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Messages - chaz

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Non-riding Photo/Video/Multimedia Forum / Post Your Photo Setup [V4]
« on: July 07, 2011, 01:48:28 PM »
Is that gaffer tape or what? I might do the same thing with my Pen F which is in nearly mint condition.

Non-riding Photo/Video/Multimedia Forum / Post Your Photo Setup [V4]
« on: February 18, 2011, 08:25:57 PM »
I have one of those and a regular stylus. I don't like them as much as the XAs because of shutter lag but you got to admit the AF and built-in flash makes them more versatile. The one thing that annoys me is that the flash always resets to auto when you close it, so every time I open it I have to press the flash button twice.

Non-riding Photo/Video/Multimedia Forum / Post Your Photo Setup [V4]
« on: December 31, 2010, 10:41:34 PM »
Where did you get it? I've been looking for something like that, but I'm afraid to just buy one from a large internet auction site.

Non-riding Photo/Video/Multimedia Forum / Post Your Photo Setup [V4]
« on: December 14, 2010, 05:53:17 PM »
You can fit a lot of 120 rolls and boxes of sheet film in pants pockets, too. 35mm is the only thing that trips metal detectors, and if you used plastic cassettes, I don't see why you couldn't pocket that too.

I don't worry about carry-on xrays, because I don't think there is any risk of xray damage from them. I worry more about the security assholes exposing my film to light in the course of the idiocy.

Of course I don't fly at all now, ever since they made it illegal for people with dignity.

Non-riding Photo/Video/Multimedia Forum / Post Your Photo Setup [V4]
« on: November 04, 2010, 07:01:48 PM »
My wife bought me a camera backpack for our anniversary. It's pretty sweet, and after rearranging the compartments I was able to fit in a Speed Graphic, Polaroid back, 6 film holders, 35mm SLR and 2 lenses, medium format TLR, and medium format folder, and 6 boxes of sheet  film in the laptop compartment. Then I got to walk all over the North Carolina airport with a backpack that weighed 40+ pounds. I like your Kershaw btw.

Non-riding Photo/Video/Multimedia Forum / Post Your Photo Setup [V4]
« on: April 18, 2010, 06:45:14 PM »
I just got a Winder 2 for my Olympus for when I use it on a tripod and It's pretty sweet. I thought I wouldn't like it because its heavy, but it adds a nice handle. Easy to burn film though...

Non-riding Photo/Video/Multimedia Forum / Post Your Photo Setup [V4]
« on: February 28, 2010, 09:33:06 PM »
I went out to take pictures of our record Dallas snowfall, all my cameras that use batteries quit, probably because of the cold. It was annoying. Luckily my speed graphic kept working.

Non-riding Photo/Video/Multimedia Forum / Post Your Photo Setup [V4]
« on: February 08, 2010, 09:02:20 AM »
You can usually load 120 film in 620 cameras by sanding down the spool. Just in case you ever want to try it.

Non-riding Photo/Video/Multimedia Forum / Post Your Photo Setup [V4]
« on: January 08, 2010, 05:44:06 PM »
What kind of camera is that? I have a speed graphic and I love it, but I want something with more motions.

5x4 are seriously impossible to shoot at night you can see the image for shit.
Use a bright laser pointer. Shine it on something, focus till the dot is sharp. You can even map the image out on the ground glass to compose and use movements. Very useful. I do it all the time even when it's not totally dark, because it's way easier to say, focus on the front surface of something smooth, when you shine the laser on it. Otherwise, if there is no texture you have to like squint and shit. Anything you want sharp, shine the laser on it and focus till the spot is small. It's like having selective AF points, uh, kind of. I've even done swing to get different elements in focus. There's a keychain laser pointer permanently magnet'd in my speed graphic.

Non-riding Photo/Video/Multimedia Forum / Post Your Photo Setup [V4]
« on: January 01, 2010, 12:46:24 PM »
You have a film processor? What the fuck?!
I imagine, with the millions of soccer moms that are no longer shooting film snapshots, that the market is flooded with film processors. Meanwhile, the price of good color processing is slowly climbing. I saw two Noritsu minilabs on craigslist here in dallas for like $400 each. That's less than a D40. I don't do enough volume, but if I had a garage or something, I would probably start a small-time photo lab. With what pro labs charge for MF/LF color processing, I'm sure I could get enough business to keep the thing running.

Non-riding Photo/Video/Multimedia Forum / Post Your Photo Setup [V4]
« on: November 21, 2009, 10:11:33 AM »

I have more shit, but this is what I use most of the time. From R-L,

-1950, side-rangefinder Pacemaker Speed Graphic, sporting my Secret Weapon Lens
-Eumig C3 8mm cam (on top)      
-Tominon 127 in a Copal self-cocking shutter (foreground)
-Wollensak Rapar 210mm f/4 (foreground)
-Olympus XA2 (on Speed Graphic)
-Mystery 135mm f/4.5 triplet (on enlarger in background)
-Olympus 28mm f/2.8
-Olympus OM2n sporting G.Zuiko 50mm f/1.4 (one ofthe old, good, unsharp, flares like a motherfucker, silver-ringed ones,)
-Agfa Isolette II (on timer)
-Schneider Angulon 90mm
-Lomo 166
Taken with Pentax ME Super and SMC 50mm f/1.7 at 5.6, TMX, D23 for 6.5min, V500 scan from 5x7 fomaspeed variant paper.

The Lounge / Post Your Guns
« on: August 12, 2009, 10:12:02 AM »
I only exist on the internet; I am not a real person.

Some believe that I have a physical manifestation that has been spotted living in Ohio, Montana and most recently, Dallas, TX but these are only rumors.

The Lounge / Post Your Guns
« on: August 12, 2009, 10:03:09 AM »
Ha! what a great interview. I wish I could find that NH dude and buy him a beer. God, the people pissing themselves over OMG gun just rofl me.

Yes, I justed used "rofl" transitively.

The Lounge / Post Your Guns
« on: July 10, 2009, 01:03:36 AM »
Quote from: ilvmybicycle;3030074

ps. here is a lil sneak peek. for all those ANTI GUNNERS. i uhh got bored and yeah well .

you tell me what you think that is

Looks like a 10/22 to me.

I have a very sweet 10/22. I took it to the range a couple days ago and re-realized how sick it is. At the 25 yard range I got bored with paper after I shot a ten-shot group that looked just like one of the .45 auto holes that were already in the pape, and started shooting the thumbtacks all over the target board, making the targets fall off. You can just sit there and shoot tacks. Just put the Leupold on the edge of the tack at 12 o clock. No more tack. It's sick.

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