- Bike maintenance for BMX'ers
The Street => The Lounge => Topic started by: SkinnyCracker on April 29, 2017, 03:10:30 AM
Last October I hit 15 years on the forum. I am strictly a lurker now but I'm happy the forum is still alive! I wonder if there is some way to resurrect pictures of my bloody shins I posted when I was learning to barspin at 15 years old.
Ive wasted my youth typing away here. I still go out in the streets, and ride the skatepark a couple nights a week with my friends.
This was this February.
Damn I hit 10 years this year
bikeguide was always the cure to late night boredom, rainy days, or in between sessions. MAKE BIKEGUIDE GREAT AGAIN 2017
March 31st, 2007 here. How different life was then.
I don't know when I started but it was when 4130 riders stopped working.
Date Registered: March 13, 2007, 09:33:00 AM
14 years this year for me. Times have changed so much!
I'd dread to think how long it was since the old pre-BG forums, maybe 17 years ago?
12 years. Insane. I miss this place. A large part of my formative years was spent arguing with random people from around the world about little kid's bikes.
September 28, 2008
Somewhere around the time Brody has squandered. This place taught me well the finer facets of unwisely utilizing my time.
Nearly 10 years of making people dislike me. Wouldn't trade it for the world
God damn. March 19, 2004. I blame BG for the way I am today.
Phillip Frentsworth (or whatever his name was at the time) talked shit on my first comment because I used "u" and "lol." I haven't used internet shorthand since. Thanks!
It's hard to believe I've been on this website for half of my life. I still check it almost daily out of habit.
Last October I hit 15 years on the forum.
I totally have you beat there.
Woah. This place is still alive, and I still remember my login. Hi guys! Long time, no see!
Damn! You've been gone for a while. What have you been up to Erik?
Damn! You've been gone for a while. What have you been up to Erik?
Quit riding some years ago, but the bike is still in the shed. Been tempted to take it for a spin, but haven't got around to do it yet as I probably can't fit it in my car. I'll probably check back on you guys in a few years! 😅
Date Registered: June 01, 2008, 09:48:00 PM
9 of my 24 years on this scummy ass site, and I wouldn't Chang a thing. You cunts are the reason I turned out the way I did! Ahahaha
Damn near married, Building a car dealership on my time off work, and still ripping little kids bikes regularly. I lurk daily, but I miss the OG BIkeGuide. This place was like the pirate4x4 of bmx, just straight relentless and hardcore. Those were the days man, glad to see a lot of oldschool dudes still on here. 🤘🏼
my relationship with bikeguide is two years older than my marriage. 15 and 13 years, respectively.
my relationship with bikeguide is two years older than my marriage. 15 and 13 years, respectively.
I always thought you were newer, based on when you popped up on BMX-Forum trying to talk mechanical sense into ingrateful 13 year olds
February 2005. Shit it's been a long time. Glad to see some familiar faces I wasted my online and real life with. Some of my closest friends came from this website. It's fucking crazy to even say that.
my relationship with bikeguide is two years older than my marriage. 15 and 13 years, respectively.
I always thought you were newer, based on when you popped up on BMX-Forum trying to talk mechanical sense into ingrateful 13 year olds
I remember that well. I would like to think I wrote some good stuff on there and helped a few kids, but some of them were quite dense.
moderating bmx-forum inspired me to condense my knowledge into a blog, which has changed names and is now more focused on mountain bike stuff. too bad I don't work in a bike shop any more, I am running out of inspiration! what should I write next?
Truly a bummer that the site is so dead...
August 24, 2006, 11:41:00 PM
I had an account before this one that I forgot the login so I think Im at about 13 years. I miss the green boxes, and TAH... Pre Bluemeate days were pretty solid IMO.
After the crashes it was never put back together again.
Last October I hit 15 years on the forum. I am strictly a lurker now but I'm happy the forum is still alive! I wonder if there is some way to resurrect pictures of my bloody shins I posted when I was learning to barspin at 15 years old.
Last October I hit 15 years on the forum.
I totally have you beat there.
No way! Never thought I'd read these names again! I haven't been on the site in forever, but every so often I check it. My account says 15 years too, but I'm pretty sure there were previous versions hosted elsewhere before this one... but only by a year or so I think.
July 29, 2004, 10:00:00 AM
Closing in on 13yrs. Some of my closest friends I met thru here as well.
Officially registered Nov. 5th 2005, lurked a while before that, lurked a lot longer after. Still click in daily out of habit, but do miss the old days of always checking for new bikes/parts/mods.
July 29, 2004, 10:00:00 AM
Closing in on 13yrs. Some of my closest friends I met thru here as well.
At exactly 10:00:00.
Christ, it's been a while. As a shit-scared (and shit-haired) 19 year old, I remember this place and you lot literally being a coping mechanism when I found out about my ex getting pregnant. It amazes me how much comfort can be sound from so-called strangers.
Nine years later, here we are!
Been lurking since 01' registered since 03' and due to circumstances I don't feel like describing had to ditch my old account for this one in 05'.
Fuck I am old, but I still shoot footy with the old crew and ride pretty regularly at 32yo.
June 25 2004, just over 13 years of the little blue site with the shadiest bunch of people on the internet. Bikeguide needs a revival.
Edit:Going through super old PM's and got back to some pretty in depth things with Brian Itzania. Shame that guy left the way he did. He used to work for Masi bikes, and it turns out years later I'd be working to distribute them. BG works in mysterious ways.
Pretty sure I joined in 04 so 14 years of being hated and ragging on Shadow products.. None of that has changed.
June 25 2004, just over 13 years of the little blue site with the shadiest bunch of people on the internet. Bikeguide needs a revival.
Edit:Going through super old PM's and got back to some pretty in depth things with Brian Itzania. Shame that guy left the way he did. He used to work for Masi bikes, and it turns out years later I'd be working to distribute them. BG works in mysterious ways.
Yeah its crazy to think about how many people from here Ive met and ridden with over the years... Brian being one of them. Unfortunately all things, both good and bad, will come to an end. I enjoyed the so called "hayday" of bike guide and I'm sure a lot of others here did as well and to me it will be something I never forget! This place pretty much got me working on my own bike and eventually to the place I am in today.
Member since 2008 only but have been lurking around much longer (and on a related note found out my RideMonkey profile is from 2002).
Actually I just came here today after not having visited for years with the vague intent of maybe starting a thread just for old 35+ people and about how they experience riding now vs when being younger. And then this was like the first thread. Loving the coincidence.
After years of not really doing any proper riding at all this is finally the year I'm sort of back on the streets regularly. And it I'm enjoying it more than ever despite riding worse than ever. Even simple grinds and manuals and small gaps feel like actual tricks these days and leave behind that good feeling we're all doing it for. I almost reached ultimate bliss when I did a manual to double peg on a one foot ledge yesterday. Maybe it's just because I now really do it *just* for the fun, while 10yrs ago ther were still too much hormones ditcating the brain it's never good enough and stronger/harder/faster are proper life goals. Meh. Anyone else feel like that or am I just crazy?
Yeah, f**k that. Grind everything.
I even remember this being the quote in a signature and always loved it. Not going to say I lived by it as well, but still close though.
Btw since all forums seem to be slowly dying, where do all the youngsters hang out these days? Where do they hold their pointless discussions about which color for your grips gives you the most grip?
June 25 2004, just over 13 years of the little blue site with the shadiest bunch of people on the internet. Bikeguide needs a revival.
Edit:Going through super old PM's and got back to some pretty in depth things with Brian Itzania. Shame that guy left the way he did. He used to work for Masi bikes, and it turns out years later I'd be working to distribute them. BG works in mysterious ways.
Yeah its crazy to think about how many people from here Ive met and ridden with over the years... Brian being one of them. Unfortunately all things, both good and bad, will come to an end. I enjoyed the so called "hayday" of bike guide and I'm sure a lot of others here did as well and to me it will be something I never forget! This place pretty much got me working on my own bike and eventually to the place I am in today.
Speaking of, it was awesome to meet you and ride Brookhurst.. Also thanks for the 120* tall can and sorry the other one got so hot that it blew up in your car hahahahahahaha!
Edit* actually that was Donald but you were there rocking the front brakes so at least it's something we can all remember and laugh about..
Is Ken still doing bike parts at all?
whoa, i haven't logged into BG in a couple years. thought of bmx-forum last week and saw it was basically a ghost town and then checked this place. what are the odds this is the first thread that popped up. several familiar usernames, several familiar avatars with changed usernames. i no longer remember what hank chinaski's username was before the current one but I think it used to be something different.
i joined in february of 2006 :o
I remember that well. I would like to think I wrote some good stuff on there and helped a few kids, but some of them were quite dense.
moderating bmx-forum inspired me to condense my knowledge into a blog, which has changed names and is now more focused on mountain bike stuff. too bad I don't work in a bike shop any more, I am running out of inspiration! what should I write next?
You were a moderator on bmx-forum? did you have a different username? I was especially when I was 18-19-20 so 7 or 8 years ago but I don't remember exactly all of the fellow moderators. I noticed I could still log in the other day with my old log in, and the place was a ghost town.
After the crashes it was never put back together again.
bmx-f crashes? what happened?
I can't remember the last time I posted on here, nor can I remember the last time I rode my bike; I want to say late 2015? I definitely wouldn't mind taking a rip soon.
According to the the ol' profile, I registered in 2004. Since then, the following things have happened...
- Graduated from high school in 2005.
- Graduated from university in 2010 with a Bachelor of Arts, Major in English.
- Managed a telecommunications store from 2010 to 2014.
- Had shoulder surgery.
- Played literally hundreds of gigs, and literally thousands of songs.
- Got engaged.
- Got a dog.
- Fiancé left me.
- Fiancé took the dog.
- Lost pretty much everything.
- Started a career job.
- Met the girl of my dreams, or re-met the girl of my dreams, seeing as though we had dated for a little over a year way back in grade nine.
- Somehow convinced her to move back to Atlantic Canada from Toronto.
- Bought a house.
Currently, I'm 30-years-old, I'm in the best shape of my life, have an incredibly challenging job that I look forward to doing for the rest of my life, have an incredible girlfriend, will likely be getting a dog soon, and have never been happier.
Also, the Sox have been hovering around first place in the AL East all season, so....
Joined up as a 14 year old in '05. I vowed to stop wasting time on this site back in 2011 or 2012, and succeeded. But I have to say I miss you all and feel dreadfully nostalgic looking back on it; way more than I would have expected. The personalities on here, for better or worse, had a big impact on me during very impressionable years. Thanks for the good times & (mostly virtual) companionship everyone! It's a weird thought, but I'll probably never forget you guys—even if the site were to be shut down tomorrow.
After years of not really doing any proper riding at all this is finally the year I'm sort of back on the streets regularly. And it I'm enjoying it more than ever despite riding worse than ever. Even simple grinds and manuals and small gaps feel like actual tricks these days and leave behind that good feeling we're all doing it for. I almost reached ultimate bliss when I did a manual to double peg on a one foot ledge yesterday. Maybe it's just because I now really do it *just* for the fun, while 10yrs ago ther were still too much hormones ditcating the brain it's never good enough and stronger/harder/faster are proper life goals. Meh. Anyone else feel like that or am I just crazy?
I never completely stopped riding, but have had a big resurgence of interest in it again recently. I've had the exact same experience. I wasn't very good at the peak of my skills, and am now decidedly mediocre, but throwing together tiny street lines is totally fulfilling these days, now that I've utterly abandoned any adolescent idea of ever becoming good/hardcore/whatever.
joined bg 2005 - sucked at riding but did it often
still on bg 2017 - suck at riding and don't bmx often
Anyone still doing custom shit to their brakes? Customized stuff was something I really liked seeing on the site.
Anyone still doing custom shit to their brakes?
Made an alu adapter to fit Magura HS33 on canti mounts years ago and still use it. Not sure that is the type of customization you mean?
From the recent videos I see there's more people without brakes than with brakes though.
That's exactly what I'm talking about
In that case, here's a picture. It's actually not a canti mount but a U mount (at least I assume that's the official name).
Hand cut/filed from a plate of 6061 I think.
I don't recall why exactly I went nuts with my drill, might have been affected by the weight weenie hype.
The caliper isn't cracked, that's a hair from our white cat.
did they work much better than u brakes in the end?
'much' is a big word maybe but they do perform better on all fronts which matter to me (except price): power (index finger braking ftw), modulation, engagement, durability.
james still owes me 5 quid for the time he bet id never move to australia and then i moved to australia and now its been 7 years and also i got to ride in a helicopter
Are you the Cory that ran Bmx-Test?
Old heads unite!
The amount I've quit riding and started again and quit again while being registered on this site is too damn high. 9 years.
Date Registered: September 07, 2008, 05:45:00 PM
Sep 2004 wow
Sep 2004 wow
I don't know if I ever noticed you on here before. Where in SA are you from? My wife is from Durban, and I have a technician that works for me from jo-burg that I actually flew over for his wedding earlier this year. Had such an awesome time there.
Hey , I’m from Somerset West, it’s just outside Cape Town. I go back every year. It’s a amazing place to visit.
I hit 10 years this month. I still remember the tylerk thread that had everyone captivated for a few days haha.
Hey , I’m from Somerset West, it’s just outside Cape Town. I go back every year. It’s a amazing place to visit.
We hit Jo-burg, Chrissiesmeer, stayed at a place right off the edge of Kruger park, and then hit Cape Town. Were over there for 10 days and it was amazing. I've got video of a wild elephant walking up about 10 feet away from me at the place we stayed at Kruger. The exchange rate was awesome at bars too.
I want to go back again sometime.
After the crashes it was never put back together again.
That's pretty much when I gave up my BG addiction. I had a few revivals but it wasn't nearly as fun as it used to be, even as a lurker. Not sure what reminded me of BG but decided to come back for some reminiscing today, only to see I'm not the only one!
Registered: August 11, 2005, 10:57:00 PM
Probably lurked for a good year or two before that.
I've actually been riding my bike a little lately, it's still mostly an excuse for drinking beers with the bois.
Date Registered: January 11, 2005, 01:48:09 AM
The most addicting part to this site for me was just how active it was, even with a relatively small user base. It was basically like a chat room/instant messenger things would converse so quickly and there were the stand out guys that were really funny or more commonly just odd/bizarre in their own way.
I wish I could remember the specifics but I always remember reading Danno and Jeffro party adventures and laughing my ass off. Bitzer being a cunt 24/7 and then recently paranoid mexican being a suicidal train wreck that would have sex with whatever woman would allow him to.
Account born October 21, 2002, 04:12:48 AM
"I've wasted my life..."
The most addicting part to this site for me was just how active it was, even with a relatively small user base. It was basically like a chat room/instant messenger things would converse so quickly and there were the stand out guys that were really funny or more commonly just odd/bizarre in their own way.
I wish I could remember the specifics but I always remember reading Danno and Jeffro party adventures and laughing my ass off. Bitzer being a cunt 24/7 and then recently paranoid mexican being a suicidal train wreck that would have sex with whatever woman would allow him to.
those were the days. I've got a family now and am happier than ever though. Sorry! lol
Haha you're sorry about that. Living that double life soon enough.
December 02, 2005, 01:11:00 PM
Time flies...wish i can go back.ahah I would register again here, for sure.
Apparently, I've been here a while: 1969-12-31.
I have basically accomplished nothing in my life and have fallen well short of all of my goals. But, then again, I don't have any kids so there's that.
I had kids but then I saw the poilce choppers and bailed
7 years this month. I'm 22 now and still the same dumb ass billy
Dang! You're only 22? How many kids you have presently?
In the nostalgia, let's raise our thumbs to that kid who impersonated Dylan doing a no hander over the spine. You, up in Portland, you did not do that.
Isaac dahms or something like that. BG destroyed that kid.
12 years here. Damn I was only 14, bmx was life then
10 years here. Wonder what happened to all those peeps that rode Cummer for the longest time...
Can here to see if there was a secret santa, looks like that's over =(
Dang, I'm about to hit 10. I was lurkin long before that too.
Crazy, I just hit ten years. I miss bikeguide
I'm having a beer with some old bmx buddies and we ventured to talking about bikeguide. I'm kinda glad it's still around.
Member since september 2003.
I remember my first thread about attatching a bashguard on a 39t Eastern sprocket.
I remember when I used to not know everything about every single part.
hey my antigram hub has been making a slight grinding noise and now when I take off to pedal hard, it makes this nasty noise like it's skipping (doesn't feel like it's skipping)
what do I do?
using these forums on a phone sucks,that's why we all left this place
Going on 14 years here.
You were a moderator on bmx-forum? did you have a different username?
Nostalgia sent me back to BG this week. I was JWNolte or mack_turtle on BMX-Forum. I checked that recently and most of it was still there, but a ghost town. Some of my old posts on were inspired by that.
Where do all the whippersnappers go to talk shit about bikes now? I had a few "bikeguide live" conversations lately with an old BG member that I know and realized that all the old online bmx haunts are now dead. Are they all facesnapping and instabooking each other about drilling holes in their rims to save weight? I feel old.
^ I was the one who initially lobbied for you for moderator there. We already had enough mods who wrote something that was stickied and then went on to spend their time posting photos of their bikes, you on the other hand spent all your time in the trenches of vague help-me-fix-my-bike threads that would give even the most patient people headaches
"In the trenches." I love it!
I remeber the B-I-K-E board which was pretty fun back when digital cameras first came out. It was something fun to do.
I am a member since 2006.
Fuck. Almost 6 months since I had acl surgery. I can’t wait to ride again. Even my road bike on the bike trails!
fuck you all
Hell I remember a lot of you guys.
First time back on in years. Happy to say I still keep up with some BG'ers in real life. Been here since February 2003, over 15 years. Crazy to even think about. Still riding bikes a few times a week and I'm actually better now at 35 than I was back then. I went to Trestle bike park yesterday and railed berms, did some drops, ramped some jawns, and can actually, kind of, if you squint, whip the rear end of my bike a little. Still no kids. Living the dream.
Roll call for the old lurkers...
Sup. I even work in a bikeshop now where half the staff are BMXers and the owner is 100% mid school BMX. Still haven't ridden properly in a few years.
Man, I only check this site like once or twice a month now since it is so inactive. I used to stare at my monitor for hours just cruising this site because it was basically a glorified chat room.
The Google Ad-Sense raid killed damn near half the frequent posters and then the switch from VBulliten to this new forum software killed half of the remaining users. That and social media is taking the world by storm, but even as a younger dude, I still enjoy the forum aspect where it is a smaller knit community so you can actually get to know some of the people rather than a site like Reddit where you're lucky to see the same person twice.
Even when I wasn't riding, this was my most frequented site because we could be raw and unfiltered. I remember trying to fit in as like a 14 year old among adults and it rarely worked out but I feel like in a weird way it shaped me up into a cooler person to be around. RIP BG.
13 years. Not logged in for 3. Might be back now though...
Stopped using the forum because life got busy.
Had two jobs, met a girl, lost my dad, rehomed his dog, built a house, left the bike trade, got married, manage a bottle shop now, still ride a lot, have a kid on the way, pretty much shoot zero photos anymore, film a lot, drink all the beer. Any questions?
I miss this place.
Still riding, but haven't been on my BMX much this summer. Mostly riding road and a Pugsley that I built up last winter. I'm torn on selling my BMX stuff even though I have four badass bikes taking up space in my garage.
Coming up on 13 years for me. This was my favorite place to go online for a long while, so I'm glad it still exists. Still lurk from time to time and still riding bikes fast. Crazy how the names and avatars of so many of you are immediately recognizable to this day.
Blew out my knee last November and finally got to ride my bike again last week. Quite happy to resume, I can’t do shit though. It’s a bit weird thinking I can do whatever I want like I did last year. Just on “the hop anything I can” program right now to get those bmx muscles and memory back.
Want to get rid of my barcode. Anyone interested?
2002 was a loooong time ago
happy forum day??????
I think Ive been around for about 6 years- wonder who our longest serving member is
Been here since June 26, 2004, 11:00:00 AM
Had like a 8year hiatus from riding. Back on the bike.
Been here since June 26, 2004, 11:00:00 AM
Had like a 8year hiatus from riding. Back on the bike.
Good to hear. Due to body problems and work I've been off for about 3 years. Fighting to get back on myself.
I'm currently teaching my girlfriend's son to ride without training wheels so I dusted off my MOD Vigilante and tried to get him over thinking scooters are cool.
15 minutes in and I took a primo tenderizer to the shin. 3 days later and there's still an eight inch gap. I've never stopped hating the pain of a bad shinner.
I need to go ride today. My legs don’t have a single scab. I’ve been riding great otherwise, that acl surgery last year was much less a big deal than I thought.
Maurice snail
20th Jan 2004 for me. Don't post much but I still check every so often.
Bit dead compared to how it used to be which is sad.
Sheepdog: Last Active: February 25, 2018, 05:15:40 PM
Sheepdog: Last Active: February 25, 2018, 05:15:40 PM
Sheep should just sign the forum over to someone, or at least update the software, might stop the hundreds of spammers signing up on a daily basis.
what ever happened to the come up board and 20 inch nyc?
is bmxboard this dead?
what do I do?
using these forums on a phone sucks,that's why we all left this place
But, Facebook (and other apps) have made the world stupider. De-evolution. The Internet itself has become stupider.
At least with forums, posts contributed to a searchable knowledge base. With Facebook, Instagram, etc. everything is there for a few days, then just goes into the void.
Took my son for a bike ride around the block and found my s&m btm frame of 7 years has a top tube crack. Guess I’m too fat.
I just hopped on here tonight randomly. 17 years for me. Damn time flies.
Lol had to make a new account couldn't remember the password to my old email for my OG account.
4/13/2012 was the last time I was on here. Glad to see it still exists.
What ever happen to TAH?
And for the real OG members. Anyone know what ever happen to that redlinerider kid?
It's always fun to check in here and remember stuff
lol that the 15 years on this forum reminiscing thread is 3 years old. does anyone else on here actually still ride bmx besides bluemeate?
lol that the 15 years on this forum reminiscing thread is 3 years old. does anyone else on here actually still ride bmx besides bluemeate?
i try to pedal around but i'm lucky to ride every other month. 2 jobs, 2 kids. adult life sucks lol
I’m still killing it regularly.
lol that the 15 years on this forum reminiscing thread is 3 years old. does anyone else on here actually still ride bmx besides bluemeate?
I bought a bike off a member on here recently (I forget who) and rode for a year until I broke my arm riding some trails. Sold it to keep myself safe and keep thinking about how much I should get a bike and go in the woods again.
33 years old now, and finally learnt barspin
I left my bike out in the Southern California rain for like 3 months, I just puked the chain the other day and did a wheelie on synthetic grass. So basically yeah, I’m still riding.
wow, bored at the second with all this virus bollocks and found my way back here
memories flooding back...
edit: apparently i had and sold a t1 barcode on here. would love it back!
Im starting to bike a lot again, just not on a bmx anymore.
Hey guys 31/M/UK here.
How's things been?
Hey guys 31/M/UK here.
How's things been?
Just living the dream as usual. Figured this place would be jamming again with all the lockdown shenanigans!
Was lurking and this post got me. I reg'd on BG back when the wtp forum was fizzling out. Had to be around 2004
I no longer have that email addy and don't even remember what my name was (maybe "g60cabbie").
Sold my last 20" about a decade ago, but just ordered parts for a wheelset tonight, so the old man will be rolling soon.
Cool to see some of the OGs still contributing.
11 years hah. I was surprised this place is still going! Even more surprised I could remember my login details.
11 years hah. I was surprised this place is still going! Even more surprised I could remember my login details.
I logged in cos you logged in. Party?
I’m not partying without green squares
Site wouldn't let me PAPOY so I'm leaving again. This party is lame.
Will it let you PAPOYD?
A month or so ago I was looking to get my kid a new bike and rejoined.
I think I’ve been gone since 2011? Kind of curious if G-Sport ever figured out the free coaster yet?
My login worked so I had to post.
2004 was a very long time ago. Wife, two dogs and a house with a good job. It was fun bikeguide. Take care of yourselves.
'el pollo'
Very bored at work and remembered the old MFBS. RIP BG. Hope everyone is doing well.
I haven't touched a bike in probably ten years, though I still often dream about riding one. This place was amazing at it's peak, back when forums were the place to go for industry news, media and just socializing online. Better times, for sure.
16 years in November. Holy fuck boys. My account would be learning how to drive right about now.
They grow up so fast, don't they?
17 years. What the hell.
How the Internet has evolved.
Holy shit, if it wasn’t for Zach, I wouldn’t be logged in.
18 years, hell, that’s scary af.
Holy shit, if it wasn’t for Zach, I wouldn’t be logged in.
18 years, hell, that’s scary af.
Don’t you dare blame this on me!
18 years here. 20 years with the OG members pre-dating here on the old RideBMX forums.
I invited a few of those OGs to the wedding a few years back.
I know there is a dedicated thread for it but I am still so incredibly sad that we lost Mike last year.
Don’t you dare blame this on me!
18 years here. 20 years with the OG members pre-dating here on the old RideBMX forums.
I invited a few of those OGs to the wedding a few years back.
I know there is a dedicated thread for it but I am still so incredibly sad that we lost Mike last year.
It’s all your fault.
I woulda came to your wedding, but I’m a proud Canadian.
lol that the 15 years on this forum reminiscing thread is 3 years old. does anyone else on here actually still ride bmx besides bluemeate?
I'm still going, occasionally ride with Carlos too.. I also just picked up a Macneil Deuce Deuce complete that has sat in fantastic condition for at least a decade that I'm pretty stoked on.
My old fbm finally broke at the start of lock down, bought a T1 skapegoat and then rediscovered just how fucking sexy fly stuff is, so slowly bankrupting myself spending £30 on bar ends to match my sprocket, like a total cunt. Turning out to be a sick dad bike though, there are worse ways to have a midlife crisis.
Ps, will at a very minimum suck cock, for any Fly parts in fog titanium.
Had 80mm of q tip shoved down my nose for a covid swab the other day. Thankfully no virus detected.
Gadamn I miss yall
I finally remembered my password. Miss this place.
How’s your guys’ lockdown going?
Been a while
Even longer for some.
Where's maurice snail
She make it clap. I got the strap.
20 years on the forums! Wow, I completely forgot about it to be honest. I wonder who is still around from 2002???
20 years on the forums! Wow, I completely forgot about it to be honest. I wonder who is still around from 2002???
I still check in every few months or so.
I remember the days of getting green and red rep boxes.
Paranoidmexican here, couldn't remember my password or email lol. Hope everyone is good.
Some of the California people I’ve met i follow on ig. For example, Carlos aka bluemeate. The strangest motherfucker.
Paranoidmexican here, couldn't remember my password or email lol. Hope everyone is good.
I used to follow you on IG and i don't know what happened
Paranoidmexican here, couldn't remember my password or email lol. Hope everyone is good.
I used to follow you on IG and i don't know what happened
I deleted all my social media
Where's everybody at these days?
Where's everybody at these days?
Always working. I'm now a field tech for a company that checks soil compaction and moisture, concrete, and other foundation aspects. I still try to pedal around with my 6 year old daughter. I have an autistic (non verbal) 4 year old that keeps us on our toes. I'm still married. Enjoying life.
Where's everybody at these days?
Lurking Riverdavesplace
20 years since I registered, 15 years since I last posted.
Time flies.
So grateful for having BMX and the people in it in my life.
I'll check in.
This place fuelled a passion that is putting food on my table today.
Thanks Sheepdog.
Hey guys good to see the site is alive because last I checked it was totally gone. Vital is gone now I just found out a fkin year later. Sad shit
I had left acl replacement Dec ‘17. This past Dec I got an mri that my acl has been gone for a while, my meniscus has some tears and I have patellar tendinitis. I’ve done enough pt to correct the tendinitis but just have to forgo the pain. I miss riding.
Oh wow, can’t believe I remembered my login info. I got two kids now, working a decent job. Trying to ride when I can. I’ve found a second bmx wind at 36, I’ve never wanted to ride more or been more motivated to learn new things, but I also have almost no time to ride. I’m lucky to get a session in a week, super lucky if I get to ride twice. Still living in Southern Ca.
couldn't remember my login info. but goddamn. shit was crackin here back in the day. when Zeitgeist was released time period. 2007-2010. don't even know how to describe who I was but i'm glad to see some familiar names still around. I think my name was jr3volcom or smojo or some ish. I didn't really get to know anyone personally but I always appreciated being a part of a like minded community. i've learned so much and bmx will always be a part of me as it represented true freedom from a world I didn't really want to partake in. would be cool to see a thread about people's most interesting life experiences or wisdom they feel inclined to impart. i'm sure we've all been through some interesting times.
I can't believe this site is still up! I broke my femur in a pretty bad UTV vs truck accident in 2020, right after I finished building a new ramp because the Covid closures got me back into riding, but damn, it didn't last very long! I was always more of a lurker here, but I'm glad the blue site is still up after all these years!
Joined in 2006. Where the hell has the time gone? Was formerly FitTrailSlayer until the mass username change around 2012ish?
Joined in 2002, I come by to check things out every once in a while. Glad to see newer gen still riding! Im too old and bones too weak now but it will always have a place in my heart and mind! I ride the MTB occasionally when my kid is being watched by someone! Miss those days of the Little Devil DVDs coming in the mail!