Not been around on here of late, since I don't ride any more, but the guns thread never fails to deliver...
Here's some of my toys... All replicas since I live in a gay country, but it's the best I can do!
Desert Warrior... Basically a 1911 lower with a custom STI style slide on it...

Magpul PTS Masada/ACR - I'm in the process of modding it to look more like the production Bushmaster ACR... Since this pic I have a sweet Garmin Fortrex401 strapped on the stock, which is cute.

AK74M - Yes, I have committed a sin and stuck a Magpul MVG on the front of it, what can I say, I like to shoot with a grip? Gonna get me a wooden Romanian style foregrip though, just to escape the haters! Technically the mags are wrong too, since it has a 74 flash hider.
Magpul M4 with Daniel Defence 12.5" rail and extras (AFG2, Surefire LLC QD suppressor, Aimpoint Comp M4)

Beretta PX4 and a little bit of TAD gear...

Glock 18c in it's Crye Precision Gun Clip, which is amazing, for MOLLE or belt carry.