork was Al and I thought that's what he referring to. Al
Title: Re: Oil Slick / "jet fuel", really ?
Post by: Cellmember on November 23, 2014, 11:28:03 PM
I wonder if a similar process could be achieved by HD ? Surely the cost and time it took would be considerably less.

HD? as in hydro dipping/hydrographics? I doubt it as oil slick/rainbow finishes require chroming.

Yeah hydro dipping, at this moment I figured but it could be a possibility.
Title: Re: Oil Slick / "jet fuel", really ?
Post by: Cole on November 24, 2014, 09:59:38 AM
Au is gold dude.

Whooosh, the sound of a joke going over a teen father's head.
Title: Re: Oil Slick / "jet fuel", really ?
Post by: barcodebilly on November 24, 2014, 10:06:58 AM

Go whoosh yourself Cole..
Title: Re: Oil Slick / "jet fuel", really ?
Post by: montymitch on November 24, 2014, 07:54:50 PM
Looks like I better stop telling jokes.
Title: Re: Oil Slick / "jet fuel", really ?
Post by: MilkyWilky on November 25, 2014, 12:44:10 AM
Fools gold I tell ya
Title: Re: Oil Slick / "jet fuel", really ?
Post by: Sasha on November 25, 2014, 02:46:38 AM
"Most favourite part on your bike" thread, really?
Title: Re: Oil Slick / "jet fuel", really ?
Post by: tim_sch on November 25, 2014, 08:17:09 AM
"Most favourite part on your bike" thread, really?
threads like that remind me of the Vital bmx forum.