Birdmane, how do you like that 23? I was stuck between that and my M&P, how does it shoot and all that good stuff?
I like the 23/19 the best. S&W M&P are so great because its the grip angle of a 1911 with glock reliability. I just dont like the fit, 23 fits my hand like a glove and i have giant hands. I hate the 17/22 frames and the 21 frame is just enormous even the SF models.
Glocks don't fit my hands either. Can't argue with their reputation though.
On another note, I hit up the range over the holidays. Buddy brought his new Socom16 with him. Man, that is one sweet rifle. Feels a lot different than my 22" barrell. Its really fun to throw around and dump mags. 
I shot a socom with an eotech, so fun.
just bought today:
sig sauer p250 (with extra stock/mag/slide for a larger comp sized gun- thats the one thats set up for now. i will prob just get another action for the other one so i can have 2. any recommendations on where i could pick one up online maybe?)
EUGHHH I cannot stand those triggers. I would shoot a foot right, they are so long.
I love P220's and P226's but I think sig kicked themselves in the ass with this gun. Let us know how it shoots. Im sure its reliable but that trigger just kills it for me.