
Author Topic: cruiser or 24 advice  (Read 20992 times)

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Offline Zoidberg

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cruiser or 24 advice
« on: May 19, 2015, 02:38:43 PM »
since i saw them i wanted to try out what a big bmx would be like (are they 24's or cruisers? what do you call them?) and now i've come across someone who has one for sale

it's definitely a raw haro backtrail frame and forks, i found a pic off the net and it looks the same (below) but i'll get one of the actual thing this week and post it up

all the parts on it look pretty shite or very old but i have most of the bits i'd want to exchange on it in my spares box

i think i'd only want the frame, forks, wheels, tyres from it but the guy's asking £275 all in, i think i'll haggle him down for just the bits i want

the front wheel was a quanda hub if i remember...

what is the going rate for frame, forks, wheels, tyres of this size second hand?

do you use normal bmx bars on them or smaller ones?

if you have one, do you run pegs on it?

any advice or whatever would be good really

this isn't the bike on offer but it is the same frame and forks

Offline Sasha

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Re: cruiser or 24 advice
« Reply #1 on: May 19, 2015, 03:42:15 PM »
That bike is easily 10 years old. Nowhere near worth £275. Depending on condition I would maybe pay £80.

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Re: cruiser or 24 advice
« Reply #2 on: May 19, 2015, 07:20:48 PM »
^^^what tom said. that thing would be heavy as fuck too.

ive not ridden a 24 but i like my 22, it feels close enough to a normal bmx but feels better for boosting stuff on. maybe try get a faction second hand or maybe a sunday 24. fit and a few other companies have done 24s in the last 5 years or so, something more modern would probs be better tbh
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Re: cruiser or 24 advice
« Reply #3 on: May 19, 2015, 09:07:43 PM »
i love my sunday model c

Offline bluebmx

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Re: cruiser or 24 advice
« Reply #4 on: May 19, 2015, 09:25:44 PM »

do you use normal bmx bars on them or smaller ones?

if you have one, do you run pegs on it?

Everyone else covered the rest, but people do tend to use smaller bars, but not by as big of a margin as in the past. a few years back cruiser bars would have been 5.5 rise, but not it doesn't seem uncommon on freestyle 24's to see 8inch or 8.25.

I know a dude that does handrails on one, so pegs all the way.

Offline cmc4130

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Re: cruiser or 24 advice
« Reply #5 on: May 20, 2015, 12:18:07 AM »
Things have changed a lot since that Backtrail 24". 

Bikes to look at:

1. Sunday Model C, Wave C, and Model C3
(high bottom bracket at 13.75", 22" top tube, short back end)

2. Liquid Feedback 24"
(medium-high bb at 12.7", 22"tt or 22.25"tt, very-short back end at 14.25")

3. S&M Dirt Bike 24" and ATF 24"

4. We The People Atlas
(medium-high bb at 12.7", 22"tt, and 14.6cs)

5. Stolen Saint 24"

6. Colony Eclipse 24"

Also lots of smaller companies and customs out there:
Indust Cuatro 24" (with 8" bars) next to Indust 2ton 22" wheels (with 9" bars)  INDUST--Made in Texas :

Let's see your New School Street 24 inch!
« Last Edit: May 20, 2015, 01:55:04 AM by cmc4130 »

Offline Zoidberg

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Re: cruiser or 24 advice
« Reply #6 on: May 20, 2015, 01:59:25 PM »
cheers guise

if i can get the bits off it i want cheap, i will, but otherwise i'll let it go

Offline cmc4130

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Re: cruiser or 24 advice
« Reply #7 on: May 20, 2015, 02:04:51 PM »
cheers guise

if i can get the bits off it i want cheap, i will, but otherwise i'll let it go

What parts would you want off that bike?  It's all heavy duty stuff from another era (early 2000's).  Not even the wheels would be a good idea because new school 24"s require a small sprocket, and that rear wheel won't take a small freewheel.

Offline Zoidberg

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Re: cruiser or 24 advice
« Reply #8 on: May 20, 2015, 02:11:44 PM »
cheers guise

if i can get the bits off it i want cheap, i will, but otherwise i'll let it go

What parts would you want off that bike?  It's all heavy duty stuff from another era (early 2000's).  Not even the wheels would be a good idea because new school 24"s require a small sprocket, and that rear wheel won't take a small freewheel.

just the frame forks and wheels (rims), it was just because the opportunity is there really and i know the guy so could possibly work something out

more out of interest than anything really, i've got my bmx for bmxing and fixie for work/ distance so it would be an inbetweener and also if someone came over who didn't have a bike as i live a bit far from town

when did cruisers come out? i din't think they were that old

interesting about the sprocket, i was going to get a big old one to put on it

Offline Bunky

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Re: cruiser or 24 advice
« Reply #9 on: May 20, 2015, 02:22:53 PM »
As a cruiser mega-fan, I can look at that bike and tell you the geometry is going to feel like shit.  Too low of a bottom bracket and too long of a rear end.

cmc4130 knows what's up.

Where do you live?  Sometimes you can find a decent Model C on ebay or bmx museum.  I personally really like my WaveC/ModelC bikes.  They bunnyhop really well, which makes them super fun to ride even if you're just hauling ass down the street. 

If you really want to stick to a lower budget you could go with something like the DK Cygnus:

I personally think the headtube is a little slack on it, but the geo on this is going to be TONS better than that Haro.
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Re: cruiser or 24 advice
« Reply #10 on: May 20, 2015, 03:08:10 PM »
That's a cruiser. 24" cruisers have been around for a hell of a long time, I have a GT in my cellar that must be 30 years old. It rides like shit compared to my Wave C. The low BB just kills it.

If you are anywhere near Sheffield you are welcome to come and try out my 24" you really need to ride it to "get" it.

The Model C pretty much kick started the modern geometry in about 2010 (? sorry I am too lazy to look this up) so anything before that will most likely be sluggish. At one point we had kind of over ordered the Wave C frameset and they got sold off ridiculously cheap so you may well find a deal, it is stunning and I predict a future collectors item, I definitely wouldn't want to sell mine.

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Re: cruiser or 24 advice
« Reply #11 on: May 20, 2015, 03:17:53 PM »

 i've got my bmx for bmxing and fixie for work/ distance so it would be an inbetweener and also if someone came over who didn't have a bike as i live a bit far from town

when did cruisers come out? i din't think they were that old

Um . . . . When did cruisers come out?  I was going to say since BMX was invented.  But, that's not exactly right. 20" and 26" were being raced in the 70s. It around 1981 that better BMX companies introduced 24"s for racing the cruiser class.  (Before that, the cruiser class was 26"). 
So, there have been 24" race cruisers since 1981.

The 1993/1994 S&M Widowmaker was maybe the first 24" that was arguably not a race cruiser. It had the same dropouts as the Dirt Bike and Holmes those years, which, although they originated from the race scene, were considered a dirt jump bike as well as something you could put pegs on because of the thicker dropouts.

Around 1996, Homeless made one cruiser, the Fatty.

1996, Brooklyn Machine Works did a heavy duty 24" for dirt jumping:

Standard did some custom 24" Shamans around 1999. (I got to ride one of them at Texas Toast a few years ago; a guy from Tennessee had one).

GACK had a 24" Cannibal in 2000:

In the early 2000's the Haro Backtrail 24" and Giant Mosh Method 24" would have both been considered dirt jumper 24"s not race 24"s.  Same with the DK General Lee 24".

The S&M .38 Special 24" was made from 2000 to present (or maybe just 2012)  It did have v-brakes, so it was race-ish, but it was chromoly and people hit dirt jumps on them. 

In the late 2000's there were quite a few street/park/trails 24"s. 
2006 Shadow Conspiracy Invisible Man 24"
 2008 We the People Unified: 
2008 and 2009 Eastern TrailDigger 24"
MirraCo Icon 24: 
2009 FIT CR 24":
2009 Giant Method 24"

This guy Greg Melms, built a 24" bmx with 13.75" chainstays some time in 2007.  (I got to ride a MELMS around 2008/09 at Ray's.  The short cs was verrrrrry snappy. )

Jim C, Sunday
« Last Edit: May 26, 2015, 10:32:11 AM by cmc4130 »

Offline LeonLikesToRock

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Re: cruiser or 24 advice
« Reply #12 on: May 21, 2015, 04:12:41 AM »
If you're talking about turn of the century 24" bikes for dirt jumping (and street, I guess) can't go past all the mountain bike companies. BMW Park Bike (and later ACL), DMR and all those small British companies you used to see in Dirt magazine.
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Offline Zoidberg

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Re: cruiser or 24 advice
« Reply #13 on: May 21, 2015, 04:06:51 PM »
again, thanks for the input

particularly cmc4130 for da knowledge. i think tom/ sasha nailed it in the first post but it's good to know why

and yes g, i really want to ride one to see what the fuss is about (hence the interest in this haro) for myself, luckilly for you i never leave london but thanks for the offer! however in return if you are ever in the big smoke you'd be welcome to come to an alleycat or do a checkpoint

that goes for anyone on here tho, next one's next friday (29th), check my subtle tumblr in my sig for upcoming events. if anyone wants to race you can ride any bike you like: brakes, gears, whatevs. pm me if so

edit: although i still don't understand if there is a difference between a cruiser and a 24" if someone could clarify
« Last Edit: May 21, 2015, 04:08:35 PM by Zoidberg »

Offline @ss4oLe

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Re: cruiser or 24 advice
« Reply #14 on: May 21, 2015, 06:09:31 PM »
The name "cruiser " was given to 24 and 26 inch BMX bikes 30+ years ago. Today, many older folks call a 24 a cruiser. I don't think the companies use the term anymore though.

To me,(40 something BMX guy) a cruiser and a 24 inch BMX is the same thing. Even though today's geometry is FAR better than cruisers of yesteryear. 

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Re: cruiser or 24 advice
« Reply #14 on: May 21, 2015, 06:09:31 PM »



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