since i saw them i wanted to try out what a big bmx would be like (are they 24's or cruisers? what do you call them?) and now i've come across someone who has one for sale
it's definitely a raw haro backtrail frame and forks, i found a pic off the net and it looks the same (below) but i'll get one of the actual thing this week and post it up
all the parts on it look pretty shite or very old but i have most of the bits i'd want to exchange on it in my spares box
i think i'd only want the frame, forks, wheels, tyres from it but the guy's asking £275 all in, i think i'll haggle him down for just the bits i want
the front wheel was a quanda hub if i remember...
what is the going rate for frame, forks, wheels, tyres of this size second hand?
do you use normal bmx bars on them or smaller ones?
if you have one, do you run pegs on it?
any advice or whatever would be good really

this isn't the bike on offer but it is the same frame and forks