Due to the thread about all of the new people here there seems to be a lot of talk about closing Bg’s registration. Let me set the record straight (for the 50,000 time).
Bg has and always will be open registration. It was the premise it was founded on and it is partly what I believe makes it what it is. Does it go through good and bad cycles, of course, but every site has that happen. Closing registration causes its own set of problems, none of which I want. One of which is how do you know who the next George (Gsport) is and know to let him in: or how about the next Ted (Seshin). Locking the place down keeps out some bad, but you will not know how much good you are blocking out either.
Does this mean Bg will get so big that I cannot keep it running, not likely. Between the ads and what I make, I can keep this place going pretty easily. Some things may need to change, but it should not be a problem. I can always ad more moderators of need be or adjust how pages are displayed. Let me worry about that side of it.
Just be nice, welcome the new guys, and appreciate the place for what it is. That new guy you are ragging on could be the next Dave Mirra, Rob-O or George French. Or it could even be one of them.