There is nothing wrong with airsoft my man.
You just need to get yourself a WA M4A1 GBB.
I desperately want a GBB M4 variant, even though in our climate it might work well for 3 months of the year and then blow a gas valve... Apart from that, they feel frickin' amazing.
Saturday, I'm looking to play a game with a £500 motion tracker to test... It's like RL CoD!

Knights armament shit is realllllly expensive.
Those look so real I would expect to be shot in a setting where people don't know that they are only airsoft.
Yeah, we have to have UKARA licenses to use this stuff outdoors really. Both guns are pretty much replicas of the real steel. The RPK is real steel and wood, and the the M14 EBR is all CNC. In fact, the M14 fires so hard and the trigger response is so rapid, it actually has a satisfying kick.