So my hub started ghost pedalling a few months back and now its driving me nuts cos of all the dumb dorky no footed stuff and standing on my pegs i do.
I took it all apart yesterday, cleaned out all the grease and replaced it with oil, hoping that would make it smoother and stop ghosting but no joy. its always in the same spot too, i ride right foot forward and the cranks always start ghosting until theyre the other way around (left pedal forwards) then stop, meaning half the time im having to land switch footed which is shit.
Hub is a ratchet, 9t driver, been cared for and maintained pretty decently.
axle is a zodiac ti one, i was wondering if this could be slightly bent and causing the issue.
other thing im wondering about is the weight distribution of the cranks/pedals etc, ive had that happen before cos i grind on my right pedal so that would always become lighter than the left one and rise to the top all the time (especially with metal pedals). only thing is this time they always end up flat, just left foot forward instead. i like my chain loose for crankflips so that might be a factor too.
give me some advice/thoughts. final option is to source a profile axle thats not cut down and run my ss hub instead