i bombed a hill, and at the bottom had to hit the brakes hard at a busy stoplight. my brakes goosed and the vibration was so bad that the brake pad came loose and got lodged in the spokes of my rear wheel. it was too jammed to roll, so i started walking it up a slightly mellower street up that same hill a couple blocks away. about halfway up a car rolled by my slowly and yelled OOH IT SUCKS TO BE YOU RIGHT NOW! HA HA HA! before i could yell anything back, they stopped in the middle of the street and put it in park and 2 doors opened up. thinking i was about to get jumped or bikejacked i threw my bike into the bushes behind me, ripped out a loose fat chunk of asphalt from a pothole in front of me and reached for my knife. i had no escape on this long stretch of road with a bike that wouldn't roll and i figured i was gonna have to fight. i yelled YOU WANT MY BIKE, FUCKING TRY TO TAKE IT THEN! and the doors slammed and they sped off around a corner. then i kicked the shit out of my brake until the pad loosened and then booked it home down side streets and alleys.
then i got home, smoked a bowl to feel less murderous and got out everything i need to set up a different pair of brakes since these the fly brake arms i'm running keep slipping with the brake pad fully tightened down. plus the pads were toed in so that the top of the pad had about 2mm of space when the bottom of the pad hit the rim and they still chattered and vibrated loose. i haven't checked my spokes, but i bet i'm gonna need to true the rim where the pad snagged. i figure i'll put my evo2 on, then at least i'll have a functioning brake that won't lock up my rear wheel the same way 2 times in a week leaving me an easy target for grimy ass scumfuck bike thieves.