- Bike maintenance for BMX'ers

The Street => The Lounge => Topic started by: streetStreet on November 13, 2015, 04:52:33 PM

Title: Paris
Post by: streetStreet on November 13, 2015, 04:52:33 PM

how terrible.

Anyone into the Eagles of Death Metal?

Title: Re: Paris
Post by: torontoflatlander on November 13, 2015, 05:21:07 PM
Massive Josh Homme fan. Pretty worried about that one, but also for the fans. Being stuck in a theater like that must be devastating on the nerves.

edit : Just heard about the toll in the concert theater. Open fire and bombs being thrown into the crowd. I can't fathom the horror people are feeling right now.
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: alaskun on November 13, 2015, 05:37:01 PM
Is it true that one of the guys was one of the ones obama released from guantanamo?

Former DIA Chief Michael Flynn Says Rise of ISIL was “a willful decision” and Defends Accuracy of 2012 Memo
08 August 2015

2012 Defense Intelligence Agency document: West will facilitate rise of Islamic State “in order to isolate the Syrian regime”
May 19, 2015 ‘Islamic State’ is desired in Eastern Syria to effect the West’s policies in the region.


The DIA report, formerly classified “SECRET//NOFORN” and dated August 12, 2012, was circulated widely among various government agencies, including CENTCOM, the CIA, FBI, DHS, NGA, State Dept., and many others.

The document shows that as early as 2012, U.S. intelligence predicted the rise of the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL or ISIS), but instead of clearly delineating the group as an enemy, the report envisions the terror group as a U.S. strategic asset...

Secret Pentagon report reveals West saw ISIS as strategic asset
Anti-ISIS coalition knowingly sponsored violent extremists to ‘isolate’ Assad, rollback ‘Shia expansion’
...The document reveals that in coordination with the Gulf states and Turkey, the West intentionally sponsored violent Islamist groups to destabilize Assad, despite anticipating that doing so could lead to the emergence of an ‘Islamic State’ in Iraq and Syria (ISIS).

According to the newly declassified US document, the Pentagon foresaw the likely rise of the ‘Islamic State’ as a direct consequence of the strategy, but described this outcome as a strategic opportunity to “isolate the Syrian regime.”...
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: alaskun on November 13, 2015, 06:44:00 PM
100+ dead in one theater alone, and attacks in at least 5 other locations. 8 gunmen still on the loose, nobody allowed in or out of the country

obama was on tv this morning talking about his jv team being contained...
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: alaskun on November 13, 2015, 06:48:21 PM
cnn security expert on tv blaming snowden leaks for the gunmen knowing how to avoid detection...
"The terrorists have read Snowden. They know not to use their phones. We cannot predict anything now."

I wonder if they're going to find a way to blame russia too
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: Narcoleptic Insomniac on November 13, 2015, 07:15:29 PM
Fuck, this is horrible.

Every time things like this happen I feel for my Muslim friends who are gonna have to deal with shit from dumb bigots every day for the next few weeks.
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: Prodigal Son on November 13, 2015, 07:38:28 PM
As much as I pride myself on being anti war and open minded to the idea of "one mans terrorist is another man's freedom fighter." I fully support our planets eradication of ISIS. Regardless if this attributable to them or not.
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: Alex. on November 13, 2015, 07:55:56 PM
Terrible. The amount of deaths is unreal...
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: paranoidmexican on November 13, 2015, 08:44:17 PM
Fuck those goddamn ragheads. Isis can fuck off. Cowards.
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: Cole on November 13, 2015, 10:38:18 PM
Kind of really hard to fathom something like this happening.

Get your boots ready boys, the shit may have hit the fan again.
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: Prodigal Son on November 13, 2015, 11:15:50 PM
Yea, there goes our election.
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: alaskun on November 14, 2015, 02:05:54 AM
Kind of really hard to fathom something like this happening.
I get what you're saying - something like this happening in a place like france...

but what about the videoS of isis herding/dumptrucking HUNDREDS of people to their executions/mass graves?  One of the videos of truckloads of prisoners purported to show the process of 1,700 people being killed over one day/night...

And for the past few years they've been not just boasting about, but promising to bring it to europe/the west.

what happened yesterday might be shocking, but it sure as fuck is not surprising.  I don't mean to harp on this, but if you didn't expect stuff like this to start happening, you're doing something wrong

how will france respond?  bombing? ground troops? fucking "training the opposition?!" 

entire neighborhoods/blocks will burn, massive shelters (and detention facilities) will be set up, and from there.. what? 

until people start talking about jailing/interrogating obama, mccain, clinton, and others who supported all this, things are only going to continue down this road, and acting surprised just makes you look stupid, especially if you were in the armed forces...
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: amishrob on November 14, 2015, 02:18:18 AM
alaskun, this isn't the time or place to talk your usa conspiracy bullshit.
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: Wrecked on November 14, 2015, 02:26:19 AM
The BBC reported that the French President was at the stadium prior to the attacks but left to visit the Interior Ministry.
No one seems to have made mention of an assassination attempt and I hadn't seen it reported anywhere other than the BBC/WKOW site, but that can't be a coincidence that there were 2 bombings at the stadium that he was in attendance. 
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: alaskun on November 14, 2015, 02:37:36 AM
alaskun, this isn't the time or place to talk your usa conspiracy bullshit.
you're right, who cares why any of this happened? who cares that it was entirely predictable, preventable, or that some of the perpetrators likely had some sort of western support/influence/training at some point in their careers.

Let's just wait until next time. Maybe then we'll look into what caused it, or maybe we'll just blame it on the people who told us it was coming? 

Let's just focus on our feelings here, forget anything that lead up to this...
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: Kinchy on November 14, 2015, 04:43:10 AM
Why did you not include Bush in your list of presidents?

This attack makes a lot of sense - an attack on the most accessible country that is involved in the attacks on the middle east. UK and USA have sea borders, much easier to get into France. Also, US rock concert and large football match targeted, both prime examples of western culture. Maybe they're pissed off with us fucking around in their countries?
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: alaskun on November 14, 2015, 05:33:25 AM
Why did you not include Bush in your list of presidents?
it wasn't a list of presidents. hillary clinton and john mccain had a lot more to do with libya/syria/ukraine/this whole mess than just running for president...

why didn't I name cheney, or rumsfeld, or anybody else who hasn't been in the news for the past eight years?   "and others"

This attack makes a lot of sense - an attack on the most accessible country that is involved in the attacks on the middle east. UK and USA have sea borders, much easier to get into France. Also, US rock concert and large football match targeted, both prime examples of western culture.
I don't know about the accessibility stuff, but I'm pretty sure the stadium/theater have more to do with crowd psychology than some sort of attack on culture/arts/sport..  people will be thinking twice about attending mass gatherings in general, not just american concerts or soccer games, but anything else that takes place in a stadium/theater/bar etc...   entire cities' infrastructures have to change in a not-so-friendly way for the kind of security those things can require...
  I hope I'm wrong
Maybe they're pissed off with us fucking around in their countries?

maybe most of them have dark hair? maybe most of them are men?  maybe most of them have blood?
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: Zoidberg on November 14, 2015, 07:42:28 AM
They attacked soft targets. What they could get. The bombs were outside the football stadium as the stadium would have been the only place with any real security. But they are all western ways of life really, restraunts, gig, football. Certainly not military targets so surely it's an act of terror and not war?  They're also claiming it's in response to the air strikes, didn't jihadi John get reported dead as a result of one in the last few days?
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: alaskun on November 14, 2015, 03:26:57 PM
rough chronology of attacks

Paris prosecutor made at a press conference the chronology of the attacks.

21:20: the first explosion in the Stade de France.

21:25: at 21:25 Paris, people who were in the bar and restaurant Le Carrillon Petit Le Cambodge were targets of Kalashnikov shots fired from inside a vehicle type Seat Leon. At this time, the balance realized 15 killed on the spot.

21:30: a second explosion at the door H Stade de France. On site, it was discovered a body of a suicidal second with a device similar to D. door of the bomb first

21:32: in Paris, at the corner of Faubourg-du-Temple and rue de la Fontaine au Roi, a new shooting in front of the bar "La Bonne" makes five deaths and eight seriously injured. The first witnesses identify a black car brand Seat

21:36: the number of 92 Charone street hears new shots, fired by suspects arriving in a black seat, causing the death of 19 people.

21:40: in the restaurant "Comptoir Voitaire", a suicide bomber is made explode injuring one person seriously and making several minor injuries.

21:30: In Paris, a black color car park in front of the Bataclan. Three individuals with weapons of war leave the vehicle and enter the concert hall, opening fire in full concert of the "Eagles of Death Metal" and making hostage fans attending the concert. Witnesses said the terrorists talked about Syria and Iraq. During the police assault, the three terrorists were killed by the first shot of the security forces, the other two detonated a belt of explosives. "The victims count points, this time to 89 dead and many wounded."

21:40: Saint-Denis, 400 meters from the Stade de France, in the rue de la Cockerie happens a third explosion caused by a suicide bomber.

apparently it's been confirmed that at least one of them was a syrian refugee.

don't complain about the sources, look at what's being reported. the whole time they've existed they've been threatening/promising to bring it to the west...

July 2015: ISIS Vowed to ‘Bring Slaughter to France, Fill the Streets of Paris with Dead Bodies’

april 14 2015

ISIS posted a video threatens 'blood will spill like an ocean' soon in Russia
nov 12 2015


also from the day before the attack. why have I not seen or heard about this anywhere?
12 nov 2015



Police in Italy had issued 17 arrest warrants for Iraqi Kurds in the Europe-wide blitz.

Norwegian media is reporting that a jailed Iraqi-born cleric and two others are being held on suspicion of their involvement in an alleged terror plot in Italy.










qaddafi warned us that if we deposed/killed him, he would 'flood europe with blacks."  So we killed him.

assad has been warning that the same thing would happen with syria, and saying that us funding/training/arming terrorist 'rebel' groups would spread terrorism throughout europe among the refugee cover.  so we've been trying to kill/overthrow him, creating isis and a refugee crisis in the process. funny how that works.

Greece threatens to flood Germany with refugees
march 2015

Defence minister Panos Kammenos, who is also the leader of Independent Greeks (Anel), Syriza's right-wing partner in the ruling coalition government, made the controversial statement last Sunday when addressing party members.

"If Europe leaves us in the crisis, we will flood it with migrants, and it will be even worse for Berlin if in that wave of millions of economic migrants there will be some jihadists of the Islamic State too," Kammenos said.

Greece Backtracks Over Threat to Send Jihadist Refugees to Germany

Greece's defence minister threatens to send migrants including jihadists to Western Europe
09 Mar 2015

...The risk of state bankruptcy Greece has again threatened with forwarding tens of thousands of refugees to Europe. "If they put a hit Greece, they should know that ... migrants will get travel papers and go to Berlin," Defense Minister Panos Kammenos said Sunday at a meeting of his right-wing populist party "Independent Greeks"...

"Paris Attacker Was Syrian “Refugee” Who Arrived in Greece Last Month"

. . .

don't expect it to stop any time soon

Title: Re: Paris
Post by: JFax on November 14, 2015, 03:43:09 PM
Might change the public opinion on direct action, perhaps it will result in politicians opting for attacking ISIS harder.

The major effect I foresee is that the situation in Syria and Iraq will worsen which will obviously lead to greater misery for the local population. The public opinion and view of the refugees will most probably also worsen, leading to greater misery for the ones that decided to flee. All in all just worse situation for people already in a bad situation.

So rather pointless action taken by ISIS (if it now was just them) which only hurt local population. 

Hopefully more countries than Iran will opt to put some boots on the ground. Highly doubt the cost-effectivity and military point in further airstrikes. Seem to only level cities with million dollar bombs without much effect anyway.
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: Kinchy on November 14, 2015, 03:48:43 PM
ISIS confirmed they were responsible and that the attacks were a direct response to French air strikes in Syria
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: alaskun on November 14, 2015, 04:09:09 PM
Conflict News ‏@Conflicts 35 minutes ago
BREAKING: Second suspected #Paris attacker very likely to have passed through #Greece - Greek government source - @Reuters
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: Patty on November 14, 2015, 05:03:59 PM
I've been waiting patiently for this to happen. Like 9/11 put us in Iraq/Afghanistan, but was totally staged by us, this puts nato in Syria, so the USA can take Assad out of power, our ultimate goal. Russia won't have none of that. Hello ww3. No disrespect to any lives lost, I just saw this coming a long time ago.
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: JFax on November 14, 2015, 05:19:07 PM
I've been waiting patiently for this to happen. Like 9/11 put us in Iraq/Afghanistan, but was totally staged by us, this puts nato in Syria, so the USA can take Assad out of power, our ultimate goal. Russia won't have none of that. Hello ww3. No disrespect to any lives lost, I just saw this coming a long time ago.

Nato or the coalition would never attack Assad straight on, especially now after Iran and Russia sided with Assad. If anything Assad will be the key to bring ISIS down.
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: Patty on November 14, 2015, 05:37:56 PM
I've been waiting patiently for this to happen. Like 9/11 put us in Iraq/Afghanistan, but was totally staged by us, this puts nato in Syria, so the USA can take Assad out of power, our ultimate goal. Russia won't have none of that. Hello ww3. No disrespect to any lives lost, I just saw this coming a long time ago.

Nato or the coalition would never attack Assad straight on, especially now after Iran and Russia sided with Assad. If anything Assad will be the key to bring ISIS down.
very true, I see a major boots on ground campaign happening real soon, without Syrians permission. And all we've been blaming Assad for breeding terrorism when in fact they brought in Russia to take out said terrorists. But we won't cooperate with Russia to take out Isis, because we're not worried about Isis, we want Assad gone. Let's just keep arming rebels and pretending like Isis is the issue. The United States of America is the bad guy right now
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: alaskun on November 14, 2015, 09:37:15 PM
this isn't even scratching the surface.  tldr; fucking arrest them

West 'ignored Russian offer in 2012 to have Syria's Assad step aside'
15 September 2015
Exclusive: Senior negotiator describes rejection of alleged proposal, since when tens of thousands have been killed and millions displaced

Cause of Syria's Incredible Bloodshed Is Finally Confirmed: In 2012, Russia was willing to negotiate Assad’s stepping down. Washington ignored that, expecting to impose (not negotiate with Russia) a government of Washington’s (Obama’s) choosing.

A WikiLeaks document shows US had plans to destabilize Syria since 2006

According to documents leaked by WikiLeaks, a secret treaty among Qatar, Turkey and Saudi Arabia shows they intended to overthrow the Syrian government. Western powers like France, Britain and the United States were also involved.

Ron Paul: How Many Refugees Were Leaving Syria Before U.S. Regime Change?

WikiLeaks Reveals How the US Aggressively Pursued Regime Change in Syria, Igniting a Bloodbath
Friday, 09 October 2015

US may have provoked EU refugee crisis on purpose: Russian State Duma Speaker Naryshkin
September 16
"It is clear for everyone that the United States is the ideologist behind the aforementioned interventions," Naryshkin told journalists. "I am not a supporter of conspiracy theories but the question arises by itself - is Europe the final aim of those destabilizing the situation in North Africa and Middle East over the last years with such maniacal persistence?"

Hungarian PM Accuses Soros of Stoking Refugee Wave to Weaken Europe

European Refugee Crisis - The Anatomy of a Coverup

Notice the striking similarity between Turkish Prez Erdogan’s plan and the Brookings strategy. Washington and Ankara seem to share the same view of how Syria should be carved up following the prospective invasion.
November 6, 2015

The Brookings Institute Plan to Liquidate Syria
Notice how O’ Hanlon never considers the moral implications of obliterating a sovereign nation, killing tens of thousands of civilians, and displacing millions of others.
August 06, 2015 "Information Clearing House" - "Counterpunch' - Here’s your US foreign policy puzzler for the day:  When is regime change not regime change?

When the regime stays in power but loses its ability to rule. This is the current objective of US policy in Syria, to undermine Syrian President Bashar al Assad’s ability to govern the country without physically removing him from office. The idea is simple: Deploy US-backed  “jihadi” proxies to capture-and-hold vast sections of the country thereby making it impossible for the central government to control the state. This is how the Obama administration plans to deal with Assad, by making him irrelevant.  The strategy is explained in great detail in a piece by Michael E. O’Hanlon at the Brookings Institute titled “Deconstructing Syria: A new strategy for America’s most hopeless war”.

Rothschild Declares Open War on Syria Through Brookings, His Sledgehammer on the US Government: “Deconstructing Syria” (No Rothschild Central Bank).
june 29, 2015

"Brookings biggest contributor is the Qatari royal family. You do the math."

Ban Ki-Moon Condemns the American Stand on Syria, Endorses Putin's
October 31, 2015

...The U.N. Secretary General is here implicitly blaming all of this — lots of blood and misery — on U.S. President Obama, and on the “many Western countries” who ally with him and have joined with him in demanding regime-change in Syria.

The position of Russia’s President Vladimir Putin has been, and is, to the exact contrary of Obama’s: namely, that only an election by the Syrian people can determine whom Syria’s President should be. The U.N. Secretary General is here agreeing with Putin, and rejecting Obama’s demand, that the matter be determined instead by non-Syrians, and by non-democratic means (which is basically like George W. Bush did in Iraq, and like Barack Obama did in Libya)...

UK government abandons prosecution of man who went to Syria to fight Assad, because the trial was going to reveal that British Intelligence is doing exactly the same thing.
Terror trial collapses after fears of deep embarrassment to security services

"Obama Is Destroying Europe", "Dragging It Into A Crusade Against Russia" Says Former French PM

Ripped From Hillary’s Emails: French Plot to Overthrow Gaddafi and Help Itself to Libya’s Oil
French intelligence plotted to overthrow Muammar Gaddafi to horn in on Libya’s oil and to provide access for French businesses.

The young college student who killed 38 tourists in a Tunisian seaside resort was in a jihadi training camp in western Libya at the same time as the two attackers who hit the National Bardo Museum in March, a top security official said on Tuesday.

Libya: Order Out Of Chaos
10 August 2015

Libya, Syria And Now Ukraine - Color Revolution By Force
January 24, 2014
exactly same graphics are used to train the willing-to-fight demonstrators

Whenever relations between the US and a certain country deteriorate because the country is no longer keen to be the US strategic asset, human rights activists are produced to destabilize the country

Just before Libya was bombed by NATO for "human rights abuses", Libya was about to receive a UN award for examplary human rights

False Flag Alert on Refugee 'Crisis'?
September 4, 2015

... says Russian academician and historian Jelena Guskova. Guskova’s research has led her to the conclusion that what is being prepared for immediate effect is the establishment of a “Green Transversal,” a Muslim state in Christian Europe. She cites the growth of Islamic radicalism in the Balkans via Serbia’s “Wahhabi” and “Red Rose” cells, Macedonia’s “Tarikat,” and Al Qaeda cells in Kosovo and northern Albania, which in co-operation with Bosnia-Herzgovina will create the “Green Transversal.”...

Hillary Clinton sums up US strategy; Removing Assad, not #ISIS, is the top priority in #Syria

Emails show Qadaffi son offered talks – but Clinton ordered top general to 'not take the call'

As Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton bought into the neocon/liberal-hawk agenda which spread the chaos of Iraq across Libya, Syria and now into Europe. How Clinton approached those challenges suggests that she would head down the same “regime change” path as President, Rick Sterling explains.

Libya: Four Years Down the Road - NATO illegal War ruined Lybia!

Hillary Clinton Owns the War in Libya
And its horrible aftermath.
October 23, 2015 of the most politically relevant topics examined by the House Benghazi Committee is her insistence that Libya was not a "disaster."

Over and over, in fact, Clinton argued that Libyans had elected "moderates" and that democracy had thrived and that all things were peachy (though she does concede there were security risks). And she was still praising the Arab Spring long after its collapse into violent radicalism across the Arab world.

At first I wondered, how could she maintain something so obviously contestable? Then I realized, how could she not?

Rep. Peter Roskam (R-Ill.) spent his entire time attempting to push Clinton to own the Libya intervention. Democrats joked on Twitter that Roskam had conclusively proved that yes, Clinton was secretary of state. But it was much more.

She reiterated that she was the chief architect of the war in Libya. Clinton has to claim that the U.N.-authorized Libyan air campaign in 2011 was a model of successful foreign intervention, because Clinton was the one who urged Barack Obama, over the strong misgivings of others, to intervene in that civil war. She brought the Arabs on board. She articulated many of the administration's arguments.

Later, after the whole thing fell apart, she would falsely blame some obscure video for the whole thing.

Since then, Libya has fragmented into two rival factions, which have erased any pretense that democracy or freedom exists in the country. There are mass collective punishments as tens of thousands of political prisoners are thrown into camps. Violence is up. Proliferation of weapons has increased. Causalities have spiked since the war. Ansar al-Sharia, the group accused of murdering American diplomats, is more powerful now than it was before the U.S. got involved.

One estimate says that militias have grown from an estimated 40,000 fighters in 2011 to 160,000 today. This is now the place where Coptic Christians are marched out onto beaches and beheaded. The war has created a refugee crisis...

What ambassador in Benghazi was really doing: The U.S. special mission in Benghazi and the nearby CIA annex were utilized in part to coordinate arms shipments to the jihadist rebels fighting the Syrian regime, with Ambassador Christopher Stevens playing a central role.

Mrs. Clinton provided material assistance to terrorists and lied to Congress in a venue where the law required her to be truthful.
...Many of the rebels Mrs. Clinton armed, using the weapons lawfully sold to Qatar by Mr. Turi and others, were terrorist groups who are our sworn enemies. There was no congressional declaration of war, no congressional vote, no congressional knowledge beyond fewer than a dozen members, and no federal statute that authorized this...

UN Inspector (well known Carla del Ponte) Says Syrian Rebels Used Chemical Weapons, Not Assad (May 2013)

Hersh Vindicated? Turkish Whistleblowers Corroborate Story on False Flag Sarin Attack in Syria

Seymour Hersh, in an interview with Diken, claims that Turkish intelligence and military were behind the sarin gas attack in Syria

US and UN Responsible for Alleged ISIS Chemical Attack Against Kurds in Iraq
August 14, 2015
Mustard agent at al-Muthanna raided by ISIS sold to Saddam Hussein

False Flag Proof! NATO ally Turkey supplied chemical weapons to FSA terrorists, thereby producing Obama's "Red Line" for Syrian attack!
And, it seems they were trying again before they were caught!

The United States Institute of Peace's Hawkish Chairman Wants Ukraine to Send Russians Back in Body Bags
Aug. 1 2015
"The United States Institute of Peace is a publicly funded national institution chartered by the U.S. government to promote international peace through nonviolent conflict resolution..."

#Ukraine's Ministry of Defense official publicly offers help to #ISIS in 'identifying the #Russian pilots'
Top Ukraine official backs idea 'to help ISIS take revenge on Russian soldiers in Syria’

Analysts say Kiev authorities in fact team up with Islamic State

Post-Maidan Ukrainians Eager to Help ISIS Kill Russians

John McCain To Arm Rebels with STA Missiles To Shoot Down Russian Jets
McCain initially responded to Fox News host Neil Cavuto’s question about whether he would shoot down Russian planes by saying no, but then went on to assert that he would arm Syrian rebels to carry out that very same task.

“I might do what we did in Afghanistan many years ago, to give those guys the ability to shoot down those planes, that equipment is available,” said McCain, adding that the Free Syrian Army would shoot down the planes, “just like the Afghans shot down Russian planes after Russia invaded Afghanistan.”

McCain is referring to how the United States armed Islamic militants in the 1970s, a policy that led to the rise of the Taliban, Al Qaeda, the Muslim Brotherhood and Osama Bin Laden.

Senator McCain is opposed to Russia’s bombing of ISIS terrorists because he believes that Moscow is using this explanation as a cover to attack US-backed Syrian rebel forces who are trying to topple Bashar Al-Assad...

British SAS Special Forces “Dressed Up as ISIS Rebels” Fighting Assad in Syria
Operation Shader – attacking Syrian targets on the pretext of combating ISIS.

US-Trained Special Forces Chief Joins ISIS, Vows To Bring Jihad To Russia & America

ISIS fighter was trained by State Department

U.S. training helped mold top Islamic State military commander
September 15, 2015

One of ISIS' top commanders was a 'star pupil' of US-special forces training in the country of Georgia

there's a lot more. how bout that nobel peace prize...

Title: Re: Paris
Post by: Cole on November 15, 2015, 01:07:06 AM
Fuck off.
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: JFax on November 15, 2015, 01:35:12 AM
Yeah seriously. Nobody will click your links.
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: alaskun on November 15, 2015, 01:59:11 AM
context.  scroll past it...
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: amishrob on November 15, 2015, 02:20:51 AM
alaskun, wasn't about 'feelings' was about your tinfoil hat conspiracy nonsense potentially clogging up a serious discussion thread. but you went there anyway, i see.
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: alaskun on November 15, 2015, 02:27:49 AM
a serious discussion thread

I guarantee you your "serious discussion thread" would've been nothing but bickering over islam, meaningless RIPs/OMGs, and let's-go-to-war hoo-rah emotional crap. Just like almost every other message board thread

why did this attack happen? what's the precedent? can we expect it to happen again? who are the people involved here? where did it come from?  are you going to talk about any of that? my experience over the past 10+ years on bikeguide says that you won't...
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: alaskun on November 15, 2015, 04:57:11 AM
 Unedited Videos of Paris Attacks by ISIS  (

this one's not on there yet.  there's no gore, and you don't see any of the shooters, but it's from inside the theater, looking at the band, as the first shots go off.  looks to be shot pretty close to the stage, makes it look like a much more intimate setting than I was thinking.  It's distressing. maybe don't watch it if you don't want to feel bad.

Attacks in Paris - The arrival of terrorists in Bataclan Theatre killing
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: Finn the Human on November 15, 2015, 05:03:45 AM
If you're using tragedy to preach your fucking nonsense then fuck off.
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: alaskun on November 15, 2015, 05:27:16 AM
If you're using tragedy to preach your fucking nonsense then fuck off.

my post was long, annoying, pretentious, whatever. but what 'nonsense' am I 'preaching?'

I'm pretty sure you're the one who can fuck off here.
A 2.thetwintowerswereaconspiracy.
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: Kinchy on November 15, 2015, 12:58:54 PM
I'm out. Wanted discussion but just got text walls and links to /r/conspiracy
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: alaskun on November 15, 2015, 04:47:03 PM
this creeps me out

How Paris ISIS Terrorists May Have Used PlayStation 4 To Discuss And Plan Attacks

Paris attacks: ISIS terrorists may have used PlayStation 4s to plot atrocities
Communications between users of the games console are almost impossible to monitor, making them an ideal way to plot atrocities, home affairs minister Jan Jambon said.

According to reports in the Brussels weekly The Bulletin , Mr Jambon said: "The thing that keeps me awake at night is the guy behind his computer, looking for messages from [the Islamic State] and other hate preachers. 

this list is outdated now, and mostly just xbox stuff...
 REASONS why the new XBOX is so creepy to anybody with an attention span... (

DHS Looks to Spy on Video Game Consoles in Search of Pedophiles, Terrorists
April 4, 2012

US government hires company to hack into video game consoles
The U.S. Navy is paying a company six figures to hack into used video game consoles and extract sensitive information. The tasks to be completed are for both offline and online data.
April 7, 2012

but I'm pretty sure spy agencies don't have anywhere near as much trouble looking into these devices as they're letting on.   There's been a lot of new news stories about gamemakers shadinesss/spy agency shadiness since that thread was made. I don't like the idea of children being raised on/getting accustomed to these surveillance devices as it it, and it's only going to get worse
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: Patty on November 15, 2015, 05:32:09 PM
You fucking suck dude
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: alaskun on November 15, 2015, 06:20:00 PM
I get being annoyed with me posting a shitton of old links, but what's wrong with you that I can't discuss the ongoing situation, or my feelings on how it will affect us/our lives/the future?  Why does this thread exist?
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: LukeTom on November 15, 2015, 06:30:26 PM
Fucking hell.

Everyone who I seem to talk to is trying to pursue their own ends with this situation, first of all the whole 'pray for the world thing'. Beirut has been synonymous with terror attacks for many years. Is there now no way of feeling remorse for people who are close to us without someone else pointing at another disaster and saying "feel sorry for them too!". Yes we get it,  but the fact that this has hit so close to home and in such a developed nation makes this more poignant (not to disparage any lives lost in earthquakes/suicide bombs/car accidents around the world).

Then Donnald Trump chiming in trying to pursue his agenda telling people that they should have had guns to defend themselves. Fucking hell what a morbid example of blind political opportunism.

I thought Bikegiude was a safe haven from fucking idiots trying to push their own ideology onto people, but Alaskun is the worst one I have read, and I am finding it very hard to believe he is not a troll. You have made your point, you can stop posting and we can actually try to have a meaningful discussion about this without a text wall stifling it.

I just generally feel very sorry for the people of Paris, especially after the recent Hedbo attacks. And it has probably brought home to allot of people how serious the threat actually is, but apart from generating heated debate from message boards to the Houses of Parliament, I seriously doubt that the course of the general political will will change.

And lastly Alasksun you seem about indoctrinated into your conspiracy bullshite as the people who committed this atrocity, not to mention the sources you cite are some of the most laughably ridiculous I have ever seen. Pull your head out your ass and join the real world
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: ginger on November 15, 2015, 06:50:40 PM
alaskun is legit, no troll here.
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: dude... on November 15, 2015, 07:08:21 PM
fuck off alaskum
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: alaskun on November 15, 2015, 07:19:48 PM
stop posting about me. post about paris, isis, future attacks/repercussions, etc. I'm not trying to talk about myself here, I want to talk/read about the fucking war we've started

I thought Bikegiude was a safe haven from fucking idiots trying to push their own ideology onto people, but Alaskun is the worst one I have read...

And lastly Alasksun you seem about indoctrinated into your conspiracy bullshite as the people who committed this atrocity, not to mention the sources you cite are some of the most laughably ridiculous I have ever seen. Pull your head out your ass and join the real world
the only idea or ideology I've shared is that I think it's a bad idea to fund/arm/train terrorists in order to overthrow governments.  what's "the worst" about that?

The Defense Intelligence Agency and the Brookings Institute are "laughably ridiculous sources?" People who've been involved with this and proven right time and time again for years are laughably ridiculous?  sure I linked to some forums, but who/what do they link to?

Join the real world?  Do you understand/acknowledge that we ARE overthrowing governments, creating/supporting terrorist groups, and forcing a refugee crisis?  Do you understand/acknowledge that that is what caused the events in paris, and a lot of other horrible shit the past few years?
i was posting about this stuff years ago saying it would lead to this kind of thing, and you fucking idiots in your 'real world' were saying the same crap about me posting conspiracy bullshit...
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: ginger on November 15, 2015, 08:38:22 PM
I hate to agree, but I agree that these kinds of attacks are a direct result of western interference in the affairs of other sovereign nations. This happens not only in the Middle East, but everywhere. Even Australia has been fucked by the US (see the Dismissal).
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: alaskun on November 15, 2015, 11:00:49 PM
This happens not only in the Middle East, but everywhere. Even Australia...
now imagine giving the aborigines heavy weaponry, vehicles, training, surveillance tech, air support, money, drugs, etc, with orders to take out the prime minister or anyone who supports him...
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: alaskun on November 16, 2015, 12:07:30 AM
so the headline "Assad on the Paris terror attack: It's been happening to Syria for 5 years" just kind of hit me.

The people who died in paris weren't expecting anything like it to happen.  They went out that night expecting nothing but a regular fun night. It ended up horrible, but it was still only one night.

People in places like syria have to move from basement to basement, shelter to shelter, tunnel to tunnel, watching people around them getting picked off/abducted... dragged out over a period of years.
 Look at the fear in the messages sent by people in the paris theatre, begging for someone to show up and help them. Look at how emotional people are acting when they report on the one-night tragedy.

What if help never came and the waiting/confusion/panic/uncertainty lasted several months or years...

I'm not trying to pick an argument at all here, I'm just thinking out loud about how terrifying it must be to live in a place like that.

Title: Re: Paris
Post by: Prodigal Son on November 16, 2015, 12:26:16 AM
Paris is a tragedy. It was in February too.

I don't intend to discredit the lives lost there but if we are to acknowledge and fear a similar attack; why is it so much worse than the school shootings and other public massacres we have here? Is it because there is an identified enemy and not an excuse of endless lone wolfs?

There is a contingent of Muslim culture that does not support IS and anyone who isn't blinded by racism or ignorance could assume that it is a small part of the 1.6b that supports them or other Islamic factions. Isolating Muslims or Islamist in general will only further their cause though right?
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: ginger on November 16, 2015, 12:30:00 AM
Bombing terrorists creates more terrorists.
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: alaskun on November 16, 2015, 01:08:39 AM
...if we are to acknowledge and fear a similar attack; why is it so much worse than the school shootings and other public massacres we have here? Is it because there is an identified enemy and not an excuse of endless lone wolfs?
  Are there heavily-funded, highly trained 100,000+ man groups of designated-school-shooters, publicly promising (and often fulfilling the promises) to carry out more, larger school shootings? putting out hi-def promo snuff films?  with uniforms, flags, actual dedicated armies, etc?

When was the last time a school shooting was preceded by mass protests against school shooters overtaking a city? Or a decade long campaign to arm/train/fund the school shooters...

I get what you're saying, but these guys can/have been described as lone wolfs too.  Anything a lone wolf could accomplish, these groups can accomplish, only there are A LOT more of them who are actually active/vocal. It's especially dangerous when the government/media refuse to actually link/associate any of them...

Title: Re: Paris
Post by: JFax on November 16, 2015, 01:57:06 AM
I have a hard time understanding the strategy of such attacks. It feels like becoming a stable caliphate would be desired. It seems like they want to accomplice as much as possible before being bombed to heaven comes.
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: alaskun on November 16, 2015, 02:36:32 AM
It seems like they want to accomplice as much as possible before being bombed to heaven comes.
freudian slip, or deliberate?

    a person who helps another commit a crime.
    synonyms:   partner in crime, associate, accessory, abettor, confederate, collaborator, fellow conspirator, co-conspirator

it won't be easy to sell bombing them to heaven comes when they're spread throughout/beyond every major population center, which is what they've been preaching, in crazy brutal videos and lots of other ways... for years now, very consistently

this is not conspiracy bullshit, these are not ridiculous sources, george bush said sometime around 2003(?) that world war 3 had already started.

George Takei Fears NSA Spying Will Lead to Something Much Worse (
June 11, 2013

...his fears are rooted in the memory of the government persecution he suffered firsthand in a Japanese internment camp.

"Due process is a pillar of our American justice system," the Star Trek star told Daily Intelligencer last night at the Eighth Annual Stella by Starlight Benefit Gala. "We were rounded up simply because we happened to look like the people who bombed Pearl Harbor. And we were put in prison camps with barbed wire and machine guns pointed at us. It was a horrific violation of our Constitution."
Justice Antonin Scalia says ( World War II-style internment camps could happen again (
The longest-serving member of the U.S. Supreme Court talks at two isle schools
Feb 4, 2014

...  "you are kidding yourself if you think the same thing will not happen again," Scalia told students and faculty during a lunchtime question-and-answer session.

Scalia cited a Latin expression meaning "In times of war, the laws fall silent."

"That's what was going on — the panic about the war and the invasion of the Pacific and whatnot. That's what happens. It was wrong, but I would not be surprised to see it happen again, in time of war. It's no justification but it is the reality," he said...

what do you guys think is going to happen if these attacks, or attacks on migrants/refugees continue or get worse? it's been happening in other countries for a few years now, and the results are fucking scary.

but look at what happens to a lot of cities now after the boston bombing if even one person is being hunted like a terrorist.  How many waaay overblown seemingly unnecessary lockdowns/block raids/confrontations have we seen?

What happens when it's real, across multiple locations.... Like what just almost happened before the paris event?
12 nov 2015


I'm sorry for posting so much, but I've been paying attention to this stuff for a while now, and it doesn't just go away with time when things are only ramping up.  I'm scared, and I want to talk about it. It's definitely possible that I am just being too paranoid and everything will go on as normal for us, but I really don't expect a lot of awesome positive innovations/fixes over the next decade.   

I'll stop now
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: manwe on November 16, 2015, 02:58:40 AM

apparently what Daesh / ISIS wants is to provoke as much retaliation as possible so as to bring about their end of days prophecy (and as additional benefit the more desperate people in the region get, the more likely they are to join the cult)

According to the prophecy a mighty Western army will face them on the plains of Dabiq (an otherwise insignificant town of 3000 people), all muslims will unite and will prevail. then some other shit will happen, then there will be a false messiah that everyone will follow, then the muslims will dwindle, but then the real messiah will come and Jesus along with him and he'll break the cross and reabsorb Christianity into Islam and then it's the end of days i guess...?

Anyway, the terrorists were born in Brussels, so we should really be discussing putting boots on the ground in Belgium.
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: JFax on November 16, 2015, 03:10:22 AM
freudian slip, or deliberate?

Yeah sorry, used the wrong word.

Anyway. I foresee a lot more strikes in the near future and hopefully actual advances on the ground. No use for further aerial bombings soon. France just bombed a chicken farm yesterday for goodness sake.
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: cmc4130 on November 16, 2015, 11:29:41 AM
. . . .

Yeah, excellent article.  Everyone needs to read it. 

Also, read these (part one and two). 

Part 2 is a little more tailored to the current times, so skip ahead if your brain is getting worn out....
You Can't Understand ISIS If You Don't Know the History of Wahhabism in Saudi Arabia
Part 1: (
Part 2: (

Title: Re: Paris
Post by: LukeTom on November 16, 2015, 01:07:03 PM

Fuck, seems like one of our own also perished in the shootings. Ride in peace brother
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: alaskun on November 16, 2015, 04:37:37 PM
holy shit, are you kidding me -

Paris terror attacks are a victory for Syria’s Assad (
November 16 2015

The violence in Paris is being exploited by the Assad regime.

- we create isis, for the stated purpose of removing/killing the president and his supporters

- isis takes over the president's/the countries powerplants, waterworks, communications, etc...

- we bomb that (assad's, syria's)  infrastructure, and fund/arm/train more people to take more infrastructure over

- isis delivers on their promise to bring terror to western countries

- we bomb more powerplants


what fucking planet am I living on?
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: alaskun on November 16, 2015, 04:46:11 PM

Fuck, seems like one of our own also perished in the shootings. Ride in peace brother
I remember seeing stories about an australian rider who died in a crazy wildfire. It's a much more relatable threat to me, so it freaks me out more, but I can tell this one just hasn't caught up to me yet. hopefully it won't
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: JFax on November 16, 2015, 05:30:22 PM
Quote from: alaskun link=topic=221287.msg3719386#msg3719386

I dont get it. I read the article and your outcry and following text seem unrelated past the title of the article. Did you read it? Article headlines tend to be outrageous compared to more sensible content to lure readers into reading it.
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: alaskun on November 16, 2015, 06:27:01 PM
Quote from: alaskun link=topic=221287.msg3719386#msg3719386

I dont get it. I read the article and your outcry and following text seem unrelated past the title of the article. Did you read it? Article headlines tend to be outrageous compared to more sensible content to lure readers into reading it.
are you sure you read it? the whole article I'm reading is lamenting our "rebel" groups not being able to do this again

Gaddafi Sodomized By NATO Supported Rebels
Video shows abuse frame by frame (GRAPHIC)
An analysis appears to confirm that a rebel fighter sodomized Gaddafi with a knife.
October 25, 2011
SIRTE, Libya — An analysis of video obtained by GlobalPost from a rebel fighter who recorded the moment when Col. Muammar Gaddafi was first captured confirms that another rebel fighter, whose identity is unknown, sodomized the former leader as he was being dragged from the drainpipe where he had taken cover.
A frame by frame analysis of this exclusive GlobalPost video clearly shows the rebel trying to insert some kind of stick or knife into Gaddafi's rear end.

the entire article is based on the idea that "Assad has to go." They don't question that logic at all. They're actually complaining about the ineffectiveness of the methods that are being used to kill/remove/make him irrelevant. 

They prop it up on russia's recent support for assad being evil/wrong without question...

How many presidents do "we" have to kill before people realize it's working against us?  Stop pushing it like it's the foregone conclusion. Even mainstream news agencies have been questioning whether we'd have the crazy war situation we're in right now if we hadn't taken out saddam. It's a fact that killing gaddafi made it worse, and I was saying all this stuff before that too.  What do you really expect to happen if we keep trying to kill/undermine assad?  Do you understand that means war with russia?
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: condrbkr on November 16, 2015, 06:58:39 PM
It's only when we truly realize that the innocent lives lost in Paris are as equally valuable as the innocent lives lost in the Middle East or any other place, all this will come closer to an end.

Title: Re: Paris
Post by: alaskun on November 16, 2015, 07:05:24 PM

this is happening right now.  have you guys seen any of the hundreds of tow missile videos that've come out the past two years or so?
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: Narcoleptic Insomniac on November 16, 2015, 08:33:14 PM
That Atlantic article was a great read.
How should we understand the Paris attacks within the context of the article?
If the immediate goal of ISIS is to expand the caliphate's borders and its ultimate goal is to trigger the countdown to judgment day then I see the point of the attacks being to provoke and compel the west to send ground troops to Syria so they can have their prophetic battle at Dabiq.

Edit: that tank woman is doing it for me.
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: Prodigal Son on November 16, 2015, 08:44:40 PM
I don't expect violence to stop. How do you make ideas susceptible to bullets?
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: Narcoleptic Insomniac on November 16, 2015, 09:00:53 PM
You can't.

But anyway, the idea is that if the west sends troops and IS get their asses kicked into oblivion at Dabiq it'd be a huge blow to their ideological platform because the prophecy would obviously not be realized. On the downside, they or others like al-Qaeda could spin it and use it as alleged proof that the west is trying to destroy all Muslims. And of course there's the recent historical precedent telling us that us invading countries ends up badly for everyone.
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: condrbkr on November 17, 2015, 12:34:08 AM
Do you really think the majority of ISIS is a bunch of brainwashed idiots who do it to fulfill a sense of prophecy? Really? They're people too. The same people who buy into all that prophetic nonsense are the same people who join the our military to kill ragheads and get their freedom hard ons. I'm sure a lot of them are doing it cause that's who the new shot callers are and they don't want to piss off a group that isn't afraid to kill one of their own. Maybe ISIS offers a job in a land where unemployment is extremely high and the way they see it is that fuck I'm probably not gonna ever engage in a land battle so why not. The same reason we can be disgruntled with our own system is probably the same way they see theirs. The difference is that here we have an ability to have discourse without believing that our heads are gonna get cut off.

There is this customer at work we call Saddam cause he has an uncanny resemblance to Saddam Hussein. He says he used to be a district chief to the police force involved with Taliban-era Afghanistan. He doesn't seem like the guy that buys ideological nonsense saying that he's both an alcoholic and gambler(which is heavily looked down upon in Muslim culture) but when he brought up his former of line of work, he talks like all that was just an opportunity to advance his own family. He's still an asshole though cause he blames everyone for his inability to ever win scratch offs and his drinking and driving and constantly pissing in the parking lot, and being a pompous douche in general. The reason I bring it up, he's for the most part a regular guy and I imagine there are a lot more like him than religious zealots hellbent on bring an apocalyptical end.
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: JFax on November 17, 2015, 12:53:36 AM
Quote from: cmc4130 link=topic=221287.msg3719375#msg3719375
Huffinton article

Very good read, thank you for the link
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: manwe on November 17, 2015, 03:17:25 AM
as far as I understand it the reason for the Paris attacks is that #1: European Jihadists can't get to Daesh anymore cos the Kurds control most of their borders and won't let them through (maybe even that many Western countries have started to take measures to stop the outflow of radicals.) and #2 or 3, or whatever number we're on; to lure the west into another military 'intervention' / invasion.

for them it's a win-win situation: they get obliterated - good, it'll unite the muslims and bring about the end of the world.
they win - i mean it's pretty much impossible, but that would also fulfil the prophecy.

isis is much more stringent in their 7th century application of the religion than pretty much any other faction of islam has been, comparing them to normal people that have emigrated from the region is like comparing your basic western jewish person to a hasidic jew in israel that refuses to work the light switch on sabbath.

but based on the atlantic article, it seems pretty much unavoidable that they will implode by themselves; they're some of the most hate filled antisocial arseholes ever, even by the region's extremely low standards. they have to live up to so many silly rules and prophecies, and their fans are such ardent sticklers for the scripture, that it seems impossible they won't anger them by some serious misstep sometime very soon.
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: JFax on November 17, 2015, 05:22:17 AM
Have a hard time understanding how you can become so religeous that Wahhabism or similar becomes an option. No music, kill everyone etc. thats not a fun way to live!
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: alaskun on November 17, 2015, 08:27:43 AM
holy shit, are you kidding me -

Paris terror attacks are a victory for Syria’s Assad (
more of the same bullshit.

Putin comes in from the cold: Desperate world leaders cosy up to Russian President to get him to join the fight against ISIS
 16 November 2015

this is the narrative they're running with, still acting like what russia's been doing in syria for the past month and a half was bad/wrong/innefective because (they say) putin was only targeting anti assad fighters, not isis.  Nevermind the fact that those fighters are repeatedly/consistently associated with/proven to be just as bad as daesh, or that isis claimed responsibility for blowing up that russian airliner with 224 people on it in retaliation for russia attacking them...

I know people will cry about a dailymail link, but I'm just pointing out the false storyline

Title: Re: Paris
Post by: Cole on November 17, 2015, 09:42:12 AM
Clearly military intervention just isn't working. The whole airstrike campaign was a good idea in theory, but you can't beat an insurgency from the air. Hell, you can't even win one from the ground, especially in the middle east. Look at Russia, then the US and then finally NATO in recent years. I'd like to say aid is the best way to go about this, but that doesn't work with radical groups either (Hotel Rwanda, anyone?)

I just don't even know what to think about this. Like Alaskun said, it's scary. Like legitimately scary. I'm kind of at a loss here, the emotionally charged option seems like the best one and that's killing them all. It's just not practical or even possible really.

Whether or not the US or Russia or whoever have funded terror groups throughout the years is a moot point. Mostly because when it happened, the landscape of global politics (probably the wrong way to say it, but you get the gist... I hope) was wildly different. When the US was funding and training the Mujahideen, wasn't it the '70's and Russia was in Afghanistan and the Cold War was still raging? Ultimately, the US figured that the Muj weren't going to end up killing them 30 or 40 years later, that's just the cost of doing business in a guerrilla war.
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: alaskun on November 17, 2015, 11:03:03 AM
Whether or not the US or Russia or whoever have funded terror groups throughout the years is a moot point. Mostly because when it happened, the landscape of global politics (probably the wrong way to say it, but you get the gist... I hope) was wildly different. When the US was funding and training the Mujahideen, wasn't it the '70's and Russia was in Afghanistan and the Cold War was still raging? Ultimately, the US figured that the Muj weren't going to end up killing them 30 or 40 years later, that's just the cost of doing business in a guerrilla war.
One of the main architects of that situation, and thus one of the creators of bin laden/911, is pushing the same exact garbage today.

Brzezinski: Obama should retaliate if Russia doesn't stop attacking U.S. assets

The United States should threaten to retaliate if Russia does not stop attacking U.S. assets in Syria, former national security adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski wrote in a Financial Times op-ed published Sunday, urging "strategic boldness," with American credibility in the Middle East and the region itself at stake.

Moscow's apparent decision to strike non-Islamic State targets and those of Syrian rebels backed by the Central Intelligence Agency "at best" reflects "Russian military incompetence," and worst, "evidence of a dangerous desire to highlight American political impotence," wrote Brzezinski, the national security adviser for former President Jimmy Carter and a strong supporter of current President Barack Obama.

And if Russia continues to pursue non-ISIL targets, the U.S. should retaliate, he added.

"In these rapidly unfolding circumstances the U.S. has only one real option if it is to protect its wider stakes in the region: to convey to Moscow the demand that it cease and desist from military actions that directly affect American assets," he said.

"The Russian naval and air presences in Syria are vulnerable, isolated geographically from their homeland," Brzezinski noted. "They could be 'disarmed' if they persist in provoking the US."

The problem in the Middle East is bigger than Syria, Brzezinski wrote, and it would behoove Russia to cooperate with the U.S., who cannot as it did in the past, rely upon the United Kingdom and France to play a "decisive role" in the region.

"But, better still, Russia might be persuaded to act with the U.S. in seeking a wider accommodation to a regional problem that transcends the interests of a single state," he added.

Instead of what he calls a "new form of neocolonial domination," the United States, along with China and Russia, must act in concert to protect their mutual interests, he warned.

"China would doubtless prefer to stay on the sidelines. It might calculate that it will then be in a better position to pick up the pieces. But the regional chaos could easily spread northeastward, eventually engulfing central and northeastern Asia. Both Russia and then China could be adversely affected. But American interests and America’s friends — not to mention regional stability — would also suffer. It is time, therefore, for strategic boldness," he concluded.

Using "freedom fighters" and "moderate opposition" terror squads to topple governments, carry out proxy wars, and goad russia into more destruction.

They KNOW, and have for decades, that this will only lead to more terror attacks and wars. The blowback is inevitable, and they don't just expect it, they're actively managing/provoking it and twisting the results into excuses to punish the rest of us further
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: JFax on November 18, 2015, 01:46:35 AM
It seems like the only way to maintain a sort of normal society in the area is through strong dictatorships. Egypt is still struggling tobget democracy up and working without creating terrorist factions, but if they succeed it would be a beacon of hope
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: manwe on November 18, 2015, 02:06:12 AM
To be honest no self contained revolution (the American Revolution doesn't count cos they were kicking the colonisers out), that I can think of anyway, has ever led to a democratic government.

Democracy is fycking hard, not even most of the west has a handle on it and countries like the us have been at it for 200+ years. So I have to somewhat agree with alaskun, despite his shady sources, that a lot of the deliberate western destabilization of the region seems either ridiculously optimistic, stupid, or, let's be real, malicious as fuck. It's pretty crazy to even suggest that creating a democratic regime out of nothing would have been a realistic or genuine goal for the invasions.

But now I think we just have to deal with the mess they created. Wait until Isis implodes, wait until things start to get better or worse on their own, and generally not fucking meddle anymore. As it is this is more destructive than old school colonization.
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: JFax on November 18, 2015, 04:30:27 AM
At first glance it would be logical to re-split the geopolitical division of countries that was made after WW1, the Sykes-Picot agreement.

A Kurdish national state would most probably be a really stable country. Its semi-autonomous in Iraq I think and if Assad falls it could probably be a possibility here too. I bet Turkey wouldnt be too thrilled about it though.

Then it would be an issue about what to do with Shiites and Sunni, if these could be divided into different states. Not sure if it would be a super idea, but it seems like the tension between the groups is what makes new democracies like Iraq fail. Could perhaps be an option, I mean, Pakistan India happened! They arent really the closest of friends though, and I forsee a bit Sunni/shia war in the decades to come.
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: alaskun on November 18, 2015, 05:18:52 AM
Agence France-Presse ‏@AFP 53 minutes ago
#BREAKING Lavrov says pre-conditions on Assad departure 'unacceptable' for joining forces against IS

after all the g20 pleasantries we're still trying to make the whole thing about taking out assad...
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: alaskun on November 18, 2015, 07:04:49 AM
George Takei Fears NSA Spying Will Lead to Something Much Worse (


Justice Antonin Scalia says ( World War II-style internment camps could happen again (

another credible person saying what happened in ww2 could happen again...

"how do we fix self-radicalized lone woofs, domestically?"

video- General Wesley Clark Promotes Internment Of 'Radicalized' US Citizens (
july 18 2015

 Roberts asked him what we needed to do about "self-radicalization" which seems to be the short-hand for a Muslim (as opposed to a white supremacist or a conspiracy theorist or just some nut) who reads some crazy stuff on the internet and decides to go out in a blaze of glory:

    Clark: We have got to identify the people who are most likely to be radicalized. We've got to cut this off at the beginning. There are always a certain number of young people who are alienated. They don't get a job, they lost a girlfriend, their family doesn't feel happy here and we can watch the signs of that. And there are members of the community who can reach out to those people and bring them back in and encourage them to look at their blessings here.

    But I do think on a national policy level we need to look at what self-radicalization means because we are at war with this group of terrorists. They do have an ideology. In World War II if someone supported Nazi Germany at the expense of the United States, we didn't say that was freedom of speech, we put him in a camp, they were prisoners of war.

So, if these people are radicalized and they don't support the United States and they are disloyal to the United States, as a matter of principle fine. It's their right and it's our right and obligation to segregate them from the normal community for the duration of the conflict. And I think we're going to have to increasingly get tough on this, not only in the United States but our allied nations like Britain, Germany and France are going to have to look at their domestic law procedures.

ron paul on it
Last week, Retired General Wesley Clark, who was NATO commander during the US bombing of Serbia, proposed that “disloyal Americans” be sent to internment camps for the “duration of the conflict.” Discussing the recent military base shootings in Chattanooga, TN, in which five US service members were killed, Clark recalled the internment of American citizens during World War II who were merely suspected of having Nazi sympathies. He said: “back then we didn’t say ‘that was freedom of speech,’ we put him in a camp.”

He called for the government to identify people most likely to be radicalized so we can “cut this off at the beginning.” That sounds like “pre-crime”!

some of you will remember him from this 2007 clip where he admits america had planned to (deceptively) take out 7 counties after 9/11...

Real Reason for Syria War Plans, from Gen. Wesley Clark (
September, 2012

In this stunning but little-known speech from 2007, Gen. Wesley Clark claims America underwent a “policy coup” at the time of the 9/11 attacks. In this video, he reveals that, right after 9/11, he was privy to information contained in a classified memo: US plans to attack and remove governments in seven countries over five years: Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Iran.

He was told: “We learned that we can use our military without being challenged …. We’ve got about five years to clean up the Soviet client regimes before another superpower comes along and challenges us.”

“This was a policy coup…these people took control of policy in the United States….”

he said this earlier this year...

General Wesley Clark: "ISIS Got Started Through Funding From Our Friends & Allies" (
feb 2 2015

Adding that "they recruited the zealots and religious fundamentalists," Clark says 'we' create "Frankenstein."

and it's exactly what people like me have been pointing out/paying attention to for years, and what Putin brought up at the g20 two days ago...

Putin: ISIS financed from 40 countries, including G20 members (
16 Nov, 2015

 President Vladimir Putin says he’s shared Russian intelligence data on Islamic State financing with his G20 colleagues: the terrorists appear to be financed from 40 countries, including some G20 member states.

During the summit, “I provided examples based on our data on the financing of different Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) units by private individuals. This money, as we have established, comes from 40 countries and, there are some of the G20 members among them,” Putin told the journalists.

Putin also spoke of the urgent need to curb the illegal oil trade by IS.

"I’ve shown our colleagues photos taken from space and from aircraft which clearly demonstrate the scale of the illegal trade in oil and petroleum products," he said.

“The motorcade of refueling vehicles stretched for dozens of kilometers, so that from a height of 4,000 to 5,000 meters they stretch beyond the horizon," Putin added, comparing the convoy to gas and oil pipeline systems.

It’s not the right time to try and figure out which country is more and which is less effective in the battle with Islamic State, as now a united international effort is needed against the terrorist group, Putin said.

Putin reiterated Russia’s readiness to support armed opposition in Syria in its efforts to fight Islamic State.

"Some armed opposition groups consider it possible to begin active operations against IS with Russia's support. And we are ready to provide such support from the air. If it happens it could become a good basis for the subsequent work on a political settlement,” he said.

“We really need support from the US, European nations, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Iran,” the president added.

Putin pointed out the change in Washington’s stance on cooperation with Moscow in the fight against the terrorists.

"We need to organize work specifically concentrated on the prevention of terrorist attacks and tackling terrorism on a global scale. We offered to cooperate [with the US] in anti-IS efforts. Unfortunately, our American partners refused. They just sent a written note and it says: ‘we reject your offer’,” Putin said.

“But life is always evolving and at a very fast pace, often teaching us lessons. And I think that now the realization that an effective fight [against terror] can only be staged together is coming to everybody,” the Russian leader said.
yet we're still acting like putin is a crazy aggressive murderer because "he's not helping remove/kill the president who isis wants dead?"

What's the difference between a refugee center and a detention facility?  What about the fact that US media for the past few years has been stating repeatedly that radicalized white conspiracy theorists are a bigger threat than ISIS or other terror groups.
What happens if americans start physically acting out against refugees? Somebody is going to have to be cordoned off for somebody else's safety, and it's really creepy how the media/splc/feds have been turning harder against people who talk about other people doing bad things, than they do against the people who actually do the bad things...

look at the people in germany getting raided/arrested right now for just saying mean things about migrants.  look at the tension between races in paris.  none of this is happening by surprise, it's being forced on us, and I believe it's going to get ugly.
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: alaskun on November 18, 2015, 03:13:35 PM
just heard obama on the radio saying something like "...Apparently they're scared of widows and orphans coming in to the United States of America as part of our tradition of compassion.  At first they were worried about the press being too tough on 'em during debates.  Now they're worried about three-year-old orphans...."

wasn't a woman wearing a suicide vest just killed in paris last night?  what about obama's child soldiers?

Obama Waives Sanctions Again For Countries Using Child Soldiers
Oct. 5, 2011

Isis Video Of Kid Killing Spy:
ISIS child executioners brutally shoot dead 25 Syrian regime soldiers in front of bloodthirsty crowds at ancient Palmyra ruin

and now he's on tv/radio making fun of people who are afraid of this?

remember the big stink over kony 2012, all over child soldiers?

hey guys, I know how we can defeat isis... let's kill their enemies!
Experts Explain How Global Powers Can Smash ISIS
NOV. 17, 2015

“There is probably no solution to ISIS until there is a solution to Assad,” said J. M. Berger, a scholar at the Brookings Institution and a co-author of the book “ISIS: The State of Terror.” “That is the factor that paralyzes everything else.”

Emile Hokayem, a senior fellow at the International Institute for Strategic Studies, argued that Western powers needed to start identifying Mr. Assad’s government as part of the problem, because its brutality and sectarianism have allowed the Islamic State to thrive.

“Assad is not a sideshow,” he said. “He is at the center of this massive dilemma.”

If the United States went this route, it would immediately have the support of Saudi Arabia and Turkey...
saudi arabia and turkey being some of the largest isis supporters...

Title: Re: Paris
Post by: Narcoleptic Insomniac on November 18, 2015, 09:10:35 PM
Man, we realize that you have a lot grievances with the US government but using lines like "obama's child soldiers" make you sound like such a fucking tool and basically cancel out any informative value that your walls of text might contain.

Not to defend the government or anything like that, just making an observation.
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: alaskun on November 18, 2015, 09:25:02 PM
if there were brigades of ukrainian children training to battle the kiev regime, taking over ancient ruins and executing ukrainians, in propaganda films specially packaged for the west, we'd be hearing all about putin's child soldiers... 

isis, and these kids, are part of obama's legacy. so they're his.

Title: Re: Paris
Post by: JFax on November 18, 2015, 11:22:49 PM
Still. Stop posting tons of links, just makes it longer to scroll through before finding posts worth reading, this isnt a RSS feed. Read the crowd
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: Cole on November 19, 2015, 07:56:20 AM
Fuck. I forgot my tinfoil hat at home. Guess I can't be part of this thread until I have it again.
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: Kinchy on November 19, 2015, 09:07:56 AM
Turns out all the suspects were EU nationals with European passports. Can't blame the refugees now.
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: streetStreet on November 19, 2015, 09:51:25 AM
Money is being made off the war on terror. Pretty much sums it all up.
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: alaskun on November 19, 2015, 12:59:02 PM
Turns out all the suspects were EU nationals with European passports. Can't blame the refugees now.

doesn't matter where they were from, the (at least one) passport used/found was that of a refugee, whether it was fake or not. you can say refugees weren't involved, but they were absolutely used as cover/camo/distraction.

nobody here, or anywhere that I've seen, is blaming each individual refugee. this isn't racism/xenophobia.  nobody's "blaming the refugees." 
this whole situation, the "refugee crisis" was engineered and forced on us, and bad people are using it as cover to carry out bad acts, and those acts are being used to pass more anti-freedom bullshit which will lead to more wars/more crisis...

the refugee crisis is taking up massive amounts of resources which could otherwise be used for crime/terror-prevention. hundreds of thousands/millions of people coming in from war-torn areas . . . prevention techniques get spread thin. that's common sense.

I've been posting about stuff that would happen as a result of mass-migrations-because-of-our-wars on other forums for years.  what's happening right now is not a surprise to anyone who was actually paying attention to it.

hey, what's the difference between de-radicalisation and re-education? can it happen in one location like saudi arabia, or do we need widespread "de-radicalisation centers?" how long will it take, and what happens in the meantime?
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: Kinchy on November 19, 2015, 02:49:56 PM
Right so, because a couple of people used the refugee crisis to act as terrorists, we should prevent any coming in?

I assume you would back the banning of guns, because a few idiots use them to kill others?
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: ginger on November 19, 2015, 04:27:14 PM
nobody's "blaming the refugees." 

Hahahahaha, righto mate.
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: alaskun on November 19, 2015, 06:43:10 PM
I've been pretty clear from my first post about blaming the people who've caused the crisis - you know by killing qaddafi, trying to oust assad, creating terror groups, etc? All those annoying links I posted?

Some attackers used refugee crisis to 'slip into' France: PM (
Nov 19, 2015

Paris (AFP) - Some of the suspects in the Paris attacks took advantage of Europe's migrant crisis to "slip in" unnoticed, the French premier said Thursday,

I know there are a lot of people outside of bikeguide blaming them, and maybe one or two here, but in this thread?
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: ginger on November 19, 2015, 10:04:27 PM
I know that you aren't blaming the refugees, but just about every other cunt out there is.
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: jeffro on November 21, 2015, 05:43:25 AM
I know this thread has moved on but just thought I'd share my experience as I was there with my girlfriend to celebrate her birthday.

Gives me the chills as I'd suggested getting tickets to see EODM last minute but 'fortunately', if that is the correct word, we couldn't get any on the door that evening.

We got caught up in the false alarm on Sunday evening which was bad enough - literally the scariest fucking thing I've experienced. Chilling eating dinner on Rue Montorgueil which is a long street full of restaurants where everyone sits outside, we hear this banging and see people come around the corner screaming. Now picture 100+ people all trying to get up from their tables trying to make a run for it, it was literal chaos; tables, chairs, drinks flying everywhere. We both hit the deck and I got trampled on, ended up smashing my nose on the pavement before we both got up and ran down a side street to hide in a laundrette with a few others. I think people thought I'd been shot as the blood from my nose was all over my shirt so that created even more panic as we got there.

We were hiding in there for what feels like forever but realistically it was probably all done in a few minutes. Sounds cliché but life literally flashed before my eyes, thoughts about friends, family, key moments etc - it was nuts. We were hugging and I was thinking 'fuck me this can't be it, it's not our time', expecting someone to burst in the door and start shooting or something.

Thankfully the people that did burst in were armed police to inform us that everything was ok.

That was all over a false alarm so I literally can't imagine how those trapped in the actual shootings were feeling, absolutely horrible.
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: torontoflatlander on November 21, 2015, 11:57:19 AM
Well fuck, that's some coincidence right there. Glad you and the lady are alright. (Save for the nose).
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: alaskun on November 21, 2015, 02:31:47 PM
We got caught up in the false alarm on Sunday evening
was that when somebody threw fireworks near one of the vigils? did they ever get caught? have you already left the city/how was travel affected?
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: manwe on November 21, 2015, 06:27:30 PM
wow that's insane. glad you're okay.
i actually saw that 4chan post linked with the guy with the firecrackers, but i literally can't imagine what it must have felt like being in the crowd thinking you're running for your life. go and do the shit now that you thought you couldn't i guess?
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: Sasper on November 22, 2015, 06:16:37 AM
I am with alaskun on this one.
the world is fucked up,
everything is about money.
wars bring it in.
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: jeffro on November 22, 2015, 09:23:12 AM
wow that's insane. glad you're okay.
i actually saw that 4chan post linked with the guy with the firecrackers, but i literally can't imagine what it must have felt like being in the crowd thinking you're running for your life. go and do the shit now that you thought you couldn't i guess?

Yeah it was the firecrackers by the vigil, seriously fuck whoever did that - I hope they got trampled on. As far as I know, no one has been caught for it.

For sure, it's changed my outlook on a few things!
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: alaskun on November 24, 2015, 10:54:08 AM
turkey, who has been supporting isis and other anti-assad groups, just shot down a russian jet, as well as the escaping/parachuting crew.

do you think obama/us media will condemn turkey, or blame assad/putin?

Worldwide Travel Alert for U.S. Citizens
November 23, 2015

The State Department alerts U.S. citizens to possible risks of travel due to increased terrorist threats. Current information suggests that ISIL (aka Da’esh), al-Qa’ida, Boko Haram, and other terrorist groups continue to plan terrorist attacks in multiple regions. These attacks may employ a wide variety of tactics, using conventional and non-conventional weapons and targeting both official and private interests. This Travel Alert expires on February 24, 2016.
the morning of the paris attacks BO was on tv saying...

Pope Says Christmas Will Be ‘A Charade’ Because ‘Whole World Is At War’

Title: Re: Paris
Post by: alaskun on November 24, 2015, 01:00:19 PM
one of the rescue choppers being blown up with a tow missile.
hey, where did they get those weapons anyways?

@Conflicts 3 minutes ago
- 1 Su-24 shot down
- 1 pilot conf. dead
- 2nd likely dead
- 1 Mi-8 rescue helo forced to land
- Hit by TOW, 1 of crew dead

would this be happening if we hadn't been overthrowing countries/supporting terrorists the past few years?  arrest them...
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: condrbkr on November 24, 2015, 03:51:37 PM
America does shady things. Sure a lot of it is completely unjustifiable in hindsight but no one could've ever known how the future would've turned out. I'm sure were gonna fuck up some stuff today and they are gonna lead to the problems of tomorrow but that's just how the world works. 'The sons bear the sins of father', it's a universal truth.

America is the best chance in equality the world has right now. You can talk all these erosions of freedom and what nots but we're still living a better life than most regardless. It's not perfect but fuck man we have a black president and that says a lot whether you agree or not.
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: alaskun on November 24, 2015, 04:04:54 PM
America does shady things. Sure a lot of it is completely unjustifiable in hindsight but no one could've ever known how the future would've turned out.
bull. fucking. shit. plenty of people warned against exactly what's happening right now, but...

America is the best chance in equality the world has right now. You can talk all these erosions of freedom and what nots but we're still living a better life than most regardless. It's not perfect but fuck man we have a black president and that says a lot whether you agree or not.
you're seriously fucking retarded.  So the president/leading political figure pushing hardest to divide/erode certain rights is somehow the bastion/protector/guardian saint of those rights? Just because he's black?

You used the word "still."  Ok, for how much longer?  Do you not see things changing for the worse? At what point will you, if ever, acknowledge that the worsening is deliberate? sure we're "still" free in many senses, but those freedoms are/have been under regular/increasing attacks, and the president is at the front of that assault. Claiming the color of his skin as some sort of proof that we're not getting screwed... you're crazy.

People [like me] have been accurately calling out the obvious repercussions [of arming terrorists while demonizing free speech and other basic rights] over the past few years, and people like you have been trying to shut the discussion down because A) "that's crazy talk", or B) the black president can't be criticized, because "nevermind all the evidence that shit is getting bad and that he's lying to cover for/progress it, his skin color/position is proof/a symbol of everything that makes this country great." 
nonsense, garbage, not factual in the least, totally ignorant, probably racist...
His color/politically correct infallibility is being used against us, which is another thing we/I called out, and you're here acting like it's our saving grace.

get fucked
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: ginger on November 24, 2015, 04:41:13 PM
America is the best chance in equality the world has right now.

Are you high or just deluded?
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: condrbkr on November 24, 2015, 09:12:49 PM
Today I went to work, had some really good Ethiopian food, bought a tube so I can ride this week sometime. Went home and read somebody's retarded viewpoints that could get him killed in a totalitarian regime. Good thing we don't live in a totalitarian regime. Jacked off to free HD porn then Netflixed cartoons on my Macbook while I took a nap. My biggest qualm was that the tube was $7…. Oh wait…. Obama destroyed my constitutional rights!? Totally forgot that, ruined my day. ;p
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: alaskun on November 25, 2015, 02:39:46 AM
It's funny that you're acting bratty about a 7 dollar tube and equating that to freedoms being lost...   The city I live in has the second or third highest cost of living in the country.  The city's recently made it so they can fine/eventually arrest people for using woodstoves, while deliberately keeping energy prices high, at the same time that the power company has had more outages than ever.   Do you think that's going to get any better with people like obama pushing for carbon taxes and other phony environmental punishments?

energy, natural resources, fish and game, industrial/manufacturing, etc... walk into a real world work place and make your little joke about constitutional rights, as if nothing's changed in the past 7 years, and see how many people laugh
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: Kinchy on November 25, 2015, 03:43:42 AM
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: Zoidberg on November 25, 2015, 06:59:38 AM
Looks like Russia is having turkey for Christmas, hey yo!
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: streetStreet on November 25, 2015, 10:01:53 AM
we're all complicit with the issue in one way or another and cannot even do anything about since most of us pay taxes. America, with its sprawling military presence across the world is the real problem here.
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: Narcoleptic Insomniac on November 25, 2015, 10:47:56 AM
Wait, so  alaskan, is you point that you are anti environment?
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: Kinchy on November 25, 2015, 02:18:22 PM
Don't you read his links?
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: Narcoleptic Insomniac on November 25, 2015, 08:12:31 PM
No, to be honest, I didn't.
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: Liam on November 25, 2015, 08:23:55 PM
I'm not sure he has any distinct points. Nearly every post he makes is essentially just a cacophony of white noise, built on vague speculation that links a series of seemingly unrelated topics.

I just imagine him sat in a cave watching twenty different screens fill with streams of RSS feeds from every madcap blog in the world, the perceived veracity of their contents deduced using a bewildering algorithm he's smeared on the walls in his own earwax.
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: Prodigal Son on November 26, 2015, 12:08:50 AM
I'm glad it's not my own diminished intellect that fails me in discerning his message.
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: ginger on November 26, 2015, 12:23:19 AM
Rumours going around that Russia are lighting it up hard along the Turkish border right now.

I ask you, fair people of BG: is it on, or is it on?
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: JFax on November 26, 2015, 04:41:16 AM
Russia said it wasnt, then moved warships in, but who wouldnt?

In my mind the best thing would be to let the coalition set up a safe zone on the north west part of the country, think the FSA is there, possibly some Al-Nusra that needs to get out. Let refugees stay there and set some kind of temporary (unofficial if so needed for them to step back) armistice up with Assad (also includign Russia and Iran). And then hit ISIS and Al-Nusra together.
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: Kinchy on November 26, 2015, 10:16:56 AM
Am I being silly by being more concerned about the disastrous cuts to public services than the 'terror threat'?

Title: Re: Paris
Post by: JFax on November 26, 2015, 10:28:22 AM
What cuts would that be? I live in Sweden and work in Denmark. Only differnce Ive noticed is border checks. I expect changes to come though due to the extreme amounts of asylum seekers coming to Sweden.

My boss tried to enter France with some clients to visit a site showcasing a product we wanna sell, but as the borders were closed.
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: Kinchy on November 26, 2015, 10:37:41 AM
In the UK -  police, social services, youth services, schools, benefits of all kinds, mental health services, disability services, ambulance, fire service etc etc etc all having budgets cut. Yet we found billions to spend on aimlessly bombing the middle east.
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: Sasper on November 26, 2015, 11:00:24 AM

America is the best chance in equality the world has right now. You can talk all these erosions of freedom and what nots but we're still living a better life than most regardless. It's not perfect but fuck man we have a black president and that says a lot whether you agree or not.

haha lol
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: JFax on November 26, 2015, 11:03:53 AM
Lol indeed. Just because you live comfortably and free in the US doesnt mean that the foreign policy makes other countries similar
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: Cole on November 26, 2015, 11:13:00 AM
Am I being silly by being more concerned about the disastrous cuts to public services than the 'terror threat'?

That seems to be pretty much the norm for Canada. We've had a lot of cuts come in the past few years, and they wonder why we have such a shortage of emergency services personnel (mostly fire and paramedics) as well as doctors and nurses. Not to mention the massive military cuts since we pulled out of Afghanistan. At least they had the sense to drop the F-35 program though. But that's ok, the US will come to our rescue if we need it.

But, definitely sucks to sit in the ER for 3 or 4 hours with a fucking broken ankle waiting for x-rays and not being offered any pain killers or ice.
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: Narcoleptic Insomniac on November 26, 2015, 01:18:30 PM
Where are the funds going?
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: condrbkr on November 26, 2015, 01:22:01 PM
Lol indeed. Just because you live comfortably and free in the US doesnt mean that the foreign policy makes other countries similar

You continue to speak English when your a foreigner cause of America. You consume American culture and thought everyday. The foreign policy we as the West enforce is a joke but a necessary evil needed to maintain our lifestyle here in the West. There ain't no perfect but I believe in the American way of life simply cause even the lowest class citizen here has a minuscule chance to change how everything is done worldwide. Sure there is a lot of fall out and mistakes that happen but any society is guilty of that besides when it happens in the US our influence is so great that it happens worldwide but still for any real change to happen in our society it has to happen in America first. This is all coming from an immigrant btw.
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: Kinchy on November 26, 2015, 02:18:59 PM
I think you need to do a little research about income equality, happiness indexes, and standards of living. America isn't bad but there are much better.

Also, I don't consume American culture and thought everyday. I live in the UK and happily read British newspapers (bearing in mind we've had printed news before America even existed), listen to European rooted music, drive a French car, and watch British TV and comedies. I think you'll find that American culture in America is so fucking Ameri-centrist that you don't realise that other cultures thrive happily in their native countries, we just don't feel the need to force them on each other.

And fucking lol at "for any real change to happen in our society it has to happen in America first", you haven't even got a nationalised health service. In lots of aspects, America is decades in the past and the conservative right wing nut cases will happily regress it even further if they can.

Title: Re: Paris
Post by: manwe on November 26, 2015, 02:25:58 PM
Lol indeed. Just because you live comfortably and free in the US doesnt mean that the foreign policy makes other countries similar

I believe in the American way of life simply cause even the lowest class citizen here has a minuscule chance to change how everything is done worldwide.

for real? really? still?
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: JFax on November 26, 2015, 02:30:38 PM
This thread is spreading in so many directions.

I speak more of a British english than american english. Also, democracy is not an american invention, and I dont prefer american politics.

Even though I am from "the west" I dont agree on how stuff are done. I do not directly notice an effect from the last wars waged apart from all the refugees coming to my city (transit city, thousands a day). I mostly fear a looming economic catastrophy and possibly a new world order due to countries going into extreme debt. The US in particular has insane debts and has defaulted twice in a short time. Waging costly wars which were doubtfully necessary in the first place might result in something much worse. If there is a economic crash, or if for example China (who lends the US huge amount of money) start putting preassure there could be a different world quite suddenly. A bit conspiracy sounding perhaps, but I can see how the US world dominance could fall rather quickly soon.

Title: Re: Paris
Post by: Cole on November 26, 2015, 02:35:06 PM
Lol indeed. Just because you live comfortably and free in the US doesnt mean that the foreign policy makes other countries similar

You continue to speak English when your a foreigner cause of America. You consume American culture and thought everyday. The foreign policy we as the West enforce is a joke but a necessary evil needed to maintain our lifestyle here in the West. There ain't no perfect but I believe in the American way of life simply cause even the lowest class citizen here has a minuscule chance to change how everything is done worldwide. Sure there is a lot of fall out and mistakes that happen but any society is guilty of that besides when it happens in the US our influence is so great that it happens worldwide but still for any real change to happen in our society it has to happen in America first. This is all coming from an immigrant btw.

How's that going to happen when your poorest citizens are being shot by white neighbourhood watch and police officers? What about all the race riots that have happened recently? What about the hilariously low education levels you have? Or the amount of people living in poverty? Not sure how your lowest class citizen is changing shit.
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: manwe on November 26, 2015, 02:36:33 PM
Am I being silly by being more concerned about the disastrous cuts to public services than the 'terror threat'?

this. the whole terror thing is a sideshow. bread and circuses, and I guess a bit of terror so we can curtail privacy.

Inequality continues to increase, but i think enough people are starting to wake up to the daylight robbery that's going on and the rise of Corbyn, and Sanders in America (although they're starting with a major handicap) is a very encouraging sight.

and btw, even though Denmark and Sweden are a bastion of civilisation Sweden especially has been on an alarming path for at least the past 10 years. I'm not confident the current generation will have the wisdom to reverse the rise of neoliberal ideas simply because many of them seem to lack the context to really understand how good social democracy has been to them.
but that's a side-note, because I'd probably still rather settle in Scandinavia, rubbish weather and all, than anywhere else.
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: LukeTom on November 26, 2015, 02:59:23 PM
I mostly fear a looming economic catastrophy and possibly a new world order due to countries going into extreme debt. The US in particular has insane debts and has defaulted twice in a short time. Waging costly wars which were doubtfully necessary in the first place might result in something much worse. If there is a economic crash, or if for example China (who lends the US huge amount of money) start putting pressure there could be a different world quite suddenly.

I think the whole debt thing is largely a misnomer. Yes the US owes (what seems to us) to be a huge amount of debt. But the debt to GDP isnt actually that bad (half that of Japan I believe). 60% of the US' debts are in fact owned by the US. Divided up among various parts of the government, corporate investments into bonds, and private citizens investments into bonds. China only owns about 8% of total debt.

Lastly, the US is also owed a huge amount of money by many countries (Including China), so even though their debt is around 17t now, they are also owed a large amount of that.

Lastly the US will never realistically default on their debts:
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: JFax on November 26, 2015, 03:05:13 PM
...and btw, even though Denmark and Sweden are a bastion of civilisation...

Not my intention to make any claim that scandinavia is above anyone else, not at all. The current political climate is much different than 10 years ago yes, I doubt Scandinavia will continue on the previous past and will soon be very different.
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: ginger on November 26, 2015, 04:48:13 PM
Lol indeed. Just because you live comfortably and free in the US doesnt mean that the foreign policy makes other countries similar

You continue to speak English when your a foreigner cause of America. You consume American culture and thought everyday. The foreign policy we as the West enforce is a joke but a necessary evil needed to maintain our lifestyle here in the West. There ain't no perfect but I believe in the American way of life simply cause even the lowest class citizen here has a minuscule chance to change how everything is done worldwide. Sure there is a lot of fall out and mistakes that happen but any society is guilty of that besides when it happens in the US our influence is so great that it happens worldwide but still for any real change to happen in our society it has to happen in America first. This is all coming from an immigrant btw.

Despite alaskun's many attempts to claim this title, you have just posted the most deluded comment in this entire thread.
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: streetStreet on November 26, 2015, 04:56:40 PM
Lol indeed. Just because you live comfortably and free in the US doesnt mean that the foreign policy makes other countries similar

You continue to speak English when your a foreigner cause of America. You consume American culture and thought everyday. The foreign policy we as the West enforce is a joke but a necessary evil needed to maintain our lifestyle here in the West. There ain't no perfect but I believe in the American way of life simply cause even the lowest class citizen here has a minuscule chance to change how everything is done worldwide. Sure there is a lot of fall out and mistakes that happen but any society is guilty of that besides when it happens in the US our influence is so great that it happens worldwide but still for any real change to happen in our society it has to happen in America first. This is all coming from an immigrant btw.

Despite alaskun's many attempts to claim this title, you have just posted the most deluded comment in this entire thread.

Holy fuck how plugged into the system does a guy have to be.
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: condrbkr on November 26, 2015, 06:03:18 PM
I think you need to do a little research about income equality, happiness indexes, and standards of living. America isn't bad but there are much better.

Also, I don't consume American culture and thought everyday. I live in the UK and happily read British newspapers (bearing in mind we've had printed news before America even existed), listen to European rooted music, drive a French car, and watch British TV and comedies. I think you'll find that American culture in America is so fucking Ameri-centrist that you don't realise that other cultures thrive happily in their native countries, we just don't feel the need to force them on each other.

And fucking lol at "for any real change to happen in our society it has to happen in America first", you haven't even got a nationalised health service. In lots of aspects, America is decades in the past and the conservative right wing nut cases will happily regress it even further if they can.

I never said America is the first or anything. I'm just saying that American culture has the most impact all around the world. Global culture is American-centric. Hollywood, fashion, video games, tech industries are all American-centric. You participate in debates about American politics cause whether you like it or not you realize the importance of America in the world. For greater or worse(in my opinion greater).

American culture is weird it is Ameri-centric but at the same time it isn't. We consume cartoons with heavy Japanese influences, create music that was progressed by the British, eat food that is foreign but been Americanized. American culture isn't tied by any type of nativity which is probably the biggest appeal of it.

It's like this. I watch the UK Office. It's a bit too British, we don't share cultural mannerism, thought process, or what nots to share the same sense of humor. I just don't get it. Then I watch the American Office which is a water downed version of the British, dumbed down to the extent that any human being can watch it and get a cheap laugh. Sure you Brits will snarl at it cause of the lack of sophistication but I get something that is sort of British without it being too British. Same with pizza. Real Italian pizza isn't nearly as filling as the cheesed filled crust and every topping under the sun American counterpart. Real Italians will probably hate it but it's been Americanized so the world can enjoy it. Cause who doesn't enjoy a meal made for a glutton. Americanizing I think is dumbing something down or making it so simple that there isn't much to be explained. Now the world can enjoy it cause in a way it's more universal.

You can say you don't consume American culture and I'm sure you don't but you can't deny that your country favorite video game is Fifa, made by an American country. That box offices hits made by Hollywood aren't the biggest films of the year and whatever tech advancements the US produced has made it to the UK like Facebook and Instagram. Plus are there not Mcdonalds and Starbucks in your country too? Or that your politics haven't been shaped by American intervention in the Middle East. Even BMX is a hobby for the most part made by Americans run by Americans. UK might not be America but there is a hell of a lot of America in the UK than you care to admit too.

Back to my original point that in America the lowest citizen has a chance in creating something global. In a micro level think about someone like Eazy-E who pushed a certain type of culture or aesthetic in music that is being emulated world wide. Maybe some guy was doing it in France 10 years before or something like that but it didn't hit the audience til Eazy-E did. First in Compton, then the US, then the world. That's what I'm getting at. America sucks for A LOT of things but making a global impact no other country does it the same as America.

Plus everyone thinks the world sucks these days cause they spend all day looking at the computer wishing they were living some other person's life(which is sort of America's fault). Look at the people who did the Paris attacks, they aren't some cattle herder getting bombed in Afghanistan but just a bunch of a losers whose lives were good enough that they could go out and do something dumb like that. The real desperate are out there living not cause they want to but cause they don't have a choice. People on the internet act like they are the universal voice without realizing that a good faction of the world doesn't constantly voice their opinion online cause ain't nobody got time for that.
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: alaskun on November 26, 2015, 06:32:34 PM
is anyone going to actually point out how anything I posted was "deluded?" or are we still just making stuff up/calling names because I annoy you? 
Am I anti-health because I (rightly) criticized obamacare?  Nobody's going to comment on the absurdity of being labeled anti-environment for questioning the government's motives?

in before "you're deluded if you think anybody is going to click/read..."

how about obama so far taking turkey's side in this, anybody going to comment on that/what it shows/how it's similar to past support for bad actors/what it could lead to?

I heard this quote again on the radio earlier... Putin: Downing of Russian jet over Syria stab in the back by terrorist accomplices (

and it was bugging me all afternoon after seeing these along with the turkish convoy getting bombed and the area around where the plane/chopper were shot down getting obliterated...


Turkey enters the war on the side of ISIL" says VP of Italian Senate (

Putin: "Apparently, IS now not only receives revenue from the smuggling of oil, but also has the protection of a nation’s military, Putin said. This may explain why the terrorist group is so bold in taking acts of terrorism across the world"  (

it seemed familiar and I couldn't figure out why. then I remembered...

It seems like they want to accomplice as much as possible before being bombed to heaven comes.
freudian slip, or deliberate?

    a person who helps another commit a crime.
    synonyms:   partner in crime, associate, accessory, abettor, confederate, collaborator, fellow conspirator, co-conspirator

just thought it was kind of funny that turkey was the one to take that role
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: ginger on November 26, 2015, 06:42:27 PM
Dude, fuck off, we're ragging on condrbkr now.

PS I hope Russia levels Turkey and takes the Black Sea so Europe can have it's war and be done with this shit.
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: JFax on November 26, 2015, 11:18:32 PM
You still at it? If people get annoyed how you compose your posts then make them interesting. I actually took my time to read the last two links you posted.

I do not see how a Italian far right politician's (who is known for weird public comments) weird comment is relevant or interesting.

I in the third link did not read anything connected to your link description. All links were also from russian news agancies.
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: alaskun on November 26, 2015, 11:30:48 PM
Will you even acknowledge what's being said, or are you just going to say you don't like who said it?  Do you disagree with what he said?  Ok, I posted a link to a page that out-updated the quote I posted... Will you acknowledge the quote? Or who said it, or what it means for the next few years, or how it compares to warnings from the same person/people over the past few years? 

Germany just announced they're joining the "coalition against isil."  What about all the people they're bringing in who won't be happy with that?  Do you think they'll be bombing just isis? Obama and the people/nations who support him are still acting like assad has to be removed...

Title: Re: Paris
Post by: JFax on November 27, 2015, 01:06:26 AM
Fine, I play along.

It is widely known fact that Turkey is politically edging towards a more islam-centric society driven by the current president. It was presented by my local news agencies as something negative. He won the election though, and if I remember correctly he won with a good margin.

It is in the Turkey rulers interest to contain the Kurdish seperatists and has been striking them hard after the previous attack, probably also delibralty the moderate Kurdish groups in Syria. I do believe that they have been holding back against ISIS in order to try and control the build up of Kurdish fighter (which they also regard as terrorists). Claiming however that they take ISIS side is just silly and something that sells articles.

Germany is not joining as an attacking partner, it is joining as a intelligence gathering player. It has been done by countries in similar wars before. You fit good cameras to jets and give the information to the ones carrying out the strikes. Essentially that means that they can join and seem like a contributor to the public and allies while at the same time not having to take on the negative sides coming from bombing.

Title: Re: Paris
Post by: LukeTom on November 27, 2015, 08:55:10 AM
Fine, I play along.

It is widely known fact that Turkey is politically edging towards a more islam-centric society driven by the current president. It was presented by my local news agencies as something negative. He won the election though, and if I remember correctly he won with a good margin.

It is in the Turkey rulers interest to contain the Kurdish seperatists and has been striking them hard after the previous attack, probably also delibralty the moderate Kurdish groups in Syria. I do believe that they have been holding back against ISIS in order to try and control the build up of Kurdish fighter (which they also regard as terrorists). Claiming however that they take ISIS side is just silly and something that sells articles.

Germany is not joining as an attacking partner, it is joining as a intelligence gathering player. It has been done by countries in similar wars before. You fit good cameras to jets and give the information to the ones carrying out the strikes. Essentially that means that they can join and seem like a contributor to the public and allies while at the same time not having to take on the negative sides coming from bombing.

Amen to that
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: alaskun on November 27, 2015, 02:10:00 PM
Russian President Vladimir Putin speaks with French President during a meeting at the Kremlin in Moscow on November 26, 2015

Moscow (AFP) - President Vladimir Putin said on Thursday that Russia had given prior information to the United States of the flight path of the plane downed by Turkey on the Syrian border.

"The American side, which leads the coalition that Turkey belongs to, knew about the location and time of our planes' flights, and we were hit exactly there and at that time," Putin said at a joint press conference with French counterpart Francois Hollande in the Kremlin.

"They [our planes] have identification signs and these are well visible," Putin said. "Instead of [...] ensuring this never happens again, we are hearing unintelligible explanations and statements that there is nothing to apologize about."

the president of turkey actually says that if anybody should apologize for a russian jet/helicopter being shot down over syria, it's russia...

VIDEO - Erdogan: Russia should apologize - CNN

then he says russia/assad are the ones arming/funding isis...

"If you are seeking the source of weaponry and financial power of Daesh, the first place to look is the Assad regime and countries that act with it,"

and then he threatens to start a war if his planes are shot down over syria...
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan told CNN International his country will consider it an act of aggression if Russia takes down a Turkish plane violating Syrian airspace.

“In this case Turkey will be forced to take measures that will certainly not be discussed. And of course it would be an aggression against our rights of sovereignty and it’s the natural right of the state to protect those rights. We do not want to see any escalation of the situation in the region. We do not want to become a party to that. But those who side with Syria and escalate the tension, I think, are the responsible parties to this,” Erdogan said.

and our government/media is supporting him...

It is in the Turkey rulers interest to contain the Kurdish seperatists... Claiming however that they take ISIS side is just silly and something that sells articles.

The DIA/pentagon documents show that turkey HAS/DOES take the side of extremists for the purpose of taking out assad.


The DIA report, formerly classified “SECRET//NOFORN” and dated August 12, 2012, was circulated widely among various government agencies, including CENTCOM, the CIA, FBI, DHS, NGA, State Dept., and many others.

The document shows that as early as 2012, U.S. intelligence predicted the rise of the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL or ISIS), but instead of clearly delineating the group as an enemy, the report envisions the terror group as a U.S. strategic asset...


The following is excerpted from the seven page DIA declassified report:

 R 050839Z AUG 12





We didn't really need to be told that though - if you've been paying attention over the years you'd have seen a ton of evidence that turkey's a major support base. I could post a ton of links about weapons shipments, fighter transport/protection, money/oil/prisoner deals, etc...  but you shouldn't need them.

Part of the gameplan laid out in that memo, as well as in the brookings institute study, as well as part of erdogans stated goals, is still being pushed for - the 'safe zones.'  I hear it on the radio every day as part of "obama's failure to take out assad, enforce the [false flag chemical attack] red lines, and create safe zones."  They say we're in the predicament we're in because obama wasn't successful with those things - no mention of the fact that those things are what's causing the predicament in the first place.

for you to say that the idea of turkey siding with IS/rebel terrorists "is just a way to sell articles" is flat-out retarded
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: alaskun on November 30, 2015, 06:37:16 PM
^ The former DIA chief who did the interview about that memo said this in an interview yesterday

SPIEGEL ONLINE: In recent weeks, Islamic State not only conducted the attacks in Paris, but also in Lebanon and against a Russian airplane over the Sinai Peninsula. What has caused the organization to shift its tactics and to now operate internationally?

Flynn: There were all kinds of strategic and tactical warnings and lots of reporting. And even the guys in the Islamic State said that they were going to attack overseas. I just don't think people took them seriously. When I first heard about the recent attacks in Paris, I was like, "Oh, my God, these guys are at it again, and we're not paying attention."

Now look at what lindsey graham said ( (starting about 12 seconds in) about turkey ignoring nato rules of engagement/international law by shooting down the russian jet...

"Turkey punched Russia in the nose, good for Turkey.  Russia's very provocative, they're killing the people we've trained to take Assad down."

Do you think graham, mccain, etc just "aren't paying attention" to the consequences of arming terror groups to topple governments? They've created isis, and are now openly cheering on/pushing for war against russia.  they need to be arrested/interrogated.

Today I went to work, had some really good Ethiopian food, bought a tube so I can ride this week sometime. Went home and read somebody's retarded viewpoints that could get him killed in a totalitarian regime. Good thing we don't live in a totalitarian regime.
what about starting wars with russia in defense of one?

Turkish Authorities Jail Two Journalists, Accusing Them of Espionage over report suggesting Turkish intelligence ferried weapons to extremist Syrian rebels
Turkish newspaper editor in court for 'espionage' after revealing weapon convoy to Syrian militants
26 Nov, 2015

US Embassy Turkey Verified account ?@USEmbassyTurkey
1:56 AM - 27 Nov 2015
(1/2) We are very concerned by the arrests of @candundaradasi & @erdemmgul and what appears to be yet another media outlet under pressure.
(2/2) We hope the Turkish courts & authorities will uphold the fundamental principle of media freedom enshrined in the Turkish Constitution.

REMINDER = Serena Shim

US Government Still Silent on American Journalist Murdered for Exposing Turkey’s ISIS Ties (

On October 17, 2014, Shim told Press TV that the Turkish National Intelligence Organization (MIT) had accused her of "spying".[5] She stated that it is "probably due to some of the stories she had covered about Turkey's stance on the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant militants in Kobanê".[6] She had reported that ISIL militants being smuggled over the Turkish border into Syria on trucks bearing the symbols of NGOs like the "World Food Organisation". Shim, said on air she's "a bit frightened" by what MIT "might use against me."
Jacky Sutton, the former BBC journalist found dead in Istanbul Turkey airport: who was she and what really happened?

Those who knew Sutton are struggling to understand the death of a woman who they say was “unflappable, committed to creating a free press in the Middle East, talented and not at all rash”
TL;DR Turkey kills reporters
the group said to be persecuting/killing them?

Turkish intelligence chief: ISIS is a reality and we must stop Putin from crushing the Islamic revolution (,-isis-is-a-reality-and-we-are-optimistic-about-the-future)
    18 October 2015

Ankara--- Hakan Fidan, the head of Turkey's National Intelligence Organization, known by the MIT acronym, has drawn a lot of attention and criticism for his controversial comments about ISIS.

Mr. Hakan Fidan, Turkish President's staunchest ally, condemned Russian military intervention in Syria, accusing Moscow of trying to 'smother' Syria's Islamist revolution and serious breach of United Nations law.

“ISIS is a reality and we have to accept that we cannot eradicate a well-organized and popular establishment such as the Islamic State; therefore I urge my western colleagues to revise their mindset about Islamic political currents, put aside their cynical mentalité and thwart Vladimir Putin's plans to crush Syrian Islamist revolutionaries,” Anadolu News Agency quoted Mr. Fidan as saying on Sunday...

this just happened the other day too

Pro-Kurd Turkish head of bar association shot dead on live TV (
28 nov 2015

A day after Turkey arrested two journalists for their report exposing Erdogan's weapons deliveries to "extremist groups" in Syria, confirming that no dissent to the president's foreign policy would be allowed, today a new riot has erupted in Istanbul following the dramatic murder in broad daylight of Tahir Elci, the president of the Turkish bar association in southeastern Diyarbakir province, who was shot dead by unidentified gunmen while giving a public speech...

public's response with firework/molotov/laserpointer warfare...

stuff is going to get crazy, and the EU/NATO are siding with the side who sides with isis?

Conflict News ‏@Conflicts 11/30/2015
- BREAKING: NATO allies give #Turkey their "full support" in its right to defend airspace
- NATO's Stoltenberg: All allies fully support #Turkey's right to defend its airspace

seriously, turkey broke a bunch of laws/rules of engagement to shoot down a russian jet to protect isis oil infrastructure, and has been supporting terrorists and totalitarian craziness for years.  I'm sorry if these posts annoys you guys, but I feel like people should be talking about the inevitability of more terrorist attacks/war, or paying attention to the people who are responsible/calling for it...

Title: Re: Paris
Post by: alaskun on December 01, 2015, 06:18:46 AM
^ "more than 100,000 fake Turkish passports had been given to ISIS :US Army’s Foreign Studies Military Office (FSMO)"

NATO is harbouring the Islamic State - Why France’s brave new war on ISIS is a sick joke, and an insult to the victims of the Paris attacks (

and germany and the uk just said they won't be coordinating/sharing flight info with russia.

this story's making the rounds as of about an hour ago

Turkey YouTube ban violated freedom of expression: Europe court
december 1 2015

Strasbourg (France) (AFP) - The European Court of Human Rights ruled on Tuesday that Turkey had violated conventions on freedom of expression when it banned YouTube for more than two years.

An Ankara court had barred access to the video-sharing site from May 2008 to October 2010 over 10 videos deemed insulting to modern Turkey's founding father Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, the Strasbourg-based rights tribunal said.


The lengthy ban on YouTube -- and thousands of other websites -- had prompted widespread concern about freedom of expression under then prime minister and now President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who critics say has become increasingly authoritarian.


The government of Erdogan's Justice and Development Party (AKP) also blocked Twitter and YouTube in March 2014 after they were used to spread a torrent of audio recordings implicating Erdogan and his inner circle in a corruption probe.

Turkey shuts off YouTube after 'Syria invasion plan' leak
Access to YouTube has been cut off in Turkey after an explosive leak of audiotapes that appeared to show ministers talking about provoking military intervention in Syria. Other social media have already been blocked ahead of tumultuous local elections.

The latest leaked audio recording, which reportedly led to the ban, appears to show top government officials discussing a potential attack on the tomb of Suleyman Shah, the grandfather of the founder of the Ottoman Empire.

The tomb is in Syrian territory, but protected by Turkish soldiers.

On the tape, Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu is heard saying that Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan sees any attack as an "opportunity" to increase Turkish presence in Syria, where it has staunchly supported the anti-Assad rebels. Security chief Hakan Fidan then goes one step further, and suggests staging a fake attack to give Turkey a casus belli to intervene in the conflict...

Abby Martin talks about a leaked conversation between Turkish officials discussing a planned false flag operation to justify starting a war with Syria - Mar 28, 2014

Turkey's False Flag Plan: What you're not being told
Published on Apr 2, 2014


Late last week, a conversation between high-ranking Turkish officials was leaked online purporting to expose a plan that had been devised to use a staged attack on a Turkish target in Aleppo as a pretext to start a war with Syria.

any military guys still reading this... how do you feel about the idea of being sent to defend this asshole?
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: Kinchy on December 01, 2015, 12:29:39 PM
Back to text walls and dubious source links?
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: alaskun on December 02, 2015, 01:16:34 PM
11/30/2015 Erdogan: I will resign if any oil purchase from Daesh (#ISIS) is proven

Russian Market Retweeted;
Erdogan asks if Putin is ready to resign if his accusations against Turkey are not confirmed - TASS reports

today - Russian military reveals details of ISIS-Turkey oil smuggling
-The photos and footage used in the media briefing have been published on the Defense Ministry’s website.

-Russia doesn’t expect Turkish President Erdogan to resign in the face of the new evidence, even though he had promised to do so. His resignation is not Russia’s goal and is a matter for the Turkish people.

-Russia cannot comprehend that such a large-scale business as oil smuggling could not have been noticed by the Turkish authorities. Russia concludes that the Turkish leadership is directly involved in the smuggling.

-The US-led coalition has failed to intensify strikes on oil tankers and other IS oil infrastructure. Russia will send intelligence on potential targets to coalition members, assuming that a lack of intelligence may be the reason for their hesitance.
Russia, for its part, will continue attacking the oil business of the terrorists and expects the US-led coalition to do the same...
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: alaskun on December 03, 2015, 03:08:31 PM
so yesterday a couple of muslims killed 14 people with assault rifles and attempted IEDs in california. I say "couple of muslims," not because I hate muslims, but because before their identities were known, just like with the boston bombing, most media was speculating loudly that it was white domestic terrorists.
This morning obama's on tv saying "it could be workplace violence."

meanwhile racism is terrorism. flying the confederate flag in an area where people might get offended is terrorism.
being mean/a bully is terrorism.
environmental activism/investigative journalism is terrorism.
peaceful protest is terrorism.
filming police/tsa in public is terrorism.
hacking is terrorism.
file sharing is terrorism.
toy guns or gun imagery is terrorism.
flea markets selling bootleg dvds/clothes is terrorism.
gardening is terrorism. selling milk is terrorism.

everything under the sun is being labeled as terrorism. ridiculous cases all across the country for the past decade... yet there's "a chance" that what happened yesterday in san bernadino isn't?  Why not?

reminds me of this from 2011
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: Donald on December 03, 2015, 03:28:35 PM
Just curious, you have any back up on those things you listed being labeled terrorism?
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: alaskun on December 03, 2015, 04:09:26 PM
Just curious, you have any back up on those things you listed being labeled terrorism?

yes. do you want a big list or were there specific ones you questioned?
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: alaskun on December 03, 2015, 04:35:54 PM
from today, in regards to obama making fun of people like me for being afraid of 'widows and orphans'

#IslamicState video shows training camp for 'Caliphate Cubs' mostly of foreign fighters. #Syria #Iraq #IS

#IslamicState video shows training camp for 'caliphate Cubs'. Instructor teaches students how to operate an AK #IS

#IslamicState training camp for 'Caliphate Cubs; Footage shows martial arts classes. #Syria #Iraq #IS

#IslamicState 'Cubs' display discipline during training which finishes off with western game of soccer/football

In super disturbing #ISIS video, "caliphate Cubs" execute alleged spies by shooting @ point blank range, 1 beheaded
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: amishrob on December 04, 2015, 12:07:25 AM
so yesterday a couple of muslims killed 14 people with assault rifles and attempted IEDs in california. I say "couple of muslims," not because I hate muslims, but because before their identities were known, just like with the boston bombing, most media was speculating loudly that it was white domestic terrorists.
This morning obama's on tv saying "it could be workplace violence."

meanwhile racism is terrorism. flying the confederate flag in an area where people might get offended is terrorism.
being mean/a bully is terrorism.
environmental activism/investigative journalism is terrorism.
peaceful protest is terrorism.
filming police/tsa in public is terrorism.
hacking is terrorism.
file sharing is terrorism.
toy guns or gun imagery is terrorism.
flea markets selling bootleg dvds/clothes is terrorism.
gardening is terrorism. selling milk is terrorism.

everything under the sun is being labeled as terrorism. ridiculous cases all across the country for the past decade... yet there's "a chance" that what happened yesterday in san bernadino isn't?  Why not?

reminds me of this from 2011
fuck all this nonsense, but the guns were legally bought.
also, how do you type with all that foil?
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: barcodebilly on December 04, 2015, 12:21:07 AM
My wifes culinary school she goes to is on that same street, less than a mile away. She was halfway home when it happened.  Crazy shit
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: Prodigal Son on December 04, 2015, 01:37:43 PM
Glad she wasn't affected by that madness.
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: manwe on December 04, 2015, 05:23:09 PM
Alaskun, seriously what's your job? how do you have so much time / dedication to trawling the internet?
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: alaskun on December 04, 2015, 08:25:11 PM
I'm a delivery driver, but it's not just that I have time to trawl, it's that it's the subject I read most about.  If there's a 'developing situation,' I'll get sucked into following it the way a lot of people follow sports/games/teams/players/strategies except there's never on off-season and it's not just a game.

I've been interested in/following the topic since about 2006, and I don't think I'm half as bad/fanatic about it as a lot of fantasy sports/stats dorks.  Old people seem to REALLY like me, but it's not easy finding people my age who don't just think I'm retarded.
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: Prodigal Son on December 04, 2015, 10:32:26 PM
Do you listen to a lot of talk radio?
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: Cole on December 04, 2015, 10:50:46 PM
When you're a massive autist, old people think you're just cute. Your peers know you're a fucking weirdo who will never fit in with the general population.

I picture you posting a lot of green text stories and having massive amounts of spaghetti in your pockets and screaming "NORMIES GET OUT!" At random/inappropriate times.
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: streetStreet on December 07, 2015, 02:30:04 PM
so yesterday a couple of muslims killed 14 people with assault rifles and attempted IEDs in california. I say "couple of muslims," not because I hate muslims, but because before their identities were known, just like with the boston bombing, most media was speculating loudly that it was white domestic terrorists.
This morning obama's on tv saying "it could be workplace violence."

meanwhile racism is terrorism. flying the confederate flag in an area where people might get offended is terrorism.
being mean/a bully is terrorism.
environmental activism/investigative journalism is terrorism.
peaceful protest is terrorism.
filming police/tsa in public is terrorism.
hacking is terrorism.
file sharing is terrorism.
toy guns or gun imagery is terrorism.
flea markets selling bootleg dvds/clothes is terrorism.
gardening is terrorism. selling milk is terrorism.

everything under the sun is being labeled as terrorism. ridiculous cases all across the country for the past decade... yet there's "a chance" that what happened yesterday in san bernadino isn't?  Why not?

reminds me of this from 2011
fuck all this nonsense, but the guns were legally bought.
also, how do you type with all that foil?

This is Valid since a kid was shot last year is less than one second of police "attempting" to de-escalate.
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: barcodebilly on December 07, 2015, 02:38:13 PM
Everyone is on edge. Last night around 6:30 a group of 3-4 guys with sledge hammers went to the local mall and smashed through the jewelry store cases and robbed the place. The whole town was tweeting saying it was an "active shooter" situation therefor the police showed up 50+ patrol cars deep and put the mall on lockdown.
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: alaskun on December 08, 2015, 06:33:38 AM
the cover photo of my local paper the other day was an active shooter drill.  this used to not be a thing.


I meant to post in the random thoughts thread, sorry.

something about these girls + tow missiles
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: alaskun on March 18, 2016, 11:14:54 AM
kind of weird thinking that people involved were able to walk away/brag about it for so long...
Conflict News ‏@Conflicts 15m15 minutes ago
UPDATE: Counter-terrorism officials have confirmed to several news outlets that Salah Abdeslam has been captured in operation in Brussels.

Conflict News ‏@Conflicts 33m33 minutes ago
BREAKING: #ParisAttacks suspect has been captured alive in Brussels, say reports in Belgian media - @SkyNews

Conflict News ‏@Conflicts 34m34 minutes ago
PHOTO: Police prepare to raid apartment where #ParisAttacks mastermind is hold up in #Brussels - @hdevreij
BNO News ‏@BNONews 1m1 minute ago
Europe's most wanted man in custody: Salah Abdeslam arrested in Brussels 

BNO News ‏@BNONews 14m14 minutes ago
MORE: Paris attacks fugitive Salah Abdeslam transported to Brussels hospital with gunshot wound

BNO News ‏@BNONews 16m16 minutes ago

BNO News ‏@BNONews 22m22 minutes ago
BREAKING: Belgian police confirm 2 people, including Abdeslam, shot in legs in Brussels; unclear if in custody - VTM
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: alaskun on November 13, 2016, 05:23:16 AM
Anybody going to talk about how the grand public reopening of the bataclan theatre was "Sting" singing "Insh'allah"?

Sting - Live 12 Nov 2016 Inshallah @Bataclan Paris

I understand it just means "god willing," but seriously what the fuck.  89 people killed, some of them tortured/eyes pulled out/genitals mutilated, and you reopen the venue by chanting the same thing the killers would have been mumbling, blatantly just for political correctness/multiculti pandering...

not to mention the fact that THE BAND THAT WAS THERE DURING THE ATTACK isn't even allowed back, and is blackballed from other venues, because of 'insensitive' comments about the people they saw committing mass murder
"'Security at the Bataclan were Complicit in 2015 Terror Attack' - Eagles of Death Metal"
Eagles of Death Metal dropped by two French festivals over Bataclan comments
may 20 2016

Singer also said gun education in law-abiding Paris citizen hands could have saved lives that night-

Did they reopen that youth camp/island in norway where ~80 kids got killed by having a pop star recite/repeat a stylized rendition of anders behring breivik's manifesto or any of the religious passages he cited? no? why not?

some people are so fucked up, I don't get it
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: Narcoleptic Insomniac on November 13, 2016, 02:59:50 PM
We get it, brown people were sent by the devil to persecute innocent white people and islam is evil. Now go away.
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: alaskun on November 13, 2016, 03:04:10 PM
that's not at all what i'm saying and you know it
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: Narcoleptic Insomniac on November 13, 2016, 03:15:12 PM
I get that the Insh'allah comment is kind of dick move and totally unnecessary but why are you so angry? I think a lot of this kind of shit is gonna start going your way over the next four years. Maybe you should run for office or something.
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: ginger on November 14, 2016, 05:23:05 PM
We get it, brown people were sent by the devil to persecute innocent white people and islam is evil. Now go away.
Title: Re: Paris
Post by: Prodigal Son on November 14, 2016, 07:44:03 PM
It's amazing you thought to resurrect this or that you even remembered it being a thing in the first place. Hats off to your persistence.